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by ralph jackson  
6/25/2024 / Bible Studies

For the past few decades there has been a definitive move away from Christian values in the Western world and the moral l teachings of the Bible. But this seems to be changing. As SA’s have are the remnant church with the last day message to give to a dying world - but is our church, or are we individually, ready to give the Three angels, (Revelation 14:6-12), to those in apostate churches, and the rest of humanity during a spiritual revival? Sadly, many SDA’s around the world will be sifted out of the church when, during these last days, God will shake the church out of its Laodicean spiritual slumber. I believe this will happen for three reasons: 1. Indifference 2. Satanic deception 3. The pressure of circumstances which they are unwilling or unable to resist. They will follow secular politics and science of the day. Let’s look at each of these three reasons separately. Indifference The time of the shaking is a period of spiritual upheaval and purification of our church when the true will be separated from the false and the gold from the dross. Ellen White in the Great Controversy Chapter 32 explains the meaning of the shaking. She goes into great detail, so I urge everyone to read this because I don’t have time to include it in my sermon today. Suffice it to say that those who are indifferent, are those who do not see the urgency of the church’s last day message. They are like those in the Parable of the Sower, (Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20 and Luke 8:1-5.), where the seed (the Word of God), falls on rocky places where the soil is shallow. Therefore, their roots could not go deep and the sun scorched them and they withered away. There are many like this in our world-wide church today. They come to the church on Sabbath, not to hear the message of God but to enjoy the social gathering and eat the food provided. Isaiah explains this in Isaiah 29:13, where he says: “Wherefore the Lord said, for as much as this people draw near to me with their mouth and with their lips honour me, but they have removed their heart far from me and their fear toward me is taught by the precepts of men” Matthew confirms this in Chapter 15:8: “This people draw near to me with their mouth, and honour me with their lips; but their heart is far from me” The second reason – Satanic deception, are those who do not make the Bible their refuge in a world of lies. What little they understand about the plan of salvation is overshadowed by the many false interpretations from apostate leaders, therefore because of their lack of Biblical knowledge, they are easily deceived by plausible arguments and other interpretations of God’s Word. Satan clouds their minds by keeping them pre-occupied with worldly distractions and false doctrines. This is what happened to the nineteen Adventists who followed David Koresh in the WACO disaster. They would never have been deceived if they had followed the example of those in the Greek city of Berea, during Paul’s preaching. (Acts 17:11). The Bereans checked everything Paul was teaching, from Scripture so they knew his teaching was not false. Pressures of Life And for those where the pressures of this life, and their family circumstances cannot be reconciled with the last day message of this church, they are unable to resist the pull of family and friends who are not SDA’s and so are chocked by the thorns of this life. The Latter Rain Soon we will receive the latter rain that is mentioned in Joel 2:23-29. When the third angel’s message is sounded, the Holy Spirit will descend upon those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus, to empower them to spread the gospel message to apostate Christians, for them to make a decision in their own lives. This will divide them into two groups. Those who receive the mark of the beast and those who choose God’s side. The deciding factor is about who will we worship – Satan, who empowers men to follow their own ideas and practices, or God, who is the creator of all things. Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-15) In our scripture reading the church of Laodicea is one of complacency. It says it is nether cold nor hot but it is lukewarm. A church that sees no urgency to spread the three angel’s messages to the world. It is a rich church, which appears to have need of nothing but in reality, it is wretched (not knowing it is in a pitiful, sorrowful condition); it is poor (in spirituality), it is blind and naked (unable to see its wretched condition, which is open for everyone to see as if naked). God wants to make the church spiritually rich, to cloth her and make her zealous by correcting her ways and purifying her. Those who respond to the pleading of the Holy Spirit will get to sit in the throne room in heaven and finally on the new earth, with both Jesus and the Father. For decades the world’s ideology moved from common sense and logic to the ridiculous. God gave humanity rules, everything was perfect and in harmony with nature until sinful men, aided by the influence of Satan, rejected God and followed their own desires. Men and women chose to form unnatural relationships. Today even the NHS states there are more than two genders. Children are allowed to attend school in the US dressed up as ‘furies’ – animals and allowed to urinate in cat litters. Satan has succeeded in taking God’s greatest creation, made by His own hands – humanity, to be of no more value than any other animal He spoke into existence at creation. The French Revolution Today, we are told there is no absolute truth. Truth is what suits the belief of that person. We are living in another Age of Reason, like that during the French revolution, which lasted from 1789 to 1799, where God was removed, Bibles burned and worship was given to the goddess of reason. The passages in Revelation 11:7-10 describe the killing of the two witnesses, who are symbolically the Old and the New Testaments. Their bodies lie in the streets of Paris, which spiritually was called Sodom and Egypt, where Jesus was crucified for 3 ½ days, that is 3 ½ years. We all know the results of that time. The guillotine worked day and night removing the head of anyone who would not conform to the new age philosophy, first the aristocracy were murdered, then through rumour and gossip, thousands more lost their heads. Blood ran down the streets of Paris until the people of France once again rebelled against the current philosophy, yearning for a halt to the mindless madness and a return to Christianity. The Pendulum swings back After so many years of secularism and individual selfishness, we are now seeing a movement back to a spirit of altruism where the welfare of others is becoming more important than self? God is moving upon the hearts of humanity to return the world back to its spiritual path, but is the spiritual path we are now heading along going to take us to a better world, or are we heading for its destruction? Cyber Attacks You may have heard recently that two countries (South Africa and Sweden), have experienced cyber-attacks on their computer network systems, which were predicted to happen by the World Economic Forum. How did they know this would happen? Do they peer into a crystal ball or do they consult the spirits of evil? Or maybe they know because they cause the events? They tell us this was due to natural phenomena, such as the solar storms over South Africa recently, where the aurora was seen in the sky. During the same period, the 10 May this year, the US Space Weather Prediction Centre issued a G4 geomagnetic storm watch, as multiple waves of solar energy came down on the planet. Why were South Africa and Sweden, the only two countries, to have computer disruption? Surely a severe solar storm would have affected those countries closest to the solar impact? How could just two countries so far apart from each other, have the same problems with their computers caused by a solar storm of energy from space? This leads to the real question: “Was the cyber-attack from weather disruption or was it man-made to achieve another goal.” Was it a practice run for a greater world-wide cyber-attack in the future? What we have to keep in mind is that Satan is the guide to evil men. Why am I telling you this? We know there is a time of trouble coming that will make our lives much more difficult than it already is today. We call this the time of Jacob’s trouble mentioned in Jeremiah 30:7. I believe we are currently in the little time of trouble spoken of in the Bible to get us ready for the Global Chaos that many will be alive to experience. We had a taste of the future during Covid lockdown. Satan is guiding the UN, the WEF, the WHO and many governments to his desired new world order, where he expects full control and the worship of humanity. He knows his time controlling this planet is short and that God will finally destroy him and his angels, but he is so full of hatred for Jesus and the creation he was not allowed to take part in, he wants to stop as many humans as possible from receiving eternal life. Satan’s hatred is because he misunderstood the reason why God said No to his involvement in the creation of this universe and our earth. God loved and still does love Satan even after all that he has done against Him. I believe, It was out of that love to protect Satan, (then known as Lucifer), because the act of creation by the Godhead would have been dangerous to created beings. Just as we cannot live in the presence of God, without a mediator to shield us from His glory, Satan would not have been able to live when the miracle of creation occurred. Satan’s 6000-year-old hatred of God, makes him all the more dangerous to all humanity, especially to those who do not believe in God, that is why it falls on us to make sure they hear the words of truth. When we do spread the Three Angels messages, we must be aware that Satan will focus upon us, therefore it is imperative that we do not step outside God’s protection. We must put on the full armour of God and keep the faith because we are a severe threat to Satan’s world plans. Do Not Fear We are told in the Bible that we must have faith and not be afraid. Our trust must be in God and so we need to keep on the right path. Satan knows this, so he, as always, does the opposite of what God says or does. He creates fear in the mind. That is why some people today are still wearing face masks. They have believed the lies that we were told by the media during Covid. Did you know that recently Antony Fauci, you may have heard of him? He was the head of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases in America and played a central role in world countries lockdowns. He recently confessed on TV that he made up the 2-metre rule, without any scientific proof of its effectiveness in stopping the spread of the virus (which by the way still has not been proven to have existed), and it was him who pushed the wearing of face masks, which he also confessed was unscientific and could not stop anyone getting a virus. So how does Satan get humans under his control to make the rest of us follow what they say? You may have heard of the Hegelian Dialectic method of achieving a desired goal? By creating a false crisis (as they did with Covid and are now doing with Climate Change), they can manipulate our minds into believing the crisis is real. Once this is achieved through constant media propaganda (remember a lie told often enough becomes truth), with everyone now frightened of the crisis, they give up on their personal freedoms, and accept the solution put to them to end the crisis. Goal achieve by those who created the false crisis in the first place. It was the Jesuits who caused the French revolution. They used the Hegelian Dialectic method to change the mindset of the French people. Why did they want to do this? Surely removing Christian ideology would be counter-productive to their protection of Catholicism. Remember Napoleon had taken the Pope prisoner and Catholicism lost its tight grip of power over the French people. So, the Jesuits cleverly created a crisis, bringing in an Age of Reason, which brought terror to the streets of France, where everyone who didn’t like their neighbour had them dragged off to the guillotine. Eventually the people woke up and cried for a return to Christian values – a return to Catholicism. Goal achieved by the Jesuits. Weather Modification Another created crisis today is through weather modification. We have to ask the question. Why? Why do they want to manipulate natures natural weather pattern? Doesn’t God control nature? Many of those in powerful positions in the world think they are gods and they have the power to save this planet from climate change. A long time ago, Lyndon B. Johnson, the 36th US President stated in a speech in 1962:” He who controls the weather controls the world” You can watch and listen to what he says on YouTube. What better way today of uniting the world by getting everyone involved in trying to save it from their perceived future destruction. Isn’t that what they did during Covid. Make people believed that by conforming to their instructions they were helping protect their neighbour from a disease? By appealing to our better nature, making us believe we were actually doing some good, we fell into line and put our masks on to save our neighbour, whilst believing we were protecting ourselves. Some people however, became violently opposed to anyone who did not agree with the media narrative. This violence was used against some for not wearing a mask in public. My wife and I experienced two verbal attacks, the first one with the use of foul language. The police changed their role from one of protecting the people to enforcement officers carrying out ministerial dictates’. They stopped people walking on the beach or sitting on a bench in the Sun, even arresting and fining some who refused to comply. Every day we were subjected to government briefings over our TV sets giving death and contamination statistics that have now proven to have been false but were giving to keep the population in fear of catching the virus and comply with government instructions. We know this because Matt Hancock unwittingly released copies of his ‘keep them in fear’ emails to a journalist. Satan is the master of deception and easily manipulated many of us who failed to continue in prayer for guidance during that time. With Covid behind us, (although they may make it come back in another form in the future), now they are concentrating on the Climate Change crisis. This is particularly important for us as SDA’s as you will see as I move further on. Science Science has made great strides in weather control in recent years. Using the HAARP Auroral Research programme – with the High Frequency radio wave transmitters in Alaska, they have been able to create an artificial Aurora in the ionosphere. So, as I said early about the Aurora of South Africa, was it natural or was it created by this experiment as a test run for future climate change and cyber-attacks? According to one meteorologist when asked why they are seeding our skies, he replied: We are trying to cool the planet by bouncing back the rays of the Sun from the heavy cloud cover that is being created and this will also reduce CO2. They do not know the results on the eco-system with this experiment so it is probably these that God was referring to when he said: I will destroy those who destroy the earth. Revelation 11:18 The Papacy The Pope is heavily involved in the promotion of climate change. Watch his many videos on You Tube and read his encyclical, Laudato Si, where he states that we must save the planet. He is promoting a Sunday Law, where some activities on a Sunday will become illegal. A rest day for the planet – a climate Sunday. This year he was invited to the G7 summit in Italy, where the American Jesuit Review stated: “His presence brings prestige to our nation and to the entire group of 7”. So, the Pope is a major player in the ideological mindset shift back to Christian values in the world and we know he is growing in power because the Bible prophesied the man of sin – the beast, which all the world would wander after, and once again he is rising in power in world affairs. Ideological Mind Shift So how are they going make an ideological transition in the mind of people towards Christianity? As they did with Covid they will use the Media and celebrity and their target will be on the youth. These are the more easily persuaded. Using AI, they can manipulate minds through constant computer images and propaganda. The youth are the greatest users of modern technology, so bombarding their mobile phones and tablets with the information they want to change minds with, they can persuade them they are saving the planet and should rise up and fight for what they are being programmed to fight for. We have seen Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil, causing problems on the streets because they have been indoctrinated with the desire to change the world and save it. These Climate Change protests, many initially promoted by the young Greta Thunberg, disrupt normal life, make lots of money for the stakeholders, but don’t change the climate. Politics Hard-line political parties, such as the Dutch anti-Islam party, leader Geert Wilders, fuels religious hatred and this stirs up Christian fundamentalists to promote the desire to return to Christian norms. Other countries that are moving to a more hard-right direction are Croatia, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia and Italy. Germany and Sweden are also moving towards a more ‘hard stance’ against the age of reason philosophy because they want to get back to the values, they believed they had before a politically correct world began. Even the atheist Richard Dawkins now identifies as a cultural Christian because he does not like the way immigration to the UK is changing its culture. There are other famous people such as Russell Brand, Candace Owens, Jordan Peterson, Jo Rogan and Bear Grylls, who are now embracing or talking about the Christian faith in a positive light. Of course, their shift towards Christian values are not everything that is taught in the Bible. Much of their new understanding is from the Catholic religion. Karl Marks Karl Marks taught the family unit must be destroyed and the state must take over the upbringing of children and we have seen this happening, particularly in America, where the medical profession has taken away many parental rights. Today the Pope emphasises the need to be with the family unit, particularly on a rest day Sunday. Soon there will be a need for legislation to force a halt to most secular activity on Sunday. With Climate Change on the agenda, the need to save the planet will enable the enforcement of a rest day on Sunday, which is being called Climate Sunday. So, you can see, to get to this legislation, there has to be a major ideology shift from atheism and secularism to one of a new spiritual thinking in the world. King of the North and King of the South For those who have made an in-depth study of last-day prophecy, secularism is the King of the South. (Daniel: Chapter 11), who is pushing against the King of the North – the Papacy. (Daniel 2&7 and Revelation 17). But what we must realise is, both of these kings are sitting at the same table with the Jesuits creating the crisis that will eventually lead to the fulfilment of prophecy. They will succeed for a time, but eventually the stone (who is Christ), will return to strike Nebuchadnezzars statue mention in (Daniel 2), and smashes the whole of the world empires, which will come crashing down and the dust will be blown away, so that not one dust particle will remain. It is therefore of vital importance that if we do not make the right decision to follow God, then we will be blown away with that dust never to live again. The Final Chapter of World History As we move into the final chapter of this worlds history, the King of the North is coming full-guns blazing against the King of the South (Secularism), and he is going to overrun it and in doing so this will signal the end time events. The time of Jacobs trouble, the last plagues, the worlds destruction and finally the opening of the saints graves to meet Jesus in the air. Ellen G White What Ellen G White wrote in Testimony for the Churches, Volume 5, P450 has been partially fulfilled today. America has already stretched its hand out to embrace the Papacy and it is only a matter of time before the rest of prophecy will be fulfilled. She wrote: “By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time hs come for the marvellous working of Satan and that the end is near…. As the approach of the Roman armies was a sign to the disciples of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, so may this apostasy be a sign to us that the limit of God’s forbearance is reached, that the measure of our nation’s iniquity is full, and that the angel of mercy is about to take her flight, never to return. The people of God will then be plunged into those scenes of affliction and distress, which prophets have described as the time of Jacob’s trouble. The Judge of all the earth is soon to arise and vindicate His insulted authority. The mark of deliverance will be set upon the men who keep the commandments, who revere His law and who refuse the mark of the beast or his image. God has revealed what is to take place in the last days, that His people may be prepared to stand against the tempests of opposition and wrath. Those who have been warned of the events before them are not to sit in calm expectation of the coming storm, comforting themselves that the Lord will shelter His faithful ones in the day of trouble We are to be as en waiting for their Lord, not in ide expectancy, but in earnest work, with unwavering faith. It is not time now to allow our minds to be engrossed with things of minor importance. While men are sleeping, Satan is actively arranging matters so that the Lord’s people may not have mercy and justice. The SUNDAY movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are concealing the true issue, and many who unite in the movement do not themselves see wither the undercurrent is tending. Its professions are mild and apparently Christian, but when it shall speak it will reveal the spirit of the dragon. It is our duty to do all in our power to avert the threatened danger. We should endeavour to disarm prejudice by placing ourselves in a proper light before the people. We should bring before them the real question at issue, thus interposing the most effectual protest against measures to restrict liberty of conscience. We should search the scriptures and be able to give the reason for our faith. Says the prophet: “the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” Human Moral Decline The decline of Christian values into atheism and secularism, initiated by the Jesuits has had its desired effect upon the world. So just as occurred at the end of the French revolution, there is a movement that yearns for the good old, common-sense days, when men were men and women were women, and values were based on the commandments of God. However, as I have stated earlier, the move towards more spirituality will push the world into the prophetic fulfilment given in the books of Daniel and Revelation. There will be an upsurge in the desire for a weekly rest day, in fact this has already begun with The Lord’s Day Observance Society; The Keep Sunday Special Campaign and the EU Sunday Alliance, all calling for legislation to be brought in to make Sunday a Climate rest and family day. Finally Those in our world-wide church who have a lukewarm relationship with God will be sifted out of the church. For many Christians, especially in our own church, preoccupation with this material world and its pleasures is a hinderance to spiritual growth, preventing many from sharing the last day message to those who have not heard it. We have to realise that we are the remnant church who has been entrusted with the sharing of the last day messages of the Three Angels in Revelation 14:6-12. Even though our church is the remnant church, many who have either been born into a SDA family, or who have converted at sometime during their life, will fail to make it into the kingdom. There is to be a remnant of the remnant that make it through the narrow gate. But don’t let this discourage you from trying. God is able to empower everyone, even self-doubters, with the desire, the strength and the courage to share the message of the gospel to those in our circle of life. Keep on sharing and learning, not just with daily emoji’s or Pinterest Christian quotes to our church’s brothers and sisters, but use them to share with non-SDA’s too, because every human being is a potential candidate for the kingdom. If we do not tell them what is coming, how will they know? May God waken us out of our Laodicean lukewarm state and give us a spirit of courage to spread the good news of His kingdom to come? AMEN

Ralph Jackson

Article Source: WRITERS

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