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by Ramona Cook  
7/23/2024 / Salvation

part 2

Part 2 is the dedicated to discussing SINS in as much as they can be considered separately. Sin is the thing with which we are born and did nothing personally to be afflicted with, it is inherited from our original ancestors Adam and Eve.

SINS are the things we do that violate God’s Laws. We do them because we are born with Sin. Our “flesh” has the nature of sin, and as Paul explains in his Epistles, we are subject to the desires of our “flesh” but good news, we DO have a way to live in rulership over those desires and tendencies. That IS in fact THE GOOD News of the Gospel of Jesus. We have a way out!

Paul addresses the subject with detail in the Epistle to the Romans. The article would get too long if we looked through all the Scripture texts, so I have chosen to primarily remain in the Books of Romans and Genesis.

For correct understanding of words used in the original writings, Hebrew and Aramaic for the First Testament, and for the New Testament, Greek, I will use Strong’s Concordance. Dr. Strong translated from the King James Version, which is a reliable translation even today, although for many it does not fit the tongue of our day.

God addresses Cain, in Genesis 4:7. God says to Cain that SIN is crouching at his door, BUT you shall “marshal” over “him.” Notice God give personality to “sin,” meaning Satan. There is our enemy, and there is where our fight is, with Satan, “sin.”

This word H2403, gives the condition of sin, guilt of sin. Cain had a ‘tude! He wanted to sacrifice or give, to God of the works of his own hands, his beautiful gardened vegetables, when he well knew that God requires blood as a sacrifice for SIN.

Abel had sacrificed correctly and God received it; Cain did not sacrifice correctly, and God rejected it, and Cain got angry. He was jealous of Abel’s status of acceptance with God, and Cain was not too long before killing Abel, God knew it and was warning Cain.

God has not changed His methods with us, He wants for us to do right because it keeps us from the hands of Satan’s assaults, and God continues to require blood for the sacrifice for sin and sins. That is why Jesus came and permitted Himself to be crucified so that His Blood could forever be effective in our behalf to cover our sin, IF we will accept it and Him. Otherwise, we can be like Cain, God permits us to chose and then He holds us to our choice. So unless we come to the Path He has provided, we will not be in His Camp, although it is the yearning of the heart of God that ALL, that everyone, should be saved. Saved from what? Hell, at the end of life here. God does NOT send us there, we chose to go there. God honors our choices, but we reap accordingly as we sow.

One other word from Genesis on sin; Genesis 39: 9. H2398: the description of “sin” is the same as Paul presents it: Sinning is to “miss” the target, more specifically, the Bull’s Eye of the target. It says that we have not stayed within the parameters of God’s Requirements of Righteousness. I recall hearing a Minister who said he had happened up on Soldiers of England’s Queen as they were target practicing. He said that if the soldier shooting missed the bull’s eye that the rest of them would yell, “SINNER!” That soldier had missed the mark of perfection.

I performed a scan though the entire Book of Romans and discovered that every word translated “sin” was the same EXCEPT for one word. All were G266, except for one G264, both referring to sin(s). Phonetically, one sounds like “harmateeah”, the other, “harmatano.” Both indicate HARM.

To expand on the communication Paul is providing to us in Romans ,we can read a list of things designated as “SINS,” the things we do because we are born with the sickly gene of inherited Sin. But as God warned Cain, “You must marshal over Satan, keep him at bay, take control over those appetites of the flesh nature.” REFUSE to DO them!

That is how we handle the nature of sinning, of doing sins. BUT the nature of our SIN MUST be covered by Blood, and the Blood of Jesus is the ONLY acceptable covering To God. Jesus told us, “I am the WAY the TRUTH and THE LIFE, and NO MAN comes to the Father (God) EXCEPT through ME!” John 14:6

So how do we DO that? We speak out loud to the God who hears and sees us, although we do not see Him, we tell Him that we understand that we are saturated by SIN and that therefore we are sinners, that is called Confession. We then ask Jesus to save us and come into our life, our hearts, and set us free from the curse of SIN and to forgive our SINS. That is called Receiving Jesus. And because we have His solemn promise that He will not turn anyone away, we can KNOW that we are saved from the sin; Jesus said, “All (anyone) that comes to ME, I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37

In Romans Chapters 1 and 2 Paul talks about some specific sins that are the outcome of the SIN we have UNTIL we are given the power of Holy Spirit from Jesus that gives us strength to refuse to commit sins. We must have Jesus in our heart and also be obedient in that we train in the ways of faith in Jesus to be His Disciple, doing the works of God that always blesses people and ourselves and not doing the destructive works of the Devil.

It is a war that we are born into and we have no option to fight, on one side or the other we WILL stand. We will either be an enemy to God or an enemy to Satan and until TIME ends, that IS the way it IS!

Ramona: 07/23/2024




Ramona, Master in Ministry Arts, BA in Biblical Studies, I am an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
By copies retained and legal rights, I claim ownership of this article, but requiring only that my name is published as the author. R Cook, and that the message content is not changed.

Article Source: WRITERS

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