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by Apostle Steve Adonai
5/08/2020 / Miracles
There is far more wealth in God's Kingdom, at God's disposal to give freely, than the wealth in any known secular work or business to be earned. Remember that all the silver and gold (wealth) belongs to God, our Father. Haggai 2:8.
Heirs are entitled to an inheritance. As heirs to a stupendously wealthy Father, we are entitled to great wealth. But that wealth will remain an illusion when we have a problem accessing our great wealth inheritance THAT'S ALREADY GIVEN TO US IN CHRIST JESUS. What could be the problem?
Galatians 4.1,2.
Think of it this way. If a father dies and leaves great wealth for his young children, those children are not much better off than slaves until they grow up, (mature, know their right, ask and even demand or contend for it, (NOT EARN IT, it's already theirs) even though they actually own everything their father had.
They have to obey their guardians until they reach whatever age their father set. (Until they're mature, knowledge, and confident that it's theirs according to the will, God's Word)
Truly, unless profit or wealth acquisition is your primary and ultimate motive for applying for a secular job or for going into business, you would never really succeed and prosper. You must press for the highest paying job with the best benefits and develop strategies to increase your profit margins in healthy ways in your business. PROFIT IS THE MOTIVE FOR WORKING OR GOING INTO BUSINESS. SUCCESS IN THIS CASE IS MEASURED BY HOW MUCH MONEY YOU MAKE!
On the contrary, if profit or wealth acquisition is even your least motive for going into God's business or ministry, you will experience financial struggles, loss of anointing and integrity. Jesus Christ says, freely you have received, freely you give or minister the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 10:5-8.
The wealth we acquire in our work or secular business is earned, that's why acquiring it must be our motive, pursuit and purpose. But the great wealth stored up for us in God's Kingdom as sons and heirs of God is a gift, called the gift of wealth. This is the same gift like the gift of the Holy Spirit, the gift of righteousness, healing etc, that we receive freely because Jesus Christ gave them to us in divine exchange. Since its a gift, we don't pursue the wealth or gifts but GOD the giver of the wealth (and other gifts) in absolute obedience and then ask in faith in to receive this ALREADY PROVIDED GIFT. Remember it's an undeserved, unearned and unmerited free gift and inheritance, just like righteousness, the Holy Spirit or healing.
Romans 4:4,5.
When people work (or do business), their wages, (profit or wealth) is not a gift but something they have earned, A REWARD. But people are counted or made righteous, (healed, healthy or wealthy) not because of their work, (efforts, connection, knowledge, skills, acumen or even transactions), but because of their faith in God who gave us His righteousness, (Holy Spirit, healing, wealth etc), through Christ Jesus as undeserved, unearned and unmerited free gifts and inheritance.
2Corinthians 8:9.
You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though He was rich or wealthy, yet for your sakes He became poor or bankrupt, so that by His poverty He could make you rich - (giving you His wealth as undeserved, unearned and unmerited free gift in divine exchange.)
God wants us to work hard, and promised to bless or reward our hard work. But the gifts of righteousness, healing, the Holy Spirit and this GIFT OF WEALTH from God require us to ask and receive them by faith and not to earn or be rewarded for them.
1Corinthians 2:12
.And God has actually given us his Spirit (not the world's spirit) so we can know, understand, ask and receive the wonderful things God has freely given us.
God wants to bless with great wealth and financial abundance irrespective of the terrible and pitiful nature of your present situation, environment, country or economic lockdown. Remember, God provided ABUNDANCE of water, meat, and manna IN THE WILDERNESS. NO SITUATION CAN LOCKDOWN GOD'S PROVISION AND BLESSINGS. Put a demand on your inheritance of great wealth and Blessings in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!
I'm a member of Faith Writers and a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ always ready to share God's Word to save, heal, delivere and bless. - Think of it this way. If a father dies and leaves great wealth for his young children, those children are not much better off than slaves until they grow up. H
Article Source: WRITERS
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