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Now, about the future

by Ramona Cook  
8/02/2015 / Death

Have you had one of those moments of enlightenment when suddenly you know a thing to be truth, but you have always thought of it in a different way?

That recently happened to me. Just seemingly out of nowhere came this thought, "There is nothing for me but future." You know, that is the very truth. It is a beautiful truth for me, at my age.

"Oh," you may be thinking, "Like you think you are not going to die?" But don't you see, physical death does not end me? It only ends this phase of living, and there is no end to my life. The only thing that happens is that I drop off the earth suit, required to live on earth, and move on over into the spirit realm where earth suits are not required for living.

Death is certainly not something any of us like to think about, and at some point in time there will be Jesus worshipers who do not die because they will be "caught up" to be with Jesus in the air. Until then, people die, but only once. First Thessalonians 4: 13 -18

The Bible has never taught us to view our life here as, "an experience only for the earth;" this earth trip is but a part of a forever journey. Once we are launched, we just keep going. In this time spent on earth, we prepare for our
destination in the next phase of our lives.

Some may think that they are not preparing, but there is no way to live and not be making preparation for our future destination; we either prepare to live with God, or we prepare to live without God.

It is kind of like refusing to make a decision. Oops! You just did.

There are so many things our cultures have taught us to believe that steal from us truths and therefore, wisdom to make good decisions.

We live most of our lives wondering, "Where God is?" We fail to see His hand in everything we observe, such as the trees, and birds, and lakes of water, and the sea; we don't know Him by the people we touch, and love. We should, but we have been taught to call these things the processes of Mother Nature, and we therefore, do not recognize, or appreciate the handiwork of our Father God.

We work and eat, and think of it as a simple, daily thing. The truth is that our bodies are a work of art, an amazingly complex work of art.

The individual organ systems of our bodies are regulated by the tiniest pea size systems. The process of digestion is necessary to our lives and we fail to realize that the God Who made us, has graciously and wondrously also made the food to grow on the earth that is just right for us.

How different our life experiences would be if we constantly recognized God's Presence with and about us at all times!

God is all around us. God, not only the things He has made. God, the Bible says is a Spirit. You cannot see The Spirit or a spirit; well, most of the time; occasionally there are some people God has gifted to see into that realm, but mostly, we don't see the spirit beings. They are all around us, but because we don't see them we reject that they are there.

"I don't believe in God because I don't see Him," I have be told by some folks. " I can't believe in what I cannot see."

Hum, that is interesting. You just took a gulp of air to get your vocal chords to say that, and you cannot see the air, not even with a microscope.

"The Bible is an old book and is not relevant to this day." That is just another deception to keep us from reading it.

The truth is that the Bible is relevant to today, and tomorrow as well, because prophesies are being fulfilled one right after the other, even as we live and breathe. God told us, thousands of years ago, things that would happen today, and in the future here on the earth. Tell me, who could do that except an all knowing God, a powerful God?

Why would God bother to tell us about Himself and to show us things about Himself? What does He need from us? The truth is that God needs nothing from us, but He greatly desires something of us, our fellowship and love for Him, just like any parent wants fellowship and love from their child.

God is a good God and He loves all that He made, yes, even the animals, and all of His creation, and He wants us to know Him, to love Him, and He wants to bless our socks off, so to speak.

The biggest and best gift He has for us is called salvation, meaning that He wants us to be happy while here on earth and then when we drop off the earth suit and walk into the existence that does not require an earth suit for living, He wants us to be with Him forever and forever.

There is nothing for us, but future. We will, everyone of us, live forever; but the question is , "Where will we live our forever?" Will it be with God in Heaven? Will it be without God in Hell?"

You may be one of those persons who says you do not believe that a loving God sends people to Hell. Well, I agree with you! God made Hell for Satan and the former angels who revolted against Him; God did not make Hell for humans, but humans may use their free-will to choose to go there. Why would anyone do that? First Thessalonians 5: 9 -15

The way one spends forever in Heaven is to ask Jesus to save them, forgive their sin and to come live in their heart and life. John 3:16 -17 Romans 10: 9 -10

The way to spend forever in that cursed place away from God is to say "No" I do not want it, or to make the decision to not decide; and oops! you just did decide.

You and I are eternal beings, and all there is for us is future. There is for us future; forever future --->

A Promise from Jesus: John 14: 1 -6

Ramona: 08/01/2015

Ramona, Master in Ministry Arts, BA in Biblical Studies, I am an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
By copies retained and legal rights, I claim ownership of this article, but requiring only that my name is published as the author. R Cook, and that the message content is not changed.

Article Source: WRITERS

If you died today, are you absolutely certain that you would go to heaven? You can be! Click here and TRUST JESUS NOW

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