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The Stabilizing Resolution

by Yuri Solomon  
8/24/2024 / Devotionals

Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD (Job 1:21)

Job in a very few words supplies an example of how to manage the deepest loss.: acceptance and worship. It is not that it lessens the immediacy of the grief; however, it is a resolve that aides time in helping one live in the new reality. It allows you to stay tender and attuned to the voice of God as He has provided that very experience to mature you and utilize you for His glory. There is no substitute for accepting the circumstances God has allowed in your life as His intended path for you, and worshipping Him in thanksgiving for His grace. Although you cannot yet understand His plan, in doing so, one acknowledges God’s authority, His control, and His uninterrupted love, knowing that while it does not feel good, it is for your good.

The greatest mental stability and solace is found in believing that the Lord has strategically placed worth and meaning in every pain we feel and every tear we cry. In trusting divine purpose, we will always find the light of hope, and the strength to make it to the end of the tunnel. Job grieved his loss, but he was never overcome by his loss, because what he never loss was his view of the sovereignty of God, and the worship due Him.

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Yuri Solomon holds degrees from Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute and the College of Biblical Studies. He is author of the book Biblical Masculinity. More info @

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