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by linzy bruno
11/21/2024 / Prophecy
This article is full of videos embedded into the document for a more profound and powerful effect.
The videos are extremely helpful in taking in this mind-bending scenerio going on in Hollywood, that has been going on for many a year, but is more extreme today than ever before!
Knowing about it doesn't do much in our everyday lives, but does provide us with a deeper understanding of the times we are now in, and provides a peace that comes with that understanding, especially the understanding that GOD is Sovereign over all of these things, and this also lets us know how close we are to His Return!
Linzy is a certified Bible Counsellor, with countless republications on her viewers blogs, Bible Studies, Ezines and the like. Her portfolio includes, non-fiction articles, short stories for all ages, and Christian poetry.
Article Source: WRITERS
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