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7 Ways to a Flatter Stomach

by Tonja Taylor  
9/17/2021 / Health

If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him.--James 1:5, AMPC

When I started feeling bad in my mid-thirties--after decades of eating way too much white sugar, soft drinks, and many other foods with GMOs, pesticides, preservatives and other non-nutritional and potentially harmful substances--I started asking the LORD for wisdom to eat better.

He has been so faithful to help me, and I've enjoyed much greater health, energy, thinking, and lack of visits to the doctor's office! So can you!

(Part of God's wisdom is taking nutitional supplements. I will not address that here, but will share other strategies for a flatter belly--which is really the result of healthier eating.)

First, set your mind; be determined that you can do this, and you will! You will find, most likely, that your body will learn--at least after a couple of days, for most people--that it is not going to get solid food at night. You can tell your body what to do. It will fight you at first, because it's so used to whatever patterns you've set for it. But it will adjust to the new patterns, if you stick with it. The LORD will help you have discipline and self-control. You can speak this Scripture over yourself, even several times a day, and it will begin to strangthen you and help you do the right thing. It may take a few days or weeks, but the Word always works; it never returns empty (Isaiah 55:11-12)!

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.--II Timothy 1:7, AMPC

Next, you can drink protein drinks. There are good, low-cost protein powder mixes at your local health food store, and even in the organic sections of most chain grocery stores. You can mix these with water, but they taste better and have even more protein and other nutrients when you mix them with nut  or grain milks (almond, cashew, coconut; rice, etc.). You can mix them with milk, of course, although organic milk is better, because drugs are not used to feed the cows, and thus will not transfer to the milk.

You can also sprinkle the protein powder in cereal, or yogurt, for your mid-morning snack.

Third, you can choose healthier things to eat instead of things with empty calories. There are so many excellent options now! For instance, choose an organic chocolate bar instead of a regular one. When you get nuts or peanut butter, or coconut or fruit, you add more nutrition. Fruit is also a good substitute for a sweet craving. In addition, there are all kinds of NON-gmo and organic chips now, of various vegetables, and even rice. They are delicious, and don't cost any more than the junky chips.

These good, healthy, natural foods will make you feel fuller--because you will be. You will more full of real food, that will help nourish your body, instead of empty foods that add fat and could even harm your body otherwise.

Fourth, drinking lots of water--preferably filtered water, not just straight out of the tap--or bottled water in BHP free bottles, will help every part of your body, including your brain and potentially, your thinking process.

Fifth, you can drink apple cider vinegar mixed with honey, or grapefruit or other tart juices in the evenings, in the mornings and especially at night, instead of eating a meal. These can give your body enough carbs so that your stomach won't growl while you try to sleep.

Sixth, don't eat past six o'clock in the evening, and then postpone eating breakfast until mid-morning or so. If you're used to eating after six, or early in the morning for breakfast, here are a couple of things you can do. Your body will get used to these new habits. It may take a few days, or not.

Seventh, eating less red meats and more white meats such as fish and chicken--especially baked, broiled, stir-fried, and any way besides breaded and fried--can help flatten your stomach.

Unless you are required to eat a certain number of meals and snacks during the day, these suggestions can help you have a flatter stomach. A flatter stomach is not the goal, but the result. The real deal is that your body will use the good food and liquids you give it more efficiently than it could ever use non-nutritional foods, and thus the body fat will be reduced.

Ask the LORD which of these will work for you, and for additional wisdom if you need it, then go for it! Jesus died that you would have optimum health. He did His part, and will help you do your part, so go for it, and you'll be so glad you did!

It can become a new way of life for you--better health, more energy, more abundant life (Zoe), as Jesus speaks of in John 10:10 (AMPC): "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it [a]overflows)."

Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.

Article Source: WRITERS

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