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As I Wandered

by louis gander  
3/11/2017 / Poetry

No, it was not a fairy tale.

I happened on a bloody trail

where groove in dirt had pushed aside the stone.

I walked awhile, then I could tell

by scattered stones that someone fell

while other prints had proved him not alone.


As I wandered,

I wondered.


The sky was dark because of clouds.

but from a distance, I saw crowds.

The screaming that I heard brought me a chill.

Continued I, to walk a spell,

and then I saw it, saw it well -

three silhouetted crosses on the hill.


As I wandered,

I wondered.


Upon the crosses were three men.

I heard loud screams again, again.

I closer got- as this all seemed so odd...

The one between the other two

had uttered prayer- and then I knew

that He indeed was the true Son of God.


As I wandered,

I wondered.


He screamed to Father, breathed His last.

The earth had quaked with such a blast.

For words, I was completely at a loss.

Because my sin had put Him there,

I knew that this just wasn't fair.

It should have been me nailed to the cross.


As I wandered,

I wondered.


Yes, from a manger, virgin womb

and to a planned, but borrowed tomb,

assigned, were guards, each minute of the day.

Subdued and saddened, few had spoke -

but then I heard that Christ awoke -

and I had seen the stone was rolled away!


As I wandered,

I wondered.


An angel of the Lord I saw.

My jaw had dropped.  I stood in awe

and knew that I was standing deep in sin.

So I gave Jesus everything -

for He arose and now I sing!

Through precious grace, He's coming back again!


I wonder,

but don't wander,

any more.


©2017 louis gander

Copyright 2021 by louis gander.
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