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Your Holy Health - Part 18 - The Value of Supplements

by Tonja Taylor  
2/25/2020 / Health

Almost every person needs minerals and herbs added to their daily diet. There are differences among the brands. The better ones--the ones without fillers and even potentially hazardous chemicals--are found at the health food stores. 

You can do your own research online to discover more. 

We buy organic herbs and natural supplements as much as possible. For herbs and spices, you could grow your own, for the freshest, most potent herbs and natural remedies, as long as you properly follow directions for use. Some could be toxic if not used properly.

Always choose organic seeds and plants if possible, and organic products when buying the packaged herbs and other remedies. Look for those that are the most pure; the freest from fillers and additives, and preferably, not genetically modified (Non-GMO)!

I have learned that buying supplements in the capsule form, or a liquid version, or at least an organic brand that the LORD gives me peace about (along with recommendations from the health store staff that I trust), are best.

The supplements must break down properly in your body and become bioavailable, meaning your body can easily use them. If they are too hard or do not properly dissolve, they will just pass through and not only are you wasting your money, but you get no benefit!

Years ago, I sold supplements. I never intended to do so, but this very polite and persistent guy from North Carolina, who spoke with a lisp, called me at least once a week for six months, bragging on the products he sold and telling me how they would help me. Finally, I told him I would try the probiotic.

Having eaten major junk most of my life, as well as having had lots of antibiotics put into me from various illnesses through the years, plus never having taken a probiotic, I needed it! I didn’t know how much I needed it, but I certainly did, so I believe it was a God thing that he called and persisted.

God loves me! He loves you too, and wants you to have the best life possible! Having proven to myself after years of sickness and other mess mostly caused by eating junk and not fortifying myself with the Word, probiotics and other good things, I am writing this book to share with you everything I have learned to help you have a better life! I am so much healthier, positive, and stronger, and think more clearly, that the difference is remarkable!

Of course, as I’ve already said but am repeating on purpose, the thing that has changed and helped me the most is the daily ingesting of Word of God; reading it, speaking it, praying it, singing it.

Not only being in His Presence often, at church and one-on-One in my personal time with Him, but getting His wisdom and leading to understand and try new things, gradually “replacing the wicked with the righteous,” in my diet and lifestyle.

The LORD says, in Isaiah 55:2, to “Hearken diligently unto Me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.”

Notice, this is not just talking about the body, but the soul: mind, will, and emotions! Wow, I believe that He is talking about “eating” by reading, hearing, and speaking the Word of God overall, and that affects our bodies and souls for good. When we eat wisely to the betterment of our bodies that also brings us good things. The “fatness” He is talking about here is not being fat around our middles, but blessed and favored with many good things!

I have taken a mélange of supplements through the years, and am glad my dear mom believed in taking them and taught me to do so. Almost all of them have benefitted me in some way—as long as they truly dissolved. I am sure I have wasted money (I now know) on some of the cheaper brands that were very hard. (If you have such, as least cut them in half or grind them up (it will taste bitter) before you take them, so you will still get some benefit!).

I have never consulted a human doctor about which supplements to take (other than a quick web browse to find doctors of nutrition or holistic health, that have their statement of faith in Jesus Christ posted on their sites), although I do depend on Dr. Rapha (as in Jehovah Raphe, our Great Physician, the LORD Who heals us; Ex. 15:26) to guide me always. He is always faithful to do so.

There are a few supplements I warn you against: (1) Anything that makes you feel like your heart speeds up when you take it (especially if the company claims that the supplement will help you lose weight), feel dizzy, or cause any other weird happening in your body; (2) Anything that, when you’re reading it or thinking about it, you just can’t get peace about taking. And, if you lose your peace (even though you’ve spent the money) about taking something, or have a weird reaction, for goodness’ sake—and your safety—throw it away! Don’t give it to anyone else; get rid of it.

Once, I had my husband buy a supplement with acai (all the rage a few years ago) berries in it, and, for two nights in a row in the middle of the night, I awoke with my gums bleeding! I’d never had that happen before, and the second night, asking God for wisdom, all I could think of was the supplement with the acai. So I immediately chunked it—and never had that problem again.

I am not knocking acai berries or supplements. I am stating that the LORD showed me that the supplements I took with them had caused my gums to bleed. As a true believer, I know that it is very important what we listen to, what we watch, and what we put in and on our bodies and into our surroundings. Sometimes, there are people into witchcraft and other ungodly practices who produce all kinds of things to cause people problems, and I think that must have been the case with those supplements.

God loves us and He leads us by peace. He is the Prince of Peace. If I can’t get peace about a supplement, I refuse to buy it, even if I’ll have to come back later. I have learned that it is better to come back, and pray and ask God Who knows all things and loves me for His wisdom on which products to buy.

My husband and I have found that the mid-range brand of supplements from the health food store is very good, although we take other brands as well. We use the capsules and liquids, which are the forms that are the fastest to be digested, other than the meal mixes. They work well, and are a mid-range price.

Otherwise, I use a comprehensive protein meal mix. I have used many of his products and believe in them. They are a bit pricey, but the meal mix is definitely a good buy. I put it in my green shakes in the mornings, and often sprinkle it on top of yogurt for a light meal or snack.

The LORD is good, good Father, and with long life He will satisfy us and show us His Salvation (Psalm 91)—and all the more as we listen and follow His directions. His commands are light, and although I said for years, “I could give up many things, but I don’t think I could give up ice cream!” I have.

I have given up ice cream—the kind you can get anywhere—the kind full of things you don’t even want to know about! Now I either make my own ice cream or find organic to buy. The health food store has some, and I use organic milk and organic strawberries to add to make shakes. Also, I hear the local health food deli now has organic ice milk and I shall have to try it.

You are worth investing in yourself—and choosing to avoid harmful things—for a long, strong, satisfying life!


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: WRITERS

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