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Age And Marriage 3

by Olawale Ogunsola  
5/09/2021 / Marriage

Age difference can aid Submission

A few years ago, I was passing through an area in the city of Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State in Nigeria. A country in West of Africa. I clearly heard part of a conversation going on between a few number of youths. Their chat was based on age and marriage. It borders on who should be older.

An interesting and striking statement that caught my attention was that which came from a young lady among them. She clearly declared:
"I must marry a man who is far older than me. If we are age-mates, I will find it difficult to respect him. But if he is older, anytime I want to be too rude to him, at least I will remember our age difference."

This lady has a choice. She has carried out an analysis of her personal life and was able to know her strengths and weaknesses. She was sincere enough to find out the best way to cure her weakness."Let me marry someone old enough to be my older brother or even father." That is her solution.

Is there any sense in that or not?

"Yes!" is the right answer. I don't know any sane man who will not want to be respected. Do you know what? Respect is reciprocal. Respect begets respect. Respect yields respect. If you want to be respected, respect others. Let me not claim to be ignorant of certain people who will puff of. If you respect them, they will want to lord it over you. You can handle them well by cutting them to their size, most especially if it is outside wedlock.

On the other hand, I believe that a respectful wife should be honored by her husband and others who surround him. You don't compete with a husband.

Do you know that age difference aids submission as demanded by the Holy Bible? The Holy book says,
"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord, For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church ; and He is the Savior of the body." Ephesians 5:22-23 NKJV(New King James Version) .

Age difference can assist a wife to submit to her husband. It will afford the woman to be able to look up to the man at least to a reasonable extent. If Christ is the head of the church and her Savior, then the man should be able to secure his wife and every member of his household. Do you know what will make this possible?


It is a wife's submission that will assure her of needed security from her husband. He will be able to protect her spiritually, financially and physically. To a very reasonable extent a protected woman will be safe from every harm.

I love the description king Abimelech gave to the relationship between Abraham and Sarah. When addressing Sarah, after she returned to her husband, Abraham, from the palace of the king, Abimelech, he said,
"... he (Abraham) is to thee a covering of the eyes, into all that are with thee,..." Genesis 20:16e. King James Version.

The question now is "Must you joke with your "covering of the eyes"? Should you not honour him so that your security will be sure? You are like "eyes". How will eyes without any natural covering look like? Do you want to be exposed to all forms of dangers that are available without a protector?

Let me make it clear here that there are so many women who do not understand vey well what the term "submission" is all about. For this reason, they roll out all arsonals to attack whoever advocates it. This ought not be so. If you have been an antagonist of submission, read about this word and study the relationship between Abraham and Sarah.

You will have a better understanding of the word "submission". Any lady who has a good family background where respect and honor are held in high esteem will not find it difficult to submit, honor and respect her own husband. Depending on their age difference, she will see him as a father or an older brother. If such a lady took orders from her father or older brother, it should not be difficult to take right orders from her husband.

This is even a must in the life of any lady who is a true member of family of God. In this family, there are rules and regulations to be observed for the benefits of every member. Each member loves and cares for one another.

There is no better family than this family. You have all to gain and nothing to lose for becoming a member. You will have a flourishing home and life.

How then can you become a member? Very simple!

Be convinced that you were born a wrongdoer and cannot deliver yourself from the spirit that control you to do wrong. Accept the atoning death of the only son of God, Jesus Christ, on the cross of calvary. Let Him come into your heart as the Owner and Occupier of your heart forever. Allow Him to lead and control you totally. Ask for infilling of His spirit to guide and guard you daily for the rest of your life. Obtain a copy of the Holy Bible. Read and meditate in it regularly with an aim of acting on what you read. Then, join an assembly of members of family of God for growth.

Then, each day, prepare to meet the Lord at the imminent coming to take His family members home to be with the Father in heaven. Remain blessed!

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

Article Source: WRITERS

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