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Four Angels Took Him Home to Heaven

by Jan Hughes  
3/27/2015 / Death

Though I had urged him a number of times to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior, I did not know with certainty until a month before his death that I would see him in Heaven. I was the one who quoted Scriptures. I told him that the people in his life were not his friends. I encouraged him to avoid people and choices that hurt him. He did not listen to me, and I did not see Jesus in him then.

He was a smallish man with a big heart. He lived for two years as a POW after he did his best to rescue a soldier who had been left behind because of the color of his skin. He ran with the wounded man over his shoulder until the enemy forces caught up with him. They tortured him every day until he was rescued, and still, he would not renounce his country. He was never sorry that he had suffered so someone else could live. He never spoke badly of the enemy soldiers who had put him through agony.

He lived with great compassion for those who had problems. He would welcome people I would not have let into my life. I worried about him very often. I could not see why he showed such kindness and why he could not see how they took advantage of him. I thought of myself as having common sense, and of him as lacking it. I was not thinking with an eternal perspective. I was thinking about his quality of life in this world.

He died without so much as a working coffee pot, yet he paid the bills of others. He gave them a place to live though they beat him. He helped them each time they asked for money though they stole from him, used him, and were very uncaring. When I asked him why he let them do these things to him, he would tell me that they needed help. I would inform him that he was not helping them because they were not only destroying themselves, but also hurting him. I was foolish and blind. He was showing them Jesus.

As I stood by his bed, two hours before he went to Heaven, I had no idea how much the Lord loves him. He had lost his sight. Life support had been removed. He could not speak. He could not see me. He did not move. He did not even blink, but his eyes turned toward my voice. He was listening to every word I said to him. I had told him everything God spoke to my heart to say. I had told him the angels would take him Home. The Lord had told me there would be more than one.

Then they filled the hospital room with an overwhelming sense of peace. At the moment the four angels came, he pointed to them, one by one, with an expression of great wonder. After he gestured vigorously toward each, he looked toward me with joy I had never before seen on his face. I know what he was thinking. He wanted to know if I also could see them. I told him I could not, but I knew they were there, and that they would take him to heaven very soon. I told him Jesus would welcome him, reward him, and give him more than he could imagine for all he gave to others in this life. I told him how much I love him, again, just before he left this life.

His death changed me. Now I live with an acute awareness that Jesus is watching. I live with certainty of His presence, His love, and His will for me. I will do what Jesus tells me to do for others, even when I know they are using me, even when they hurt me, and even if people think I am foolish. I will follow Jesus. I will show them His love and His compassion. One day soon, I will kneel before my Lord and Savior and kiss His feet. He will gaze at me with a love greater than I have ever known in this life. Everything I have suffered for Him in this life will be worth all it cost me.

Jesus is watching you, too. My prayer is that you know Him, love Him, and serve Him. I pray that He gives you the desire to love your enemies and show Him to them, in whatever way He speaks to your heart. I pray that your rewards will be very great.

Luke 6:35-36
Love your enemies! Do good to them! Lend to them! And don't be concerned that they might not repay. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to the unthankful and to those who are wicked. You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.
Jan Hughes is a Christian Licensed Professional Counsel with a private practice in Tyler, Tx. She specializes in Christian mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational issues. Encouragement to trust in the hope, truth, and faith of the Lord in difficult times.

Article Source: WRITERS

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