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lessons from my mother-a former escort Mrs R.S

by Grace Tom-Lawyer  
3/31/2014 / Family

Rahab Salmon

There is a probability that you may have heard about my mother. I am not sure of the circumstances that led to her choosing such an inglorious profession. As a prostitute, it was business as usual until one day she was met by two customers who approached her with a different agenda. They were spies from a neighbouring people who came to check her city which was due to be destroyed.

I learnt from her the importance of being conversant and listening to the news of the day. She knew the history of the people in the world around her and so recognized her opportunity to save herself when she met the spies.I gleaned from her wisdom as I noticed that she did not procrastinate but acted quickly when she was told to tie a scarlet rope down her house as a symbol so she will not be destroyed. My mother also taught me the importance of multiple streams of income. She also dyed and sold cloth and so used these materials she spread on her roof to hide the spies.

My mother had a heart for her family, she was interested in their welfare and when the opportunity arose, she negotiated their safety. Although she was a prostitute, she had such impact and influence on her family members that commanded such respect which made them come when she sent for them. She did not lose concern for her family and so taught me to take practical steps along with interceding for my family.

But most of all, I like the fact that my mother's story did not end where she started. After she and her family were saved ,she started a new life by marrying my dad Salmon a prince, who was one of the spies. It was such a great romance story, there was enough grace and love to forgive her and cleanse the shame of her past. She gave birth to me and she is one of the only two women that is mentioned in the Hall of faith in Hebrews 11.

I guess the greatest lesson I learnt from my mum is not to let the past define me or my future. She started out as a prostitute but ended up an ancestress in the lineage of Jesus. Her past did not determine her future and so does yours.

Read more in Judges 2:1-24,6:17-25

Grace Tom-Lawyer is a writer who lives in the United Kingdom and loves to share a message that brings dignity to the lives of people with a passion for the practical application of Biblical truths in everyday living.
2014 Grace Tom-Lawyer. All rights reserved.

Article Source: WRITERS

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