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by louis gander  
5/17/2014 / Family

(based on a true story)

The daughter? About eight or nine -
but very able, was.
Amanda helped her parents out
in stable there because -

the bank had threatened all they had,
demanding every cent.
The housing crisis lingered on.
The stress was great torment.

Now she could make some extra cash
and help them out 'a ton'.
Yes, she could help her daddy out -
while chores were being done...

She took a chalkboard she thought large
and took a piece of chalk.
She headed down the driving way,
a quarter-mile walk.

She tried to write her letters large
enough so all could see -
in hopes that many drivers there
could see her humble plea.


The cars drove by, but no one stopped.
It made her feel sad.
She wanted so, to do her part -
but it turned out all bad.

As she had started up the drive
long tears ran down her cheeks -
but she had kept on trying for
those many, many weeks.

She once was very happy but
the stress had seized the fun.
Day after day, she cleaned the stalls
until her chores were done.

The day had come they had to pack.
She woke before the dawn.
The barn was void of any life
with animals now gone.

The kittens, puppies, bunnies were
so very soft to touch -
and with them, horses, llamas too -
she missed them all so much.

The bank had made its billions while
Amanda made her bed.
She knelt with tightly folded hands -
and this is what she said:

"Dear Jesus, love my daddy please.
He worked so very hard.
And he could fix most anything,
around our little yard.
He sacrificed for forty years
and helped so many folk -
but then the stress had worn him out -
depressed, no savings, broke.

I thought my tears were all used up,
had dried and gone away -
but more and more still follow them,
on each horrific day.
Oh Jesus, if Your love is great,
please take dad by the hand -
and lead him by still waters there
into Your 'promise land'.

And mama- she still works so hard.
Lord, what are we to do?
Her tears are in abundance too -
but dollars, very few.
There is no garden here to work.
There is no barn and chores.
There is no future I can see
and no more open doors."
Do you see hungry children?
Do you see 'signs of chalk'?
Are you concerned, speak up enough -
and do you 'walk your talk'?

For God sees inside all our hearts,
He knows who loves the Lord.
You bet He knows how much we give -
or rather, if we hoard.

Copyright 2021 by louis gander.
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