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Intentions: Full-Throttle!

by Terry R A Eissfeldt  
11/17/2007 / Missions

Intentions: Full-Throttle!
"Save the World!" my motto.
The Next Billy Graham, my goal.
So I pack up my hopes
in a few brand new totes
and head for the Heathen Field.

I've practiced my preaching.
I've prayed through the weeping
over their sorry state.
With 'Hell Fires' burning
there's no time for learning.
I must lead them through Heaven's Gate!

I step off the plane
into African rain.
Now, this is a needy land!
I'm met by the host.
We gather my totes.
I'm excited to be in God's plan!

We drive many miles,
are met with bright smiles.
I'm ready and willing to preach.
I can't wait all day!
I must have my say.
I have come so far to teach.

I get out my Bible.
I'm set for revival!
My host looks at me with disgust.
I ask, "What is wrong?"
She points to the throng,
"I think we should feed them first."

I look at the women
holding their children.
My heart breaks in two on the spot.
Their needs are so many.
They're thirsty and hungry.
"What was I thinking, God?"

I lay down the Book
then help out the cook.
The meal is so sparse, so plain.
With each scoop I give
I'm learning to live
from the Spirit and not from my brain.

God doesn't see people
the way I see people.
He looks at the heart, not the face.
My heart is like stone
to think I alone
can lead them into God's grace.

When I finally share
I pray Lord, be there!
There's nothing in me that can save.
My words are so vain.
My motives, insane.
Only Jesus can cause any change.

So look at my heart.
Please change any part
that is stony and isn't of You.
Revival is here
as I look in the mirror.
Only then will I be any use.

Terry R A Eissfeldt
copyright 210

Article Source: WRITERS

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