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My Prayer for you my Husband
by Donya Gilmore
4/01/2008 / Marriage
My prayer for you my dear beloved is one of deep desire and fervency. I pray for you in the purest of heart that you will come into the fullness of who you are created to be. I pray for you as my husband, my head, my lord and my man. I pray that you will know the depth and the magnitude of the love that God has for you, then only can you be filled with the unconditional love in which only He can give. I pray that you will love yourself because Jesus died to prove that you are worth it. That you never doubt who you are in Christ, nor waver of the marvelous work that you were created to be. I pray that you are secure in all the affirmations that the Lord has given you in His Word so that you never need or long for the affirmations from the world, people, fortune or fame. My prayer for you as my husband is that you love me with the love of Christ, unfeigned, unconditional, as the Heavenly Father loves you. That your heart towards me is as the Savior's heart, tender, compassionate, unselfishly giving, and caring. That you are patient and longsuffering with me, gently and carefully washing me with the word of God, so that you may present me before your King. Teaching me skillfully and wisely with understanding that I am the weaker vessel, resisting every temptation to be bitter and intolerant with me. I pray that you are sensitive to my inner issues and know when I am tugging on the helm of your garments to soothe me in your arms of strength and safety. That you are observant of the load that I carry to care for you and your children and as my savior you ease my burden and lighten my load with understanding, patience and the ministry of helps. That you never abuse your authority or take advantage of my service to you but watchfully won't put more on me than I can bear, but provide ways of escape, to make my life easier, not harder. I pray that you are not ignorant of the devil's devices, but watchful and prayerful to ease my fears and not cause them. I am trusting God to give you the wisdom of how to take your position and do the responsibilities of your position, that you courageously stand with your loins girded up and fight the good fight of faith for your salvation and be a good steward over every area that God has chosen you for. That you are diligent in the call of God on your life; to him first, your family and then your occupation. I pray that your children are your glory and that they reflect the Christ likeness that you instill in them. I pray that you pour Godly wisdom in them with love, sincerity, and patience. I pray that as head of this family that you serve with limitless and unconditional joy, teaching us to do likewise. I pray that you are a participator not a delegator, an initiator not an imitator, a doer of the Word not a hearer. I pray that you are as Abraham teaching your family in the ways of the Lord. I pray that you love me, love me as Christ loves the church, unselfishly, unfeigned, unconditionally, because Jesus lives inside you to teach you to be as He. I pray these prayers for you in the name of Jesus and know that His word will be performed for you, and it is He, not I that will perfect those things that concern you. Amen!
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