Word Count: 417
Contact Lewis E. Thomas
by Lewis E. Thomas
1/27/2021 / Poetry
Can you weep and cry for others as they suffer and grieve today?
Can you weep for those who are hurting and suffering in so many different ways?
Can you cry for a family where one parent in a fit of anger "ABANDONED" the whole family and moved away ?
Can you cry for the children who will "GRIEVE" because they feel they have been betrayed?
Can you cry for those who are too proud or too stubborn to apologize to mend a relationship?
Can you cry for the foolish who are too blind to realize they are "SINKING THEIR OWN SHIP"?
Can you cry for one who has lost a loved one and who is suffering with a broken heart?
Can you cry for someone who is "HOMELESS" and living out of an old "SHOPPING CART"?
Can you cry and weep for one who has been told they have a "TERMINAL DISEASE"?
Can you weep and pray that God will give them a miracle and that He will for them interceed?
Can you cry for someone who has wept so much that they have "RUN OUT OF TEARS"?
Can you grieve for one who cares for a loved one who is slowly dying, after "SUFFERING" for many years?
Can you cry for someone so spiritually blind that they cannot see they are a "SLAVE" to sin?
Can you pray for one who is on a Path to Hell and deeply bound by the "CHAINS OF SIN"?
Can you cry for the unborn who will never live to see the "LIGHT OF DAY"?
Can you weep for the 3,500 unborn babies America murders with abortion "EVERY" day?
Can you cry for those that "YOU" have caused to "CRY, SUFFER, and GRIEVE"?
When you look into "THE MIRROR" do you see the face of one that old Satan continues to deceive?
Can you cry over the fact that if you died today unsaved you would be "ETERNALLY LOST"?
Can you weep over the fact that you've never embraced Jesus and that old Rugged Cross?
Can you weep and cry..?
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 1/26/2021
Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com-CHRISTIAN WRITERS
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