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Are You God Sufficient

by Michaelle Bragassa-Holman  
6/21/2013 / Family

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you literally have no idea what to do? Maybe, your marriage is on the rocks, or a family member is gravely ill or dying? Have you found yourself in a situation with your family relating to that illness or impending death? Is the relationship you have with your children strained, and children are you struggling in the relationship with your parents? Even if at this point in your life you are not facing adversity, you can be assured that it will happen at some point. That's right ladies and gentlemen, even Christians have adversity.

Let's be realistic, most of the time when an adversity hits us, were not prepared. The first thing we do is try to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, this usually results in more tension and strife in our lives. Why? Because we must realize that we are not sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; 2 Corinthians 3:5. In order for us to address the adversity in our lives, we must first realize that we are unable to change anything on our own. The reality is that we need to let go, and let God.

God knew that each of us would face family crisis at some point in our lives. He also is aware of our human nature, which is to prove we are right and the 'offender,' is wrong. We become stubborn and unyielding, willing to sacrifice the tender moments in life, because we are hurt, angry or both. In order for us to find the peace we desire in life, we must stop striving to be self-sufficient, and start striving to become God-sufficient. Hand the adversity over to God, and allow him to direct your footsteps. When we learn to do this fully, we find that God always knows the perfect path.

The Bible makes it clear that the enemy is Satan, it is not your mother, father, sister, brother, child, husband, wife, or any other mortal man. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

Satan is a master deceiver! His goal is to divide and conquer the enemy at any and all costs. He will convince you that your right, and therefore it's the other person's fault that your home and family is being destroyed. He claims victory each time he is able to infiltrate and then conquer your family unit. Satan knows that when your guard is down, and your heart is splintered, he has the perfect opportunity to jab through to your soul.

It's vital during all aspects of our lives, we serve and obey God diligently, no matter what mountain is ahead of you. God will work with a living vessel, but when you close your heart, he has no place to communicate and move on you and your family's behalf.

That's why I encourage you to make the decision to obey and serve God no matter what you might face. When you do, you give God what He wants: someone in the home with whom He can come into agreement. But if you remain hostile and stubborn and you refuse to budge, God has no channel through which He can work. He has no vessel through which He can move to impact your family. Remember, stop striving to be self-sufficient, and start striving to become God-sufficient

Our lives our made up of so much in this world today, that we often forget to take the time to do the things we love. My entire life has been filled with both the love I have for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and writing.

Article Source: WRITERS

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