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Lessons from my mother-Mrs H.E

by Grace Tom-Lawyer  
5/01/2014 / Family

Mrs Hannah Elkanah

My mother was called Hannah meaning "gracious" and her character was true to her name. She married with excitement like her mates but this soon turned to sorrow as she did not have any children and her barrenness was further proved when my dad married my step mother who gave birth to five children and began to taunt my mum whose home soon became a living nightmare. She lived under shame but she still continued to trust God.

My mum taught me that my worship should not be affected by my problems as she continued to serve God by faithfully continuing to go to Shiloh every year . She also taught me that the best person to unburden my heart was to God. Although she was childless she was not prayerless and insensitive to the issues around her and took advantage of the burden in God's house by asking for a son who would serve him. She taught me to remember to keep the promises I made to God in prayer and her dedication and decision altered my destiny and made me serve as a priest,prophet and a judge in my nation.

I also learnt the importance of honouring the pastors because once she was falsely accused by her pastor as being drunk while she was praying. Although she had every reason to be rude, she responded graciously out of respect and received a blessing.

Most of all I learnt from her that one of the greatest tests of my devotion to God is to be faithful inspite of my circumstances and to love the giver above the gift , to express my gratitude to God and that no one can outgive God(she gave a son and had five more children). She also taught me that my enemies needed to live long so they could see the table prepared for me as my stepmother saw that her once previously barren mate had through the power of a prayer answering God become the mother of six children! Yes she taught me that no situation is beyond the power of prayer and it is not over until God says so.

Happy Mother's Day

N.B Let's hear what your mother taught you, read more about my mum.

Grace Tom-Lawyer is a writer who lives in the United Kingdom and loves to share a message that brings dignity to the lives of people with a passion for the practical application of Biblical truths in everyday living.
2014 Grace Tom-Lawyer. All rights reserved.

Article Source: WRITERS

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