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Miniature Interpretation of the Book of Revelations

by Maurice A. Williams  
6/15/2023 / Bible Studies

I have already written several books on Revelation. I always try to put forth my conviction that Revelation was directed to the people who first heard it preached as well as a prophecy to later people about the end times.  That would make my interpretation preterist in contrast to the futurist interpretations so popular in the United States.


I will show in this book that the futurist viewpoint is far less believable than the preterist viewpoint and, most importantly, that the end of the world should be expected in our own lifetimes. After all, nuclear war will certainly destroy civilization on Earth, and a nuclear holocaust seems very believable today with Putin threatening the West with nuclear weapons if the West tries to prevent him from conquering Ukraine.


I should tell you at the onset that I am Roman Catholic, but I don’t try to push my faith onto others.  But everybody knows that Revelation is part of The Bible, and early Christians cherished it. It must have some meaning to all Christians.


When the promised Messiah finally arrived to minister to His people, Lucifer beguiled the Israelites to reject the Messiah and, with the help of Rome, have Him crucified. This was a terrible mistake for the chosen people, and God rejected them and started a new religion with those Judeans who were already faithful to Christ. This caused enormous difficulty for the human race and we are still troubled with it


Those faithful to Jesus formed the Catholic Church and were persecuted by the Roman Empire. But the empire eventually became Christian and make Catholicism the official religion in the Roman Empire. This is the chaining of Lucifer.


Since Catholicism is the official religion, all the people in the empire must adhere to it. All Christians at that time were Catholic, so everybody had to adhere to the Catholic church. Today that causes much concern, but people do not realize that that was the mechanism God used to chain Lucifer. Few people would listen to Lucifer’s temptations because they would get into trouble with the empire if they revolted against the Church.


This situation remained this way for approximately 1000 years and, when Lucifer was unbound, people were becoming discouraged when they saw unfaithfulness of many members of the clergy and people were beginning to resent the presence of a foreign church that they had to adhere to.


People at that time did not realize that across the ocean in the new world, other people unknown to those in Europe were struggling with religion themselves.


I discuss the many steps in the development of the Reformation in Europe and the astounding mass conversion of the Aztec empire in Mexico. The two series of events intermesh with each other on monthly basis until finally 5 million people left the mother church in Europe and formed Protestant churches separated from the Catholic church and 8 million Amerindians left paganism and accepted baptism into the Catholic church.


Here’s where yours and my differences in religious outlook might come into play. I ask you to bear with me for the rest of the book. Revelation is about the war between Jesus Christ and Lucifer. Neither one of them is blindsided by the Reformation. Christ, himself started the Catholic Church. Lucifer is opposed to what Christ is doing. It’s you and I that got thrust in the middle of this controversy.


From this event on, the struggle of Lucifer against Christ is displayed by major historical events the Catholic Church and her flock and really all human beings are embroiled in.


A result of the loosening of Lucifer is the Reformation, which almost destroyed the church Christ founded and certainly seriously weakened the evangelization of the pagan world because everything preached by the Catholic church is refuted by the Protestant churches.


The Reformation is not mentioned in Revelation, but it is a major historical event following the millennium. I decided to include it in my interpretation because I think Revelation is a heads up from God about the dangers the church of Christ will experience in the years to come.


Surprisingly, the mass conversion of the Aztec nation occurred at the same time. I tie these two tether to and link them to Genesis where God told Lucifer “I will put enmity between  you and the woman, between your seed and her seed. He will crush your pride; you will strike his heel.


Four hundred years after the Reformation, the woman advised three children at Fatima to ask their bishop to have a public consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.


We all know what happened. The Pope was unable to gather all bishops in Rome to make the consecration. Russia was not converted and WWII was nor adverted. Millions were killed of all faiths and creeds in the war and many suffered under communism. Lucifer’s success was that the Christian world, us professed Christians who now cannot wage an effective opposition against Lucifer because of the confusion of the Gospel of Jesus.


Revelation predicts the end of the world. I city many reasons why the end is very near. Among other reasons, if Vladimir Putin really does use nuclear weapons to punish the West for interfering in his conquest of Ukraine, and America launches a retaliatory strike, this cosmic war is over.


My fourth concern about the future of the world concerns the errors spread by the Theory of Evolution and globalism. Even if we humans successfully reject those errors, it doesn’t look like more that 30% of the eight billion humans on Earth will believe the Gospel of Jesus, which I think is a very low percentage to consider evangelization victorious.


Since Jesus inspired His Church to publish the Book of Revelation, and such a large percentage did not understand it and abide by ty, I think the final judgment will be a disaster for most of us humans.. Since we all know Jesus Christ, Himself, inspired His Church to preach Revelation, why have so many of us refused to believe it?


Millions of humans might wind up in hell, if they are not repentant when thy stand before God. Lucifer can gloat over his meddling with Gods creation because he succeeded in. beguiling so many into not believing Jesus Christ.


I sincerely hope you decide to read my book and realize what Jesus wants you to do: Repent and be reconciled to God’s will because God will not save anyone who is defiant against His will.


Most American readers are already influenced to believe a futurist interpretation, which holds that the rapture and a 1000-year millennium are still in our future. I do not believe in the rapture as Protestants believe because I think when Christ died, his death opened heaven’s gates and souls of the righteous could enter.


00John the Evangelist was the first ordinary human to enter the Inner sanctuary of The Temple (Rev. 4). From here on, all humans who die righteously will be gathered into heaven. This is the first resurrection (because it is a spiritual entrance). They reign right now in heaven with Christ. This will continue until the end of the world. Then will come the second resurrection.


I was always intrigued with Revelations

I felt John the Baptist was sent to warn the Judeans that the Messiah is coming. If they reject Him, God will reject them, as Moses prophesied (Deut. 31:15-16). I wondered why the actual preaching of the Baptist was not recorded in Scripture. Finally, about fifty years ago I chanced upon an answer in The Anchor Bible Series’ introduction to Revelation written By J. Massyngberde Ford, a famous Biblical scholar specializing in Greek. She felt John the Evangelist was heavily influence by the testimony of John the Baptist, and it showed up in his writings.


His Gospels, epistles and the first three chapters of Revelation are written in a much different style of Greek than Chapters 4 through 11. She argued that those Chapters were the Evangelists remembering and repeating the preaching of John the Baptist.


My solution

Since this is my miniature interpretation, I am going to skim over the highlights. If you are curious in more detail, I have two web sites, which describes all my work with Revelation.


Chapter 4 is a theophany depicting some details about the nature of God and His creation. Chapter 5 described a sealed scroll that nobody was able to open. I came to realize that the scroll was a hypothetical vision of a symbolic agreement God (in God’s thinking) made with those He created concerning the enormous debt humans and angels owe God for granting free will to those who will abuse it. Nobody could compensate God for the grief caused by the wicked except The Lamb of God, but the lamb was found worthy to open it.


The Four Horsemen. Rev. 6: 1-8

This explains how and why God conferred free will to humans and angels, The Four horsemen show the horrors symbolized by the release of the four horsemen. I interpret this in a symbolic way that shows what it will cost God if He grants men and angels free will.


First is the horror of human ambition that refuses to serve God and demands to be served by others.  It rides out of the human heart, like the white horse, in a spirit of conflict and envy, conquest and tyranny, exploitation and greed.  The second horror is the reaction of humans who, not willing to serve God, are hardly likely to accept servitude to other humans.  Their resentment will spread through the world, like the red horse, in a wave of rage calling for resistance and war.  The third horror is the result of such activities. The tasks God requires us to do remain undone, and what we have already accomplished is attacked and destroyed.


These spread behind the combatants like the black horse in a scourge that afflicts the innocent as well as the guilty and ruins everyone's happi­ness.  In the wake of these three comes the fourth horror: sickness and death, the pale horse.  This is the worst horror of all: humans seemingly abandoned by God, torn from the joys of this life and thrust into the unknown terror of death.


Such are the immediate risks of granting humans freedom, but there are more.  Many will die; all will suffer if humans abuse their freedom.  And God will punish the abusers.  The lamb's opening of the seals, unleashing each horseman, represents the Son’s divine nature.  The Son, as God, created all of us and keeps us in existence as we disobey and spread havoc.  The ability, the power for anyone to do anything comes from God.  This, in a way, makes God our accomplice.  It is our will that chooses to act but God's power that keeps us in existence and functioning as we actually carry out our deeds.  This power comes through the Son, who unflinchingly carries out the Father's will that we have genuine freedom.


The Four Winds – Early strife

There was a lot of friction building up between Rome, the early Christians and the Judeans who were becoming very sullen over their occupation. Josephus describes the onslaught of serious strife when, in A.D. 65: a pagan man built a pagan alter and sacrificed a bird in front of a synagogue. Outraged Judeans rushed upon him, and pagans came to his assistance.


The Roman procurator, Florus, took advantage of this and robbed The Temple treasury. The Judeans revolted. Florus had his troops use military force to quell it and killed 3,600 Judeans. This was the beginning of armed conflict between the Judeans and Rome.


The strife escalated with many race riots in various cities throughout the area and the organizing of various Judean fighting groups. In A.D. 65, the famous Eleazer ben Jairi along with his sicarii warriors captured Masada.


In autumn A.D. 66, thousands of Judeans refugees fled into Jerusalem for protection from the fighting. Two more rebel leaders joined the opposition against Rome, Eleazer Son of Simon and Josephus, a former leader of Judean fighting men who was defeated by Nero’s troops. A new government was organized by The Judean middle class.


The Second Woe – The Army

Strife between the Judeans and Rome rapidly built up with the massacre of many Judeans and pagans until the Judeans eventually organized for war. The fighting escalated until, finally, Nero sent General Vespasian with an army to reconquer Judea. The army first destroyed Judean military posts outside of Jerusalem. The historian at that time was Josephus who was a captain in the Judean army.  He was defeated by Vespasian, but. Josephus begged for his life and Vespasian spared him. Josephus then assisted Vespasian by trying to encourage the Judeans to quit fighting because victory for them was hopeless.


The Judeans rejected all of Josephus pleas for surrender. The Romans won victory after victory until the Judean fighting men were all concentrated in Jerusalem. Finally, Titus stormed the walls of Jerusalem and was prepared to destroy The Temple when the fighting was interrupted due to the death of Nero.


In A.D. 69, General Vitellius took control of The Roman Empire. He was the third successor of Nero within a year. He was unpopular, so Vespasian took over the empire with a stable government. In A.D. 69, he returned to Rome and left his son Titus to finish the war.


Titus then resumed the war. Titus had his men build a siege wall and waited for the Judeans to starve like Josephus warned. The Judeans finally ran out of food. Titus stormed the walls protecting Jerusalem and destroyed The Temple in A.D. 70. Everybody knows this event, but I seldom saw an interpretation that went beyond this date. However, the nation of Judea survived this disaster and continued in existence struggling against Rome until A.D. 131 when they stumbled into their final war with Rome.


The Third Woe Rev. 16: 8-11 Final War under Bar Kochba

It took a full generation after the defeat of A.D. 70 before the Judeans could exert any influence in their ancestral homeland. Conditions gradually built up in Judea until the year A.D. 128 when a very capable man with a lot of charisma began to control the fighting groups. His name was Kosiba, but he changed it to Bar Kochba which means rising from the star. He is known to history. Even church fathers mention him by name.


Bar Kochba was able to organize all the rebel groups into a single army, 400,000 strong. Rome tried to defeat him, but his men defeated four Roman armies, and he took control of all Judea, around A.D. 129-130. The unbelieving Judeans had been persecuting early Christians all along. There is evidence that Bar Kochba continued the persecutions.


Finally, Rome chose an outstanding Roman General, Severus, who was successful in subduing the Germans. Severus marched against Judea destroying every fort and stronghold the Judeans held. Bar Kochba never engaged the army of Severus head on. He resorted to hit and run tactics hoping to defeat Severus that way,


As the war went bad for Bar Kochba, he retreated from Jerusalem to Ein Getty, and finally to Bethar where he and most of his army was slaughtered.


“It is done!” Rev. 16:17

Severus is ready to destroy what is left of Bar Kochba’s army. Revelations describes this as loosening seven vials onto Palestine. The first vial falls on the Earth, the second onto the sea, the third onto rivers. The fourth onto the sun, the fifth onto the throne of the beast, the sixth onto the Euphrates River, drying the river, opening up the way for armies to attack.


The seventh was poured into the sky. A loud voice calls out “It is done!’ Bar Kochba’s reconstructed kingdom of Judea is destroyed. This was the demise of the Jewish nation. The very verse that predicts this is Rev. 16:17 “It Is Done.”


They were defeated on August 9, A.D. 135. Fifty Judean forts and 985 towns were destroyed, and 700,000 Judeans were killed, half of the Judean population before the war. Rome sold many survivors into slavery. Many others emigrated into other countries. Judean persecution of Christians stopped, and soon Rome will accept Christianity as the state religion. The Judeans who opposed The Messiah lost heavily, but those who accepted the Messiah gained leadership in the new Church. The Church will no longer be persecuted throughout the coming millennium.


Rome encouraged other peoples to immigrate into Palestine. From then until the nineteenth century, Jewish people remained a minority in Palestine. In 1856, there were only 10,500 Jews in Palestine. The Jewish people began to return to Palestine in the late 1860s. In 1897, there were 50,000, and in 1914 there were 90,000.


This was the literal destruction of Jewish nation in fulfillment of the prophecy Moues warned the Israelites about. Very little of this final war has been recorded in history. I don’t think many interpretations of Revelation even mentions it, but there were some details of Bar Kochba retained in folk lore and legends. The Jewish nation ceased to exist. Even 17 centuries later, in the 1880s, only 9000 jews were living in Palestine.


Modern archeology has unearthed some information about Bar Kochba. Yigael Yadin, famous as a general in the Israeli war of independence, made some archaeological digs after the war. He wrote a book “Bar Kochba” about this.


Bar Kochba named his restored nation "The First Jewish Commonwealth. The present Israeli government ruling today is known as   “The Second Jewish Commonwealth.”


1000 Year Millennium

I think it is easy to spot what the millennium is. It was revealed to be a period of 1000 years for the church to develop in peace, revealed at a time when the church was not at peace. The church had been persecuted for the first several hundred years of its existence providing many martyrs who preferred to believe even if it cost them their lives.


This persecution came to an end when Constantine saw a vision in the sky in A. D. 313 promising him victory through the sign of the cross. Constantine ended the persecution and fostered development of the Church. Later in A.D. 380, The Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of Rome, outlawing the old pgan religion. This not only stopped further persecution, it also prevented any deviation in religious thought. It is now a criminal offense to deviate from the teaching of the Catholic church.


This long period of peace allowed Christianity to flourish and develop a marvelous Christian culture. They even started an empire of Christian nations “The Holy Roman Empire.” What a wonderful world this would be if that empire would have flourished and grown into a world-wide empire. We would not have had the many wars between Christian nations, exploitation of pagan native cultures around the world, slavery of colored people and two world wars and the threat of a nuclear holocaust in our own day with Vladimir Putin.


Something catastrophic happened that destroyed the unity of the church and encouraged the development of hundreds of sects contradictory to the faith and fomented religious wars among the different sects. Wouldn’t this “Reformation” seem like the release of Satan to once again try to disrupt what Christ had work so hard to establish?


At the same time on the other side of the world, pagan people, unknown to Europe, were struggling with a brutal pagan religion that never had the benefit of revelation from God.


The Reformation came close to destroying the church. It caused the departure of Christians into literally thousands of conflicting sects that contradict Christ’s original teaching as well as of other sects spun off from the mother church, and it caused many wars between adherents of the new sects and those wo remained faithful to the mother Church.


I think the Book of Revelation from now on plays out in the struggle between Satan and the woman who God predicted would crush Satan’s head.


The Reformation

In the sixteenth century, many individual nations, because of the laxity of some churchmen, withdrew from the Holy Roman Empire, changed their religious convictions, and fought war after war, many over religious differences. This is what tore apart the Millennial Kingdom.


At the same time, unbeknown to people in Europe, a spectacular apparition of the Virgin Mary occurred in Mexico.  I think this is the first historical event demonstrating her influence in crushing the pride of Lucifer.  God can defeat Lucifer any way he wants.  I think he wants to defeat Lucifer through the fidelity of the "woman" and her influence in history.


I will now show how her apparition in Mexico meshed in with the Reformation in Europe where around five million Catholics left the mother Church and around eight million natives in the new world entered the Catholic Church.  This spelled the end of the political Christian kingdom in Europe.

The Reformation, though brewing for a long time because of the bad example of many clergy, came to focus on October 31, 1517 when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of Wittenberg castle church.  The clash of different points of view intensified in July 1519 when Luther defended all his views in the eighteen-day Leipzig Debate.  The reigning Holy Roman Emperor, Maximillian had passed away on January 12, 1519.  He had intended for his grandson, Charles V, to succeed him but failed to confirm his choice.


Events in Mexico

At the same time, in Mexico, a 52-year astrological cycle had ended.  The year 1519 was the year “Ce Acatl” (one Reed), the first year of a new cycle.  The Aztecs had experienced frightening omens that confounded the Aztec chiefs from 1509 to 1519.  Lake Texcoco suddenly boiled up despite fair weather and flooded Tenochtitlan (Mexico City), the Aztec capital.  A fire destroyed the war god Huitzilopochtli’s temple.  Strange and frightening comets flew through the sky for days on end.  Bright flaming lights arose from the East.  Women’s voices were heard wailing at night warning their children to flee.  All of these were taken as signs of Quetzalcoatl’s return.


Aztec legend had it that Quetzalcoatl, meaning precious twin and dressed as a feathered serpent, a cultural hero king, was forced to leave his throne in A.D 890.  He went to the Gulf and sailed east, promising to return in the year Ce Acatl.


Cortez sails from Cuba

In February 1519, Hernando Cortez sailed from Cuba to the Yucatan peninsula with a 500-man army, 16 horses, and 10 cannons in a fleet of 11 ships manned by 100 sailors.  His purpose was to explore the mainland, look for fame and riches, bring the people into the Holy Roman Empire, and convert them to the true God.  He marched toward Tenochtitlan, conquering any tribe that tried to stop him.


 Tenochtitlan, at that time, was the largest city in the world, at least 150,000 people.  The city ruled an empire of 3,000,000 people.  There were also several million more people in Central America not subjugated by the Aztecs.


The principal gods worshipped by the Aztecs, were Huitzilopochtli, the war god, and Tlaloc, the rain god.  These gods were propitiated by human sacrifice on an unprecedented scale.  Twenty to eighty thousand victims were sacrificed during a four-day celebration dedicating Huitzilopochtli’s new pyramid in Tenochtitlan.  Huitzilopochtli, the god of war, was nourished by human blood.  Victim’s hearts were removed and placed, still beating, in a bowl in front of the god.  Priests ate the choice body parts.


The torsos were thrown down the pyramid steps to be consumed by wild beasts.  The attending priests also routinely practiced human sacrifice in their private homage, sometimes torturing a young boy before the sacrifice.  Such were the gods worshipped by the Aztecs.


Cortez marches into Tenochtitlan

 On November 8, 1519, Cortez began his march toward Tenochtitlan.  Montezuma was frightened of Cortez, believing Cortez might be the returned Quetzalcoatl.  When Cortez arrived at Tenochtitlan, Montezuma invited Cortez into the city.  Cortez set up his headquarters within Montezuma’s palace.  Cortez tried to convert Montezuma and showed him a statue of the Virgin Mary explaining who she is.  Montezuma then took Cortez to the pyramid housing Huitzilopochtli.  Cortez, horrified by what he saw, struck Huitzilopochtli between its emerald eyes, toppled it down the steps, and placed a statue of Mary in its place.


Meanwhile, in Europe, on December 10, 1520, Martin Luther burned the Papal bull criticizing his stance against the mother church and burned a copy of Cannon Law.  In the same year, Cortez built a fleet of ships so he could destroy the Aztec navy and besiege the city.  The siege lasted 80 days.


On May 8, 1521, Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X and outlawed by the Emperor, Charles V.  The excommunication document became official on May 28, 1521.  In the same month, Cortez began his final Assault on Tenochtitlan.  The city was conquered on August 13, 1521.


In 1530, Luther published The Confession of Augsburg consolidating his opposition to the mother church.  In 1531, Protestant nobles in the Holy Roman Empire formed the Schmalkalden League to oppose Charles V.  This, in my opinion spelled the end of a unified 1000-year Christian political Empire.  Vestiges of the Holy Roman Empire lingered on, but Christendom, as a unified European political kingdom was gone forever.


Apparition of Juan Diego

In the same year 1531, December 9, 1531, when the splintering of the church and Empire in Europe was beyond repair, and the seething hostility of the abused Amerindians in America seemed ready to destroy the Spanish, the Virgin Mary appeared to 57-year-old Aztec Juan Diego near a hill known as Tepeyac.  She identified herself using a Nahuatl word that sounded like Guadalupe (a shrine in Extremadura, Spain), but was later (in 1666) identified as “Tlecuautlapcupeuh” meaning She who proceeds from the region of light like the fire eagle.


She had the appearance of an Aztec maiden and wore clothes with symbols and colors very meaningful to Aztecs but not so meaningful to Spaniards.  She could have started a new religion but, instead, asked Juan Diego to visit the Spanish bishop and ask him to commission a shrine where Juan Diego could bring his defeated people for healing and conversion.  The bishop, not believing Juan Diego, asked for a sign.


Juan Diego was concerned about his uncle who was very ill.  The next day, instead of returning to Tepeyac, Juan Diego headed straight for his uncle’s home.  Mary intercepted him and said:  Do not fear that sickness, nor any other sickness or anguish.  Am I not here, I who am your mother?   Notice how Mary does not identify herself as part of the white people’s religion.  She identifies with the Native Americans, same as she does in her later apparitions around the world.  The mother of Jesus told Juan Diego to gather some flowers and take them to the bishop.


Juan Diego made a container by lifting the bottom of his tilma (cloak) and the Virgin Mary placed the flowers between the folds.  On December 22, 1531, Juan Diego opened his tilma in front of the bishop and let the flowers fall to the floor.  To the bishop’s surprise, the flowers turned out to be flowers the bishop recognized as native to Spain, flowers that do not blossom in December.  More to the bishop’s surprise, an image began to appear on the tilma.


Over the next ten years, greatly assisted by Juan Diego’s testimony and many miraculous cures, virtually all his people entered the mother church.  Early during the conversions, an Aztec nobleman, with the Christian name Antonio Valeriano, wrote a detailed history of this apparition in Nahuatl.  It is known as “Nican Mopohua.” from its first two words.  The original was lost, but a copy was found in 1649.


These events, the Reformation and the defeat of the Aztec Empire, seem to be linked together.  They seem to reflect a spiritual battle between some spirits who claim to be gods and what all Christians know to be the one and only manifestation of God, Jesus Christ.


While Lucifer was loosed in Europe to, once again, deceive the nations, people on the other side of the world, who never knew Jesus or his father, are liberated from different gods by human endeavors, just as brutal in America as the sectarian wars were in Europe.  However, behind the scenes, in the case of America, what God wants done gets done, no matter how unworthy the human beings are who accomplish it.


Why did the mother of Jesus play such an important role is the struggle of Jesus against Lucifer? Because God warned Lucifer to beware of the woman (Gen 3: 14-15) who will crush his head. Jesus being God in human flesh could have easily defeated Lucifer through His divine power.



While approximately five million Christians left the mother church in Europe and began the disintegration that led to at least fifteen hundred conflicting sects we have today, five to eight million human beings in Central America left worship of gods other than Jesus and his father and came into the mother church.


I want  to emphasize two events: (1) how the ancient Israelites lost their position as God’s chosen people when they encourage Rome to crucify Christ, (2) how those who formed their own churches unconnected to the Church Jesus had established and developed teachings contradictory to the teaching of Christ fairly quickly caused the spread of hundreds of conflicting creeds.


Now the I will show how the Catholics lost out on an offer by God to assist in converting the Russian people to a more fervent faith rather than letting them fall into a secular society opposed to Christ’s Church, and also have a world war defused.


All Humans have failed Jesus Christ in His ministry through His Church. Even though Fatima was a task specifically given to Catholics to resolve, I think God has not separated us humans into different creeds. There is only one God, only one human race and only one revelation made by God to all humans. I think we were all required to take God’s revelation seriously. If we fail, as a race, to take it seriously, we all suffer as all humans suffered when WWII was not averted and Communism was not stopped in its inception.


The woman will crush Lucifer’s pride

The human race had benefitted from the millennium. Between AD 370 and around 1350, when Satan began beguiling humans into questioning the faith as presented by the Church Christ founded.  This finally led to The Reformation, which caused the Christian revelation to splinter into thousands of contradictory versions.


After the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, which was the first highly visible intervention of Blessed Mother into worldly affairs, there are very few scenes in Revelation outlining her interaction with modern events. Instead, there are many apparitions of Mary to usually children of oncoming events that threaten the Church and Mary’s appeals to correct them through the activity of the Church.


There have been more that 386 apparitions of Mary, most of them uninvestigated, but about twenty of them have been investigated and are considered authentic such as Lourdes, Medjugorje, Garabandel and Fatima. I think God intends for Lucifer to be defeated by the action of Blessed Mother and the little ones in the Church.


1917 Fatima

Pope Benedict XV begins the story of Fatima.  Elected pope on September 3, 1914, he was very concerned about the ravages of WWI.  On May 5, 1917, he invited all the church to pray a solemn novena to Mary "Mother of Mercy" asking for peace in the world. On the eight day of the novena, Mary appeared to the children in Fatima with her plan for peace.

Later, during Blessed Mother’s third appearance to the children. Mary predicted that in October, 1917, there would be a miracle for all to see and believe.  She then showed the children a vision of hell and told them God wants to establish in the world devotion to her Immaculate Heart. If what she asks is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. She also mentioned that an unknown light will be seen as a sign that the consecration should be made or else the world is about to be punished for its sins by means of wars, famine, and persecution of the church and Holy Father.


The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin

Benedict XV was still alive at this time. He died in 1922. He was very interested in the beginning. For some mysterious reason, he did not try to have the consecration made.


Mary told the children “You will see an unusual sign in the sky warning that time is running out to make the consecration. An unusual light was seen in the heavens all over the world on May 24, 1924. An older friend of mine saw it and described it to me, I wasn’t even born at the time. I believe this was the sign.


I do not know why Benedict XV did not try to set up the consecration. Pope Benedict died in May 7 1922. He had almost five years to set it up. There is still controversy today about the consecration. But to my thinking, the fact that WWII did occur and Communism has swallowed thirty-four nations under its yolk show that the consecration was not made in time to avert Communism and WWII.


Miracle of the sun, at Fatima, October 13, 1917.

When the promised miracle of the sun was about to appear. It had rained all night prior to the miracle of the sun, and the ground upon which the pilgrims stood was soaking wet and muddy. A secondary miracle was that the rain stopped and the wet, muddy ground dried within the twenty-minute duration of the miracle of the sun.


Eighty thousand people, many of them unsympathetic to the events of Fatima and present only to scoff and ridicule those who did believe, were present to see the miracle.  Headline articles appeared all over Europe describing the mysterious disturbance of the sun and outlining the people's explanation of why it happened.  The names of the three children and their recounting of what the mother of Jesus said were also publicized.  Savvy people, including those directing the German war effort and the Communist Revolution in Russia, could not have avoided becoming aware of what happened at Fatima.’’


Miracle of the heavy rain,

A secondary miracle was that the rain stopped and that the wet, muddy ground instantly dried and stayed dry for a while. I did some calculations of what would be involved for that much evaporation of water. Let’s say 1 inch of rainfall was on the ground in Fátima. That would be 697, 393 pounds spread over 3 square acres, which is a small estimate. Causing all of it to evaporate in 20 minutes would require 107 billion BTUs. Where did all that heat come from?


Start of World War II

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland.  World War II breaks out immediately.  The church still has not made the consecration. The first attempt to make it was done by Pope Pius XII on 31 Oct 1942 and again on 8 Dec 1942. But The war was then upon the world. Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor and The United States declared war on German and Japan,.so it was too late to avert war and the Communist triumph.



On July 26, 1941, Luchia was asked by Bishop Dom Jose to write her third memoir on Fatima.  She finished it on August 31.  It discussed two of the three parts of the secret: the vision of hell, and the five first Friday promise attached to devotion to the Immaculate Heart.  Its publication was yet another reminder of the message of Fatima.  On October 7, 1941, Luchia was asked to write her fourth memoir.  It was the longest one and adds more detail about the apparitions and about Francisco.


Two months later Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.  The war is now global. If the world had believed the warnings, we all could have averted the incredible suffering and desolation caused by the conquest of thirty-four nations and the incredible loss of 70,000,000 lives during World War II.


In December 1943, Luchia, fearing she might be killed during the war, wrote down the third part of the secret to be read by the Pope.  It was read but not made public.  The most important warning was the spread of communism.  Prior to 1943 only seven nations were communist, five of them falling under the power of the communists by force at the outbreak of the war.



When God sends a revelation to this world, every single one of us had better pay attention. We make the mistake of demonstrating our own failure to believe God when we separate ourselves into those who believe God’s revelations to us and those who ignore them because some of us have chosen not to be members of His church. Are we not members of His Church? If He felt that we do not belong to him, then He might abandon us. None of us should desire that. Perhaps He let the church fail to make the consecration in time to alert those critical of Him and His church to pay attention next time He sends a warning.


The message to Fatima was meant for all of us. If all of us would have paid heed to it, we (mankind) would have asked God’s church to make the consecration and we would not had had WWII and the enslavement of thirty-four nations to the Communist yolk. What most of the people on Earth did was ridicule Catholics for believing and made fun of it.


I want it to be clear that I do not consider myself a biblical scholar nor have I had some specialist training in the Catholic faith, nor was I ever commissioned to preach religion.  Above all,  I never received a voice from heaven telling me anything about what Jesus thinks. This article is a product of my own intellect as I struggle with interpretations I consider poorly thought out and with world events as I know they have occurred.


The only claim I will make is I am 92 years old. I think I’m one of the old men that in the end times that God will bring out of the woodwork to set His record straight. I think you should listen to me because I think God will be very disappointed that our Christin evangelion of His world has such poor results.


God has revealed time after time that wars are punishment for our sins (read that as all of us on Earth).


If 137 million Russians became converted within ten years like 8 million Aztecs did fifteen hundred years ago, what a wonderful world you and I and our loved ones would have experienced all our lives.


Brothers and sisters, If the world is going to end soon, God will sort us out according to His guidelines, not ours. And it will be a very difficult time for most of us.


Everybody should now know that God requires a show of faith from the world, and He would have converted Russia and stop t


Globalization and Evolution

The ideas that finally matured into the concept of globalization had their beginnings in the United States right after WWII when the United States emerged from the war as the single most powerful nation on the globe. 


Today, if I can put it so simply, the emphasis is in uniting all mankind into a global family that is ruled by a one-world government that has no borders, does business in a one-world market, and believes in a one-world religion.


Globalists think this is a way of uniting all people into a world that does not favor one group over others and in which all people can find security and safety from sectarian divisions. Evolution, in the minds of those against God use it to convince people that there is no need to postulate God as the source of man, Man simply evolved from a swamp of chemicals, which, under the influence of light, evolved into the complex molecules of primitive life, eventually evolving into human beings.


The movement toward a one world, globalized government with a one world religion is very strong in the United States.  It is held by the leftist wing of the democrat party and appeals to voters who want abortion rights and same sex identity upheld by our government. If these people win the election, we will have a government that is for the first time in our history, opposed to Jesus Christ and His church.


It is similar to the way heaven is, but heaven is ruled by The Messiah appointed by God, Jesus Christ. Globalism will be ruled by human being,


The famous number 666 in Rev: 13

This has always been a mystery to people interpreting Revelation.  It can refer to Nero.  I interpreted it that way in my earlier interpretations.  My interpretations were meant to be preterist, so it made sense to interpret them that way.  But for futurist interpretations, no one came up with a good interpretation for the end times, until I read someone's interpretation pointing out that the Hebrew letter (waw) has a numerical value of 6, and the letter is equivalent to the Roman letter .  The World Wide Web is identified by www .  In Hebrew that could be .  Interesting!  I never realized that.


The sign of the Antichrist could easily be The Internet because it is so prevalent in today's communication and it contains information about almost everything known to man, and it is undisciplined.  It contains truth as well as falsehood.  It would be an easy tool for Lucifer to deceive those who surf The Internet.  I have been surfing The Internet for many years, and I have seen the incredible contradiction of just about everything in The Internet.


The mark of the beast that people will wear on their hand could well be the ubiquitous hand-held smart phones that many people carry with them daily.  There are about 6 billion owners of smart phones today.  Since the introduction of WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) technology in 1999, mobile phone users have been able to access The Internet directly through their handset phones. And cash transactions can not be made through The Internet. The Internet is an ideal vehicle to popularized the tenants of globalization and evolution.


Rev 19 The Rider on the White Horse

I don't think there is any doubt that the rider on the white horse is Jesus Christ during his final conquest of Lucifer, the arch enemy of God, and those humans who have chosen allegiance with Lucifer and make war on Jesus Christ and all that his father wants him to accomplish.  But, I think, Jesus is also showing compassion to those opposed to him and he is not anxious to come too soon.  He will wait as long as he can, hoping for last minute converts.  After all, he is God.  Nothing can stand against him if he goes on the warpath.


I think he has been sending the Virgin Mary, not as a warrior but as a mother, who is weeping because of the infidelity of her children against God.  She is all mercy and compassion as she weeps because of how her children defy and ignore God.  If her pleas find no effect after 187 years (starting from 1830 to Zoe Catherine Labouré) perhaps that will be the time for her son to mount his white horse and end this rebellion by Lucifer.,


Theory of Evolution

Charles Darwin formulated his theory of Evolution in 1859. Our Lord had already prepared for this battle In 1830 when He sent  the mother of Jesus to approach Catherine Labouré to ask her “My child, I’m going to give you a mission.” Then Mary spoke to Catherine: “Have a medal struck upon this model. Those who wear it will receive great graces, especially if they wear it around the neck.” Medals were made in 1832 and were distributed in Paris. Almost immediately the blessings that Mary had promised began to shower down on those who wore her Medal. The devotion spread like wildfire.


The theory of Evolution is, I think, Lucifer’s is using to destroy what Jesus is doing. If people believe that life just sprang up randomly, then there is no need for a creator. Evolution has already been called:” The great religion destroyer.” Although bonified scientists don’t necessarily believe this, the media offers evolution as an alternative to creation and are very hostile in rebuking religion.


Most of the prophecies predicting the end of the world point to the present era.  I think it will happen soon, sooner than most people think.



If that is not worrisome enough, many nations are right now posing themselves for another world war. China is getting very provocative in seizing Twain as part of their mainland. Russia is right now trying to seize Ukraine. Iran is joining up with Russia and China to stop using the America dollar as a backup or their currency We are warned that this could be considered a s an act of war.


The leaders of any one of these nations could miscalculate about the use of nuclear weapons in achieving their goals. We should believe our scientists that nuclear war will most likely cause nuclear winter destroying all crops on Earth. Once these weapons are released, we only have possibly one year before all vegetation is lost and we will spend the following year starving to death.


Faced with this disaster, God might decide to end the world quickly. Look at the world now. Most nations seething with rage against their neighbor nations, almost all of the large nation armed to the teeth with lethal weapons that could destroy the world without nuclear weapons.


If Jesus decides He might as well end the world quickly, think of how His father might view the result: after two thousand years of peaching God’s Gospel, more than one-half of the eight billion humans even pay any heed to God, and of the remaining half, only half of them can be considered faithful Christians. What a pitiful small harvest for two thousand years of sowing the seed. Even if I were innocent of this failure, I would not want to be standing before God’s great white throne waiting for His judgement.

see my wbsites & www.mauriceawiliams.xom.



Maurice A. Williams

Author of "Apocalypse: Four Horsemen Three Woes."

Williams is a semi-retired Director of R&D and still works as a consultant. He is married, lives at home, and has four children and six grandchildren.

Article Source: WRITERS

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