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Lemon Juice vs. Apple Cider Vinegar

by Tonja Taylor  
12/14/2024 / Health

There are promotions from various people about how good warm water and lemon juice is for the digestion. That is probably true. I tried it--and the lemon juice made some of the enamel dissolve from a tooth! It got infected, and broke off, and I had to have it pulled. 

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is still a secret to some. It is good to help digestion and other things in your body. Unlike lemon juice, it is much less likely to dissolve the enamel on your teeth! 

Like lemon juice, ACV is very economical, and even cheaper. I have used it for various things through the years, including getting my digestion straightened out after just a couple weeks. I did this by making a "cocktail" of 8 ounces of water, with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of ACV.

Pray and ask the LORD for wisdom.  You can still use lemon juice, but make sure it's greatly diluted; much more water than lemon! 

ACV can bother your stomach if you take it without mixing it with honey and/or diluting it with water, but it is much less likely to dissolve your tooth enamel, while providing numerous health benefits to help your body become more alkaline, meaning less acidic. Acidic bodies can be much more likely to harbor and allow bad bacteria and other negative things. 

Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.

Article Source: WRITERS

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