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The Importance of Spiritual Warfare within Fiction
by Vanessa Grossett
6/17/2015 / Writing
Frank E. Peretti, 'This Present Darkness', is an excellent example of a book that contains Spiritual Warfare. As well as young adult book Persuasion by Jannette Fuller.
Though many like these books, sadly there has been a declined in Christian publishers accepting these types of manuscripts, unless the author has creditability.
I find that these types of books are much easier to sell to non-Christian publishers, as they are very interested in this type of writing. They look at it as just entertainment, but as Christians we know it goes deeper than that.
So why is there a decline of spiritual warfare in Christian fiction books, and why are less publishers accepting them? This is based on personal belief, but I think they believe the topic is too heavy, as readers buy books as escapism. They want light entertaining topics, yet authors like Stephen King, write about this topic, how? Well though some of his books are horror based, there is always a human fighting a spirit, or someone who is possessed by a spirit and his books are selling within the millions.
Now when a Christian writes about this topic, it is shunned. 'It's seen as too dark.' Am I missing something here? Doesn't the Bible state, 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.'
I agree there is a balance to everything, yes we don't always want to read heavy storylines, we do want light entertaining content. There is too much problems in this world already. But since we have ignored this topic, the secular publishing industry has taken over, and are 'teaching' readers about this topic, and will continue to do so if we don't take a stand. They have totally taken God out of the picture and people are fighting these spirits in their human strength.
Whether you are a writer or reader, we have a different purpose in this industry, and it is not just for entertainment. Our purpose is to do God's work on this earth.
I know a lot of us don't always understand other beings like angels, or spiritual warfare, so that is why we tend to avoid the topic. But look at what is going on around you in the world today, morals are declining, and this isn't just a natural thing. We truly wrestle not against flesh and blood.
Now I know this is a heavy topic article, but brethren let us not ignore what is going on around us. This topic needs to be written in Christian fiction, though we may not totally understand it, we have a better understanding of it which makes a huge difference, compared to those who have no understanding of it at all.
Thank God for Christian fiction authors like Frank E. Peretti, Jannette Fuller, Parker J Cole, Anna M Aqunio, Allyson Carter, Kristen Wells, and Lynnette Roman who is willing to tackle this topic without comprise.
Though they might do it in different ways, as not all of them write about angels and demons, the point remains they are not willing to shun away from a topic just because it is too heavy. They realize their mission is to serve God through their writing and to bring the truth out there, we should embrace and support this Brethren, otherwise the truth on this topic will continue to be distorted.
'For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. '2 Corinthians 10: 3-4.'
Vanessa Grossett is a Literary Agent, and contributing writer for multi award winning Keep The Faith Magazine. She is also Outstanding Business Woman Finalist of 2017, visit
Article Source: WRITERS
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