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God's Kingdom Come to the United States

12/07/2007 / Missions

It is the lifelong duty of American Christ-followers to bleed and plead in prayer that God might have mercy on these United States. Its not that the U.S. deserves special attention; we're called to pray and plead for the U.S. because of God's astounding mercy and grace. And Christ will tell us exactly how to pray for this country.

It is according to God's design that Christ-followers should intercede on behalf of their own people right up until their last breath. This should be irresistible to us, even if He uproots us. Such a mentality is practical; in this way we will be useful to God in every situation.

Our job as Christ-followers is to facilitate spiritual revolution as we surrender to Him, as we live out His fullness as one church.

Christ tells us to keep seeking and asking for the whole package; the whole package is God's kingdom. Therefore, since we can only be in one place on earth at a time (though God is no so limited), let's pour ourselves out in wherever God places us.

Of course we should pray for more than just our hometowns. But let's not forget the basics things, such as embracing Christ's authority here and now. We should not adopt spiritual tunnel vision, but we should at least grow out of our religious facades, our large buildings, titles and shiny religious objects. I admit I'm biased, not toward this political entity called the United States, but toward every person who wanders purposefully in this country, looking for the living God.

We will find freedom and encouragement as we embrace the stewardships Christ has entrusted to each one of us. We are built to do specific, Spirit-based jobs in the context of Christ's church.

Each member knowing and embracing his or her specific calling has a strengthening effect on the general sum of God's living assemblies. One member functioning properly supports other members in their proper functioning.

We see only a small number of people besides ourselves, but God sees the whole world. Therefore, as we each do our own little parts, the whole body of Christ will make spiritual strides.

It is an astonishing freedom, a great weight lifted, to know the reasonableness of God in Christ. He gives each saint a purposefully limited amount of exposure to the world. This is related to the fact that He provides for our needs exactly according to each situation.

Therefore, if you know two people in the whole world, pray for God's kingdom to come to these two people. But also intercede for the world. If you have family, then intercede in Christ's name for your family. Also intercede for the world. In this way we will soak up Christ in an ever-increasing measure, advancing in zealous, corporate prayer as well as in humble, encouraging words for all God's family.

Only Christ is qualified to build His church... are you in on that? He is already working within the souls of His wandering chosen ones, preparing them for the day He carries them back to His flock.

God is crafting a people for Himself. He is making these people more than bland pew-sitters who are determined to attend certain buildings at a certain times of the week.

By sending His Son to dwell with humanity, God set in course an overturning of the sinful reign that dominates the air and the dirt here on earth. Every person that is part of God's kingdom on earth will also reign with Christ when all authority is handed over to Him once and for all. The purpose of all these things is for Christ to receive all credit and all glory in heaven and on earth forever.

by Patrick Roberts. Find additional resources at

Patrick is an average Christ-seeker. His goal is to turn people to Jesus Christ.

Article Source: WRITERS

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