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Your Holy Health - Part 10 - More Quick Tips for Better Health

by Tonja Taylor  
2/25/2020 / Health

Okay, you’ve got to feed your body something, preferably daily (unless you are on a water fast, which definitely has to be led of the LORD and with doctor’s consultation if necessary). You are responsible for your life, and you can choose to do what you want. You can choose to let your body rule you—or you can rule your body.

If you try to make lots of changes at once, you will most likely fail. (Guess how I know.) But, by introducing small changes here and there over time, and sticking to them, they will usually last. Again, it’s a daily choice of how to eat and drink, just like daily exercise that adds up over time.

After decades of mistreating my body by putting tons of toxins in it and on it, I’ve made many changes that have greatly benefitted me. The following are short writings on various things that would probably help you too.

Sweet Sleep

Upon rising (preferably from a full night’s sleep of at least 8 hours, although it’s rare that I’ve slept that long at once during the past few years. But even being awakened during that period and going back to sleep is better than not getting enough.): I tell God I love Him and thank Him for a good night’s sleep in peace and comfort and safety.

Even in America, many people don’t have this—sleep in peace and comfort and safety, I mean. But if they knew the LORD, Who never sleeps (Psalm 121) Who is forever faithful, setting His angels to watch over us in love during the night, they would be able to rest. As I’ve told my husband many times, he and I trust God totally when we sleep; we have no care. It is only when we wake and the mind kicks in that care tries to keep in and steal our peace.

Another thing we’ve learned from our pastor is to ask the LORD to “open our hearts and seal His instruction” (from Job 33:16); to give us deeper revelation of His love, His Ephesians 2:10 Plan for our lives, and other needed information.

He is also faithful to give us the interpretation of dreams from Himself if we need them, and especially if we ask. Years ago, I dreamed that I was looking in a mirror and I saw what looked like a dent in my forehead, with a black thing in the middle. I looked closer and was shocked—for the black thing was a snake head! I grabbed it and started digging and pulled it out—utterly revolted. It was a long black snake and I threw it on the ground and killed it! I could not believe this disgusting thing had been in me, and in my head, of all places!

The dream was vivid and stayed with me. Most people dream every night (REM sleep), but such vivid dreams that people remember are usually spiritual. I asked the LORD for the interpretation, figuring it must be some sin I had blocked and been in denial about and tried to hide from myself or something, although at the time I had confessed all known sin. (There again, the deceiver, the devil, tries to keep us not realizing various sins that he is using to block the LORD’s work in and for us.)

The LORD was very gracious, and within three days He showed me that the snake represented not sin (Whew!), but sin-consciousness. In other words, that even though I had asked Him for forgiveness of things through the years, it was like I still felt I should be punished or something and did not deserve the fullness of God’s goodness, because I had not performed well enough.

That is the gist of sin-consciousness, and the enemy tries to use it to steal people’s peace. But our wonderful LORD has chosen to forgive us and remember our sins no more (Heb. 8:12), once we confess them (I John 1:9). He cleanses us with His blood and the living water of His Spirit, and sees us as blameless (Eph. 1:4). Amazing grace!

Good Vibrations

Another thing I and many do to have holy health is to switch on the radio to a good Christian station, putting positive music and positive attitudes into the atmosphere (Gal. 6:7-9). Or, I turn on my computer to excellent Christian artists on or, or other websites that preach the Word of God.

It definitely makes a difference in the atmosphere. Through the years, I have discovered that, even if I feel a bit tired or even discouraged, with praise and worship or good preaching playing, I feel strengthened and can concentrate well!

The Word of God is alive, and is the life (I John 1:1)!

It is so very important what we allow to be spoken in our home, whether it is from someone who lives there, or from the radio or television, computer, or books. And, although it may torque your mind to think so right now, what you hear and see is part of what you eat every day. “The ear tries words like the mouth tries food…” (Job 34:3)

I also like to proclaim the Truth of His Word out loud, because it helps program my mind the right way—in alignment with how He thinks. So this is where my Scriptures on the bathroom mirror (and my desk, my billfold, my office walls, my kitchen cabinets, and more) come in. Years ago, I figured out I need to be up and moving in the mornings, because even though I believe in putting the Word first, to set one’s mind and mood for the day, I would get sleepy sitting still reading the Bible.

So I stand in front of my bathroom mirror and read the many Scriptures I have posted there. (I did this at the previous house, and when we moved to our current location a decade ago, the LORD gave me a bathroom mirror that was even bigger, and holds more Scriptures!

I especially like to read them aloud, for as I’m putting on my facial cream or makeup, brushing my hair or whatever, it aligns my spirit and soul with God.

Some days I read several verses, some days, just a couple (Thank the LORD He is not a legalist, or I’d never make it to Heaven! We are right with Him by our faith in Jesus, not by works! Rom. 4:1-10). But every time I read or speak the Word of God, it’s a seed I’m planting into the soil of my heart, and God’s Word always produces good fruit! (Isaiah 55:11)

Know that God is with you and for you, and expect Him to help you have a good day!

Then I head to the kitchen. There, I have more Scriptures posted above the sink, and many on a bulletin board on the wall. I love the Word and think it would be totally cool to have a wallpaper of the Word. (It may already exists somewhere. I know the border paper of the Word does. I need to get some!)

Pre-Breakfast Drink

After I rise and thank the LORD, the first physical thing I put in my body is a warm lemon and (organic) cayenne pepper water drink. I warm the (twice filtered) water for about 65 seconds in the microwave, then add about a teaspoon of real lemon juice and a couple dashes of cayenne pepper.

I learned this from experts in the health field. Drink the lemon water with a straw, so the juice will not irritate your teeth. Also, you can add more filtered water if it’s too strong. It stimulates the liver and helps flush toxins out of your body. I believe this has increased my alertness in the mornings. (Of course, sometimes, I go first to the rest room and sit there a few minutes before I ever make it to the kitchen, LOL.)

Next, I drink a cup or two of hot green organic tea with local honey, and a tablespoon or so of organic whole milk. (Organic whole milk is better than fat free or low fat, I have discovered.)

I used to drink coffee, but that is rare anymore. If I do, it is organic and only a cup or two once a week. I drink much less caffeine than I used to. Because I focus on the Word of God from first thing in the morning and through the day; eat healthy; and get exercise a few times a week, I have much more energy than I used to, even though I used to drink much more caffeine.

Power Breakfast

Anyway, after my tea, I either make a green power shake (see easy recipe in the back) and drink it before work, or I eat a couple pieces of gluten-free toast with organic butter or sprouted grain wheat toast with organic crunchy peanut butter, and an organic apple, plus a cup of organic fat free milk. Sometimes I also munch on organic grapes.

Occasionally, I will eat scrambled organic, cage-free brown eggs, or leftovers whatever dinner we had the night before for breakfast, or even a tuna salad sandwich on toasted wheat bread or with gluten free multi-grain crackers (CrunchMaster® is my favorite!). I sometimes put homegrown tomato and organic lettuce on the tuna sandwich.

There is almost always a big dark chocolate bar (70% or more cacao) on the table, and sometimes it’s organic. On occasion, I have a nibble with the rest of my morning meal.

Do I have to say it? Truly, we are what we eat. We are all a walking bag of chemicals, and every human’s chemistry is a little bit different from the next.

Sometimes I also have a hot cocktail—120 seconds’ worth of twice-filtered water, with a teaspoon or more of ACV (apple cider vinegar) and about the same amount of honey. Stir and enjoy.

Recap for Morning

      • Get at least 8 hours’ sleep a night — or as much as possible and a power nap of 20 minutes or so later in the day, like right after work or something. You can rest without going into deep sleep. Listen to music that glorifies God, or the Word being preached, where you can barely hear it. It will minister to your body, your soul, and your spirit—even if you can’t consciously understand it with your mind.

  • When you wake, express your thanks to God for rest and watching over you

  • Read and speak His Word. Expect good things from the day.

  • Immediately upon rising, make and drink the lemon-pepper water

  • Make yourself some organic green or back hot tea, organic coffee, or organic juice

  • Make a green power shake or eat another good breakfast

      • If you won’t be able to come home for lunch, pack yourself a healthy lunch

      • Remember to take a bottle or two of filtered water!

      • Even doing one of these things will help you be healthier! So why not do several? The LORD will help you (Psalm 115:9)!


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: WRITERS

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