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Premortal Warrior
by Diana Isham
7/15/2008 / Miracles
The turmoil that I felt within my heart was excruciating! I watched helpless -- yet fervently prayed as you struggled and nearly gave in to the demons who sought earnestly to overtake and destroy your life!
What could I do? How could I help? What could I say that would help you understand that God was there for you if only you would take the time to ask him?
I had observed, watching your ongoing struggle for years. Experiencing with you the confusion and turmoil that accompanies one without a true, Godly testimony.
I thought you had a testimony, as you had expressed it over the years. Yet your choices often contradicted your professed convictions.
This often left me feeling empty, frustrated and confused. I am sure this must have heightened and aggravated your inner turmoil as I reacted in pain and anger to your verbal attacks. Then you came to me in confused anguish after yet another heated discussion and asked me if I would pray with and for you because you really wanted to know.
Feeling somewhat hopeful yet humbly awkward over being given such an assignment I agreed to kneel with you and offer a prayer in your behalf. As I proceeded to offer up our prayer, I felt your body tremble as you began to weep. I then knew that my prayers for you were not only reaching God, but that He was sending His Spirit to fill your heart with the long sought after testimony. The Holy Spirit then filled my heart also, and together we wept in joy for the change of heart that only God could offer you.
Things were better after that...not perfect, you sometimes even reverted to old ways, which filled me even more with inner distress and turmoil because I now knew you had a testimony and if you didn't turn back, things would surely be worse for you. But you had something solid to work with which gave you the strength to get back up after falling, and try again to press forward more determined than ever to make more appropriate decisions.
How blessed I feel as your mother to have been given the opportunity to be a part of your life, regardless of the challenges we have come up against. I have grown in ways that could not have come about without certain experiences to bring that growth out in me. I love you and deeply appreciate every step you are now taking to walk the narrow road holding fast to the Iron Rod. I pray you will ever hang on until at last you hear those beautiful words ringing in your ears...
Well done my good and faithful servant. Well done my good and faithful son! May God ever be the foundation upon which you build your life...I pray in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Love Forever, Your Mother
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If you are desirous of reprinting this poem I would like to make a special request of you...
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May God bless you with a wonderful day!
I am a lover of good literature and music and am a writer of such (or at least I try to be).
Among other things, I love to read and write poetry.
I love people, and hope through my writings and otherwise, to be an influence for good in the lives of those whom I meet and come in contact with.
Article Source: WRITERS
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