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Supplements for More Heavenly Health

by Tonja Taylor  
8/08/2020 / Health

O Lord, my healing God, I cried out for a miracle and you healed me!--Psalm 30:2, TPT

There is no sickness nor disease in Heaven, and it's the will of our good God, Who created and sustains us every moment, that we enjoy heavenly health on earth. 

Due to many factors, including stress from financial struggles, I recently ate some things that I usually don't eat, and also bought cheap makeup. Both of those were bad moves and caused a negative reaction in my body! I ate hotdogs, including the white bread buns, and my body reacted by producing small itchy blisters on the back of my hands and around my ankles.  

However, I knew from experience that this reaction was ultimately due to a compromised immune system.  I had also had discomfort in my stomach and my digestion and elimiation were unusual.

So, I ask the LORD for wisdom, and He led me to a book by a certified fitness coach, who suggested a few things that I decided to try, knowing that this man was also a devoted Christian and practiced what he preached--spiritually and physically. 

I remembered oil of oregano, the wild oregano that I'd taken before, which was good to combat sinus issues, fungus, infections, and other things, and could be taken daily as a preventive and also in temporary larger doses to hit a sinus problem or other imbalance. I had taken the capsules and the liquid, which was very strong, and decided this time on the liquid form that was diluted a bit. So I got some of that to take daily.

I also had discovered chlorella as I read. This is an algae product that is excellent for cleansing the body. In the past, I'd mocked such products, but the LORD had been teaching me many useful things through the years about how to be healthier--from shunning wrong foods to deliberately taking certain supplements daily. So eating hotdogs and especially the white bread was abnormal for me--and obviously, a mistake, for my body had been used to excellent foods and was now letting me know that it did not appreciate the junk I'd recently put into it.

I knew that if my body was reacting with a hurting stomach, irregular bowel movements, and the itchy blisters, it needed cleansing.

The LORD also showed me to start taking more Vitamin C daily, and to sometimes just eat very light or fast a meal or two, to give my body time to heal.  He has created our bodies to be able to heal themselves in many ways, if we will just give them plenty of water daily, good fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, light meat, and very little sugars and startches. We were originally meant to be vegatarians, not meat eaters! But anyway, there is no condemnation with whatever we eat, as long as we are thankful for it and avoide things the LORD has told us to avoid. 

In addition, He led me to take more advice from the fitness coach, and take a combination of goldenseal and echinacea, which is good for raising immunity and cleansing as well. 

Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks or even a month for a person to notice that supplements are working for them, for they have to build up on a person'a body and bloodstream. But ask the LORD to bless their effectiveness and believe that He is "putting His super on the natural" and He will help you. 

God wants us to be healthy. Jesus died to remove our sins and our sicknessness! I Peter 2:24 is just one verse about that!

The LORD helps us, as any good parent will, if we will just listen and obey. He had been warning me about reducing the amount of coffee I drank (because it has acid and if the body is acidic, it is more prone to infection and such), and avoiding white bread and such, because it contains bleach and other things that are not good for the body.

Due to me allowing myself to be stressed (which is a form of fear, and always from the devil and the flesh, and never from God, by the way! God is the Prince of Peace, and He leads us; He never pressures us!), I had just had a weak moment, and was paying for it. God was not punishing me, for He is good and gracious, and He is the One Who heals us, and has mercy on us, in spite of our bad choices. 

Any healing that ever happens in our lives, no matter what part of ir, is His goodness and mercy toward us! 

When they are sick, God will restore them, lying upon their bed of suffering. He will raise them up again and restore them back to health.--Psalm 41:3, TPT

 So, after taking these things daily, thanking the LORD that He is healing me and also--and this is key--finding Scriptures about healing that I quoted daily over my body and thanked Him for--my body has been restored to excellent balance and my skin is now healthy and smooth. 

Another thing that, of course, helps combat stress and raise immunity is excercise. A simple walk for several minutes is good, especially if the weather is nice, but even if it isn't!  Ask the LORD to help you exercise and to help you enjoy it. He will. He is faithful! Your feelings may not match at first, but you will soon form a good habit. It is also an excellent time to pray and think and just relax.

You are worth it. You are worth investing in yourself with good supplements, good food, lots of water, and fresh air and exercise. After all, you are the only YOU that will ever be, and the LORD needs you! He loves you. And as you cooperate with Him in wise living, He will give you the victory and you will have more days of Heaven on earth (Philippians 3:20)! 

Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.

Article Source: WRITERS

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