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"PRAY WITHOUT CEASING:" 1Thessalonians 5:17
by linzy bruno
7/13/2023 / Bible Studies
Notwithstanding, even those of us who have been believers since we can remember are still on a journey; a spiritual one that is most often excruciatingly long and slow. Therefore, we all naturally go astray; going years without daily prayer even though we are a saved child of God. However, daily prayer that is not solely born of routine, but heartfelt and meaningful, changes everything.
And that being the case, it is hardly presumptuous to assume that at that moment when the revelation for the need of continual prayer hits, it's natural that believers experience a turning point. That glorious day we decide to commit ourselves to prayer is a pivotal and phenomenal one.
For the less mature believer, prayers of petition are key and bedtime prayers are pretty much it on a routine basis. However, although routine does enter into the continuum, it is besides the point, for our goal ought to be the new and exciting blossoming of our relationship with God through Christ, and as with any relationship, communication is KEY.
Hopefully we also learn that prayer can and should be continuous, for we understand that there are those things that we need to pray regularly over and there is no subject that we forbid revisiting with God.
Moreover, the prayer life of the spiritually more mature inevitably brings God into every aspect of life; there are no longer any hidden places of the heart.
God does indeed call His children to Himself, but like any relationship there must be at least two and if we fail to do our part, God is left talking to the back of our heads. It’s up to us to make certain that God is with us fully in everything we go through by bringing Him into it all: every problem, new interest, challenge, obstacle, worry, fear and decision, as well as every moment of rejoicing and thanksgiving.
For when we bring everything to the Throne of God for His Approval and Guidance, we are further developing our relationship with Him, and that assurance that we are abiding in His Will and growing closer to Him is critical for spiritual growth, as well as making our relationship with the Father the most important over all.
Moreover, we will be further enabled to enjoy the sheer Awesomeness of His Presence, which can be rather elusive when merely looking to check prayer off our daily to- do list…
Parallels to 1Thessalonians 5:17—
Romans 12:12, Colossians 4:2, Ephesians 6:18 & Luke 18:1
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7, nkjv)
Linzy is a certified Bible Counsellor, with countless republications on her viewers blogs, Bible Studies, Ezines and the like. Her portfolio includes, non-fiction articles, short stories for all ages, and Christian poetry.
Article Source: WRITERS
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