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Undeniable Fallen One

by Linda Jackson  
11/30/2021 / Poetry

So long ago, do you remember?

Or has evil erased thoughts of your past?

But you know God's written word

Describing your perfect beauty of long ago

This knowledge now in convincingly darkness shows

Have you forgotten your walks in the garden of God?

Eden's beauty couldn't compare to your covering of precious stones

You, Lucifer, created like no other

Anointed, outstretched wings

Leading angels in wondrous praise

The cherub who guards, a glorious shining beam you raise

Sadly consumed by your own beauty

Corrupt thoughts, who did you want to be?


I will ascend

I will exalt

I will sit 

I will be like the Most High


A heart of self brought you down

Others noticed, others followed

you and your angels fell

Do you remember? Do they?

your anger and hate has grown

Yes, you do remember

Through the ages your darkness has shone

So who have you become?

Once the glorious jeweled angel from above

you now have many names

Is there a favorite that stands against the Son?

Such as

beelzebul, the ruler of demons

Sought as a god by ancients and even now

To apollyon, the destroyer, the Romans did bow

you, angel king of the abyss

Under your dark spirit, hard to resist

Oh how you hate the children of God

An accuser you love to be

Standing before God pointing your finger at me

you, belial, a maliacious fiend

Do you whisper in the night, entering dreams?

I pray against you evil one

For my heart belongs to God's only Son


you lurk and watch, hating the word of God,

Sown in damaged hearts

When His word isn't understood you eagerly snatch it away

Do you laugh at the lies you use to cause them to stray?

How fearful, you being the god of this world

The sky above, the ground beneath

Clouding the mind of those who don't believe

Blinded to the light of Christ, so they won't receive

ruler of darkness, of demons

you have been allowed some power until the Lord returns

Instructing angels to carry out your desires

They span the heavens and walk the land

I'm blessed not to be able to see the army you command

Coming in different forms

The human race you test and entice

A cunning serpent, treacherous, causing darkening storms

How many of your offspring have killed

With joy in their black hearts?

Do you grin at how you have taken part?

A liar, addicted to lies

The natural father of them

Being birthed before Eve and Adam

your venom, a little will kill

As the human spirit dies so does hope

you have none, your chance is gone

At times you rest, indwelling a human soul

you poison with thoughts of your own


I do believe you have a plan

Against my Father, the Great I AM

you have many schemes concerning His family

Created with wisdom, you use to deceive

False gods made by human hands

This you have helped along the way

Another god you came up with

One that even science questions today

Fallen man has always looked to the heavens for a sign

The sun and moon eclipse, the planets align

For thousands of years have you used your power of the air

To show wondrous things?

Prayers go up to the stars to bless

Is your plan still unfolding?

Men look to the sky, what do they see?

Lights put to flight, no one can explain

Science advanced, yet no answer

People taken, brought back in pain

Confused and afraid

Many question their sanity

your power of the lie and of the air

A plan to divert humanity

What unbelievable sights have you caused?

Clouds of lightening, roaring wind

Strange blinking lights in the night

Long ago it did begin

More recent thoughts placed in seeking minds

To believe that eons ago humans were placed here by an alien breed

Multiplying, eager for their unearthly fathers of peace

Looking to the heavens for their return

Worshiping them, then goodness they will earn

How many times have you stepped into our world

As an angel of light?

Even your demon servants, manifest dazzling bright

Coming as an alien wouldn't be hard for you

Influencing weak minds with thoughts of a new life

Showing yourself just enough

To draw many from Christ

News, videos, a desire to know

Wanting explanations of what they see

Seeking knowledge of wonders you might bring


My Heavenly Father

Waits to reveal Himself

As the only Universal King


2 Thes 2:1-12;Heb 2:14b;Job 1:6-7,12,15-19;2:3,6;26:5-6;2 Cor 11:3-4,13-15;6:15;4:4;2:11;

Mat 12:24,43-45;4:1,3;13:4,9;8:31;3:3;Rev 9:11;12:3-4,9-10;13:4;20:2;1Pet 5:8;Jn 8:44;14:30;

3:2;12:31b;16:11;Ep 2:2;6:11-12;Gen 3:4;Due 32:33;Ps 9:13;17:12;68:6;Is 14:12;27:1;51:9;

Ez 28:11-17;Lk 9:42a;13:16;10:18-20;4:6;8:31-33;11:24-26;Acts 26:18;19:16,27-29,34-35;

Jer 9:11,14;Dan 10:12-13,20-21






My name is Linda Jackson. I am a blessed wife, mother and grandmother. I am a Biblical counselor and teacher to women in jail. I also teach kindergarten Sunday school. I enjoy writing, playing in the yard with my plants and doing cross stitch while watching football.

Article Source: WRITERS

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