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God Wants You Healed!
by Tonja Taylor
12/21/2019 / Health
I Peter 2:21-24 says, "...For Christ also suffered for you, leaving you [His personal] example, so that you should follow in His footsteps. He was guilty of no sin, neither was deceit (guile) ever found on His lips. When He was reviled and insulted, He did not revile or offer insult in return; [when] He was abused and suffered, He made no threats [of vengeance]; but he trusted [Himself and everything] to Him Who judges fairly. He personally bore our sins in His [own] body on the tree b]">[b][as on an altar and offered Himself on it], that we might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed."
We know it is NOT God's will for any person to have any health problem--not arthritis, not cancer, not ANY junk! Just like good parents protect their children from harm as much as possible, and make sure their children have good water, good food, and all the medicinal checkups and medicine needed when they need it, plus shelter and clothing and other needed things, we KNOW Jesus already defeated all this evil, including sickness, illness, and disease. He loves us and broke the power of every curse on the cross, so we can live a good life in health, strength, freedom, abundance and peace!
When we are born again by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross, we can truly--in the Name of Jesus, not our own name nor strength, for we are no match for the enemy (who is a bully and a destroyer!)--tell the devil to get the HELL OFF and OUT of our body, in JESUS' name!
Yes, the devil is a bully and a destroyer, but JESUS is LORD, the Healer, and FAR GREATER than him, amen (I John 4:4)!
When we are truly believing in Jesus and He is living in our hearts as Savior and LORD, we HAVE THAT PRIVILEGE AND POWER!! WE have to LEARN these things, cause the enemy does NOT want us to know how to overcome him, but FAR GREATER IS JESUS THE HEALER IN AND FOR US than the junk from the cursed evil one, amen!
It is NOT God's will for us to have to get healed; He provided through the Covenant for us to walk in divine health every way. But thank the LORD He gave us docs and medicines to help us, while we develop our faith to RECEIVE His healing otherwise! Amen!
The devil is a bully, and a deceiver. Many times the enemy can afflict us because of wrong words that we or others have spoken over ourselves. I have had to REPENT of speaking many wrong words, and also had to REPENT of judging and criticizing others, and having bitterness and envy and anger and unforgiveness in my heart!! these things--some of them that were there for YEARS, even DECADES!!--were allowing the enemy to MESS ME UP in many ways!!
Bottom line is because I was NOT walking in LOVE, which is the opposite of all these things!!
Anyway, you know how we often counsel each other to "let it go" cause we know it's BAD for us to be mad at people and stiuations. And you have fortiven many for much. Anyway, we have to realize that WE ARE NOT THE JUDGE--of ANYone, and it's been a hard lesson to learn. There is ONLY one Judge--God, Who knows the hearts of all men and every word on their tongues, before they speak it. We can never know all others have experienced and why they have made certain decisions--nor the junk that was done or experienced by their relatives in their bloodlines. Only the LORD knows ALL that is in one's heart!
So, when we wonder why others don't get healed or die early, bottom line is there are many things we don't understand and never will. Those things are between that individual and the LORD. We don't have to answer for them. We only are responsible for ourselves, ultimately, although we are supposed to pray for others. But God gives every person a free will--to choose Him, or death.
I'm just so GLAD that His mercy preceeds His judgment--that He is a LOVING God, for we ALL deserve hell and the grave, but GOD loved us SOOOO MUCH that He gave Jesus to pay for our sins and wash us CLEAN and to help us --just like we help our children. We want them to stop their foolish behavior, obey, and be blessed! We want them to forgive and share and love and be NICE. But they have to choose to obey, and sometimes they have to learn that lesson over and over till they get it.
Those who don't get it wind up dead or in jail.
But what does this have to do with healing? It all comes down to obedience to the Word of God.
Suffering is not from God. Never. He NEVER works with the enemy. God is Light and there is NO darkness at all in Him (I John 1:5)! He has no evil and cannot be tempted with evil. HALLELUJAH!
Until we learn the TRUTH--that GOD LOVES us and does NOT want us to suffer, but if we keep going our own hard-headed, stubborn WRONG ways (sometimes that happens just because we do NOT know the Bible, and the enemy knows it much better than us and can use it against us, cause he's a legalist!), then God takes His hand of protection off, and the enemy is right there to cause trouble.
But God's mercy is still amazing and when we ask Him to help us understand how we need to change and obey Him--cause He just wants to protect and love and help us, like good parents help their kids. Good parents just want to cover and help and love and provide for their kids-and as soon as the rebellious child gets the right attitude and obeys (which is what "to repent" means), then the parents resumes the Blessing. The child is already forgiven by a parent who truly loves him or her, but the attitude of thanksgiving and respect and the obedience must be there to get the maximum blessing--and this includes healing in some cases.
Now, Jesus (Who is God's Son and God Himself!) healed many--and NONE of them were born again (because Jesus hadn't died on the cross yet)! So there was sin in all those people, but His mercy preceeds His judgment!
However, there are times when the LORD will give us instruction to not do something, or to do something, to prevent the enemy from being able to afflict us with sickness or disease. We have to understand and choose to obey. It's like someone who eats nothing but fast food, and doctors and parents and others, including the Spirit of God may warn them to eat healthy food with that, or stop fast food, or just eat it rarely. But if the person disobeys those wise instructions, that person probably will get a disease, or at least become very overweight, which can lead to many health problems.
Our Father God Who created us, sustains us, and loves us beyond measure is very practical. If you study the Bible, you'll find that He gave the children of Israel practical advice on cleansing and eating, even in the Old Testament. He also warned the people in both Old and New Testaments to be thankful!
And even when we have disobeyed and opened the door to the curse (the enemy, the devil, IS the curse!), when we repent and cry out to our loving, merciful Father God, He is touched with compassion and pity for us, and will give us instruction on what doctor to go to, what foods to eat or not, what medicine or supplements to take, what kind of exercise to do, or whatever we need for us to be healed.
He is the Master of Restoration, and that's really what healing is. When He created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, He made them in divine health, and provided every good thing for them to eat and all else they would ever need to have the very best life of all.
We live in a broken world, but we don't have to be broken anymore, when we follow His wonderful Plan!
GOD WANTS US HEALED. Jesus died for it. His will for us is abundant life, as He states in John 10:10. He is the LORD Who heals us, and we praise His name forever!
Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.
Article Source: WRITERS
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