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About Rest and 9 Ways to Enjoy It
by Tonja Taylor
1/10/2020 / Health
I experience rest when:
I call my little one and talk to her, especially during a stressful day at work;
I read or listen to good clean humor (my baby’s jokes are the best!).
I read a book to, color pictures with, or dance to praise music with her, after work;
I read an uplifting book or walk a few minutes, or shop for a gift for someone, during my lunch break;
I stop whatever and just speak verses and praise to the Lord aloud, anywhere I am, but especially during a stressful period at work!
I talk to my daughter (Victoria, who’s 5. It’s just me and her!) about our wonderful Lord and the awesome things He’s done, and how He protects us from the enemy; how He gives us powerful weapons (prayer, praise, and proclaiming His Word aloud!) against the evil one
Praying with her at night, having her put her little arm around my neck and draw me closer, as I kneel by her bed and stoke her head with my hand;
And this is the BEST—Hearing my little one pray and praise Him passionately, as she often does when I start praying, and she begins to agree and intercede for them, and just thank and praise Jesus for His goodness!
I ALSO find rest—and God just showed me this a year or so ago—when I USE MY SPIRITUAL GIFTS! That expression, “Do what you love, the rest will come” took on a NEW MEANING last year, when God showed me that, in doing what He’s called me to do, I will enjoy REST!
YES, God DOES value rest!
My church does somewhat encourage me to include rest in my life.
After several years of intense living, and resulting bad health, I have begun to schedule regular rest, usually naps, or a few minutes here and there to read. I also consider working out on my new treadmill to be rest, because and spirit are resting, and enjoying the Lord, my daughter, and perhaps a movie we’re watching—and my body is “enjoying” the rest of GETTING THE STRESS OF THE DAY OUT!
I USED to feel guilty when I rested. Now, I enjoy it much more, and KNOW that it is VITAL to living a productive and fulfilling life for the Lord!
I’ve not had the pleasure of ministering full-time, or enough that I have FELT burned out. I have definitely felt burned out from the daily grind of working at a secular job, cleaning house, shopping, etc.!
I am doing my best to teach Victoria the value of rest. I take a nap when she does on the weekends, most of the time, and we sit and read, or sit outside and talk and play….and just enjoy the goodness of God!
Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.
Article Source: WRITERS
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