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Your Holy Health - Part 23 - Skin Brushing, Nut Butters, Organic Eggs, and Other Healthy Things

by Tonja Taylor  
2/25/2020 / Health

Some promote dry skin brushing, which means taking a vegetable brush, or a body brush and brushing the dead skin cells from one’s body before or during bathing. This is said to stimulate the lymphatic system, not to mention remove drier cells.

I use a home-crafted scrub of organic coconut oil and sea salt, plus sometimes a bit of baking soda. It’s cheap and I can add essential oils and make it smell like I want. Use this as an excellent facial and body scrub and with no harmful chemicals in it.

Keep the dryer, but trash the dryer sheets! It is amazing at the toxins in them, according to many sources. Since I chunked mine over two years ago, I don’t even like to smell a whiff of the neighbor’s—and my clothes turn out just fine. It was just tradition that I started using them, simply because my mother did. But my mother didn’t know what I have learned.

Use amino acids to stir fry and spray on instead of soy sauce, which has MSG that has been said to be harmful. Amino acids taste just as good and better—cause you know they are good for you! They are no more expensive than soy sauce.

Frozen fruits and veggies have more nutrients than canned goods. Cook them just enough to soften a bit; not too long.

Organic nut butters are very good. To me, organic peanut butter has more flavor than almond, although one expert said that since a peanut is “the nut of a pea,” it is not as good for one as almond. However, peas are good for us…Go figure. Anyway, nut butters are good on organic sprouted wheat toast, or organic apples.

I’ve noticed that organic apples, though often smaller, fill me up as good or better (better, really, since they are better for me!) than non-organic fruits, and they are very good when paired with nut butters.

Through the years, what is supposed to be the acceptable amount of eggs per week (I recommend the cage-free and organic corn-fed brown eggs.) and cups of coffee (organic is best, of course) per week have changed. Bottom line is, ask the LORD Who created your body how much you need—or at least pay attention if your body reacts wrongly to too much of those, or anything else.

You may want to try drying your own fruit, veggies, or jerky. I used to dry apples and kiwi and they were great, but it took hours and it’s easier for me to buy some from the health food store. I do watch, however, to make sure there is no added sugar.

You may also want to juice your fruit and veggies. I did that for a few months, especially with ruby red grapefruits, and it was all right. It took a lot of fruit to produce a glass of juice, and then I had all the pulp to deal with and the juicer to clean. Plus, one needs to drink the juice immediately to get the max benefit, which means that juice that has been in the store has gradually been losing nutrients as it sits on the shelf.

I have discovered that many non-organic juices, especially with concentrates and added sugar, could be almost void of nutrition and just be a sweet caloric drink, somewhat like soda.

Now I choose mostly organic juices with no added sugar. I especially like 100% (pure) grapefruit juice.

If you like bacon but don’t want pork, try turkey bacon. I switched years ago and have mostly avoided that. Just a personal preference, but even some of the major brands of turkey bacon smell like something I don’t want to eat! That may have to do with the processing of the meat, which is also an important factor.)

Organic bone broth (chicken or beef) is also excellent to sip. Once, I sneezed and my nose started running slightly, which puzzles me. However, I immediately grabbed, peeled, and ate two cloves of organic garlic from my fridge, then drank a cup (8 oz. For years, I thought it was 16 ounces, but 16 ounces is actually two cups!) of home-made kombucha, and followed it with 16 ounces (which is what a regular coffee cup holds, I discovered!) of organic chicken bone broth.

However, even before that I started speaking the Word of God over my body: “Thank You, LORD, that by the stripes that wounded Jesus, we are healed and made whole (Isa. 53:5). I thank You that no plague comes near my dwelling (Psalm 91:10).

I thank You that my faith in Jesus, springing from my faith in God, has restored me to health (Acts 3:16), and I am continually healed and freed from all distressing bodily disease! I thank You that I have no struggles, my body is healthy and strong; I am free from the burdens common to man, and I am not plagued by human ills (Psalm 73:4-50)! I plead the Blood of Jesus over this body!”

God is good! Everything He makes is good! I thank Him for giving me the wisdom to discover and harness ACV, kombucha, kefir, and more, and for teaching me about them!

I am amazed at how very different my diet is now than what it was. I no longer put sugar or salt on my grapefruits, and prefer them plain, as I do the juice. I buy 100% organic grapefruit juice. I learned that even some major brands that say they are 100% often are made from concentrate mixes.

So, the suggestions in this series of articles may not be for everyone. But I am personally very thankful and much healthier because of the wisdom He has given me about healthy habits.

Yes, there are people who allegedly smoke three packs of cigarettes a day and drink a pint of whiskey and eat all kinds of fat and fried food and live till 109, or so I hear. That is the power of thought—not to mention the grace of God, Who is not willing that any should perish (John 3:14-16). He is keeping them alive and wanting someone to come across their paths and lead them to Him! However, we are taught in the Word to be good stewards of our bodies, which are the temple(s) of the Holy Spirit.

I also like “organic music”—the harmony of the lack of strife and the presence true agreement with others; and “drop soup”—which most of us need to eat daily—to choose to forgive—drop—whatever has bothered us that someone else did or said.

Better yet, help us, LORD, to not even let something bother us at all; to grab those wrong thoughts from the enemy and slap them down (2 Cor. 10:5) Also, as my husband says, “Expect nothing, and be thankful for everything.”

I am just beginning to learn about essential oils. There are many kinds that are much more expensive, that may be better, but these work well for my husband and myself, such as a blend of various oils. We put 8-10 drops of this in our diffuser every night, so that we breathe those healing oils as we sleep. Also, first thing every morning, I often put a few drops in my palm, rub my hands together, and cup my palms over my nose, to breathe in the vapors. This helps increase my alertness quickly.

If you had the choice of feeding your family delicious food that you knew was truly healthier and only cost a bit more—and that you could save much money, time, and trouble that would have been spent on medicine, medical bills, and time lost from school and work—wouldn’t you do it?

Even doing one of these tips should help your health!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: WRITERS

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