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Pain of Loss

by Kate Warren  
7/28/2016 / Death

There are different kinds of pain; physical like when you stub your toe, mental such as when you see something horrific and are helpless to do anything about it, psychological such as facing the loss of someone you love.

The pain of knowing you will soon lose a loved one becomes so palpable it literally becomes physical. The hurt makes your heart explode, then explode again, and again. Sobs wrack your body as you wail, the pain too deep, too intense to verbalize to another. You are so alone yet so need company; not to cheer you up, just to be there, to hold you while you sob your pain, your feeling of loss, then maybe to pray with you for comfort.

That kind of pain is hard to share. How do you tell others? How do you verbalize what has no words, only feelings, emotions, and pain? You try to reach out to others, yet somehow the blame falls back on you, the lack of verbalization of something you can't put into words. You wind up feeling even more separated from those you trusted than ever, the pain intensifies as you realize you are even more alone.

The loss of a loved one is deeply personal, deeply emotional and creates a psychological and emotional pain that is beyond words. The person experiencing that loss needs understanding, acceptance, and someone who will not try to cheer them up or even necessarily try to give them hope.

I am watching my husband die, slowly. I cannot begin to verbalize the sense of loss, the deep pain that cuts through the core of my being. I cannot verbalize it, cannot pick up the phone and just share. This gut wrenching pain is beyond that.

Should you know of someone who is a caretaker for their husband or wife or child knowing they will not help to heal them, but will eventually lose them, try just to be there, not to cheer-up, just be there. Don't wait for a phone call. it will not come.

If you have not been through this, you will not understand, I know I didn't. So I urge you, don't wait for the call, be the one to call, be the one to hold her through the sobs, the pain. This is not for the faint of heart, but know, as you allow her to pour out her grief, yours will be the arms of Jesus and through you, He will pour His perfect comfort into her heart and soul. Will you allow Him to use you to bring comfort to someone going through loss?

If you are already there and your insides are torn up and the tears and sobs and sometimes wails tear at your throat know that even in that most lonely of places Christ is there. Let Him carry you. He will hold you while you cry, He will soothe your heart and soul, reach out to Him for He is already reaching to you.

I know this because I am there.

He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more. Nor shall there be mourning or crying or pain any longer, for the former things have passed away." Rev. 21:4

Katy Curry
Kathy is a retired teacher in SW Florida who enjoys writing about politics, faith in Jesus Christ, and other topics as they seem timely.

Article Source: WRITERS

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