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Biblical Truth And Common Sense About Marriage
by Jim McIver
11/14/2007 / Marriage
Few people who say "I Do" really understand what marriage is all about. They have never spent time to research and understand what marriage is, or what marriage requires. Most people don't understand where marriage originated. They don't know the function of a marriage. They just get married. As a result the divorce rate is a staggering 50% amongst unbelievers as well as amongst Christians. Before making the announcement and taking on the expense, people should ask themselves: why am I getting married? If there are no Biblical ingredients involved in the reasons for getting married, it probably won't last any way. It is better not to get married, than to get married for the wrong reasons and it ends in a divorce in six months.
Wrong reasons for getting married.
I want to make it legal. I like her body. He has a nice car. She has money. I like his body. He's popular. He's handsome. She is a beautiful woman. I feel sorry for her. She reminds me of someone I use to know. I want to get away from my parents. I'm tired of working. His family has money. Listed above are all wrong reasons for getting married. It happens all of the time. There are many more wrong reasons why people get married.
Right reasons for getting married.
This person is a born again believer in Jesus Christ. This person is committed to a local church and Pastor. This is the person that God has ordained to be my spouse. I want to live the rest of my life with this person. This person has godly character. I have experienced a true love in my heart for this person. What I feel for this person is in my heart and is not based on outward appearance. This person is goal oriented. The man will be able to love the woman without reservations. The woman will be able to submit to the man without reservations. There are other right reasons for marriage.
What a person believes about marriage is determined by whom influences their thinking. When it comes to things concerning the Kingdom, we are either influenced by God or by diabolical human reasoning. There are a lot of opinions about marriage, but the only opinion that matters is the opinion of the One whom created and instituted it. All other opinions are bogus. These bogus opinions are no more than fruitless, perverted imaginations. They are only meant to serve the purpose of the ones who conjured them up. No doubt about it, marriage was and is God's plan. (Genesis 2:20-25). Marriage works when it is done God's way. Marriage is a union between a man and a woman (Genesis 1:27). The marriage relationship is a revelation of the purpose of God in the earth. According to Biblical principals the only ones who qualify for marriage are those who are born again believers in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:30-32). Marriage is a sacred, covenant agreement. Marriage was birthed from the heart of God (Genesis 2:22). Since marriage was God's ideal, He has the right to be glorified in the marriage relationship.
There must be an understanding that the marriage relationship is to exemplify the relationship between Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:32). When two people marry they will either represent or misrepresent the relationship between Christ and His Church. The husband is to loves the wife as Christ loves the Church and gave Himself for it. The husband's love for the wife is an example of the love that Christ has for His church. Christ does not mistreat the Church. He loves the Church. If a husband mistreats his wife, he is mistreating himself and he is misrepresenting Christ (Ephesians 5:28,29). Christ is patience with His church. The husband must exemplify that same patience. If the husband love his wife, he will not abuse her or misuse her. He will not ignore her when she does not please him
With the heart of a servant, Dr. McIver is an exemplary Pastor & spiritual father. As an author, apostolic leader and skillful minister of the word, for 36 years he has boldly proclaimed the Gospel truth, winning thousands to Christ.
Article Source: WRITERS
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