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Are Demons Spirits Of Dead People?
by Pastor QT Nyathi
5/28/2013 / Death
Today I want to address a question that has been asked by many people. "Are demons spirits of dead people?"
The answer is a resounding no.
Spirits of the dead do not have permission to roam about on earth.
According to the Bible spirits of the dead go to two specific places. Spirits of the righteous dead go to Abraham's bosom or Paradise (heaven in our case) while spirits of the unrighteous dead go to Hades.
In Romans 14:9 the Bible says Jesus is Lord of both the living and the dead. He doesn't allow the dead to take unsanctioned walks on earth.
In 2 Samuel 12:23 David said after the death of his child, "I will go to him, but he will not come to me," clearly showing that death is a one-way street.
In Luke 16:27-31 the rich man passionately begged Abraham to send Lazarus back to the world to warn his brothers, a request that was promptly denied.
In Hebrews 12:1 the heroes of faith can only cheer us from their place of tranquillity but they cannot interfere with what is going on here.
So people who entertain spirits purporting to be their loved ones whether they were righteous or unrighteous during their life time are actually hosting demon spirits masquerading as the people close to their hearts.
Such people actually need deliverance.
So if any of your late relatives are visiting you through dreams or visions don't talk to them, seek deliverance instead.
In conclusion spirits of the dead are secure in Paradise or in Hades. There are no dead people's spirits lingering anywhere here on earth. Demon spirits simply take advantage of the situation and deceive people into thinking that they are talking to their loved ones when in fact they are holding them in bondage.
Pastor QT is a published author, copywriter and speaker. His sincerity, wit and candid style have endeared him to many hearts. His book DELIVERANCE UNPACKED has been warmly received globally. He conducts spicy marriage and singles seminars with his feisty wife Bonani.
Article Source: WRITERS
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