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Who Pays You?

by Ramona Cook  
11/26/2013 / Family

Many are the things about which we can do nothing. Helpless we are and injured we be.

I can think of nothing that is more painful and degrading than blatant disrespect shown toward one from those to whom is given support and loving sustenance. It is little wonder that God had rules under the Law to stone even a child who was rebellious and disrespectful.

On the one hand it is a weighty sorrow for the provider, who makes the efforts they expend for provision for the disrespectful one, showing it to be worthless and unappreciated; and secondly it is a child who is headed for great sorrow who is a disrespectful and ungrateful human being. That is frightful to any parent, grandparent, or guardian, who cares for the child's success in life.

Even a child, a little child knows better, and certainly a teenager knows better, and beyond all doubt an adult knows better than to indulge rebellion.

Disrespect is not limited to the children or to the teenager either. It is pelted upon us by co-workers, salespersons, drivers on the road, cashiers at the register, and the list goes on. Too often it is the trademark of marriages; hateful injuries inflicted upon those we claim to love most.

Why does it seem natural to be disrespectful, and what is the answer regarding why disrespect is so prevalent in our society?

I believe it is because we have given God the thumb of the nose, demanding that He leave us alone. Yes, I realize that all of us have not done that, but the vast majority of our society has. Our Nation certainly has done that and then we wonder why so many unfeeling and unnatural things are happening to us as a people.

That same rebelliousness and disrespect shown to parents, and teachers, and to all in positions of responsibility and authority, is the same rebelliousness shown toward God. It is even more a show of disrespect when shown toward God, and there are good reasons why that is true.

A parent, or employer or teacher or whomever, that is in a position to bless and to oversee, does not give to us our very life, as does God; does not provide us breath and a heartbeat such as does God.

It is really a stupid thing to disrespect persons, and it is worse than stupid to show disrespect and rebelliousness toward God.

Children should not be allowed to be disrespectful, and parents should be certain they are not modeling it for the children to learn how to do it. Parents are not to disrespect their children either, the Bible says that too.

Children can be thankful for parents who do not abuse them for such mean behavior, and all of us can be thankful that God is merciful and kind, else we'd be history.

However, for young and old and all in between, we'd all be wise to take note of the attitudes we are showing toward God and toward each other. God will get enough of it at some point and then we will not be happy because the rebellion we have shown to Him and to others will beat us to a pulp.

The Devil, who is the father of rebellion, does not like you nor me; and what a delight it is to him to get the occasion to abuse us. Work with the Devil, get paid by the Devil.

Work with God, get paid by God.

So if there is any small goodness to be discovered from the pain of being disrespected by those whom you love, and for whom you provide as well, it would be to understand how God feels when we treat Him with such mean insensitivity.

Ramona: 11/25/2013

Ramona, Master in Ministry Arts, BA in Biblical Studies, I am an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
By copies retained and legal rights, I claim ownership of this article, but requiring only that my name is published as the author. R Cook, and that the message content is not changed.

Article Source: WRITERS

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