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How To Live Forever

by Imma Okochua  
10/25/2008 / Missions


Life is the most desired but elusive item. For life, we are ready to give up wealth, and comfort. In pursuit of life we build and patronise hospitals; we eat, work, play and pray for life. What shall we not give up if only to live?

Still life remains elusive. Today, we think we have it, the next day we fall sick. The other we die.

We die. How sad but true! We die all of us. Despite our struggles and cravings for life we still die in times and manners we cannot control.

The urge to live is probably the greatest urge in this world. And the fact of death is also probably the most certain of all events.
Still there is news. Good news, that is. YOU CAN LIVE FOREVER! You can live forever. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" (John 3:36). Everlasting Life? Yes, exactly that.

This claim was made before Jesus died. It needed proof because even at that time it was a stupendous claim. Who would prove it? Jesus, the same referred to as "the Son", stepped forward to prove it. He surrendered Himself to death, was killed, buried and on the third day ROSE again PHYSICALLY, and TODAY He is still alive.

Therefore, if He could do it for Himself, He can do it for you hence the statement: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" (supra).

And this is because "if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He shall quicken your mortal bodies"
(Rom 8:11). When that happens ".... this mortal [body] must put on immortality" 1 Cor 15:53).

That's how, friend. Jesus is the key to everlasting life. He says: "I am the way, the truth and the life ...." (John 14:6). We want life. It is in Christ. We desire to live forever. The answer and realization of that innate wish is in Christ Jesus. To live forever is not to live in this mortal and decay prone body ravaged by disease and aging. It is to live in a young, vibrant, undying, un-decaying and extremely healthy body.

That is what Jesus offer you if you care to accept.

Confess your sins, repent of them, turn to Christ and invite Him to take over your life and run it as He wills. Once you do so sincerely, everlasting life is yours on the spot. You become a child of God and heir of the rich promises of the Bible. You become one with all born again Christians world wide.

Have you done that? If not, do it NOW. Don't wait. Why delay to grab life being offered you.

Now, to ensure that you do not lose what you have, you would need to join a living bible believing Pentecostal church and grow with them. Make the Bible your closest companion and prayer your constant breath and Christian fellowship your new family. You will never regret it.

Should you need further spiritual help, please contact the nearest Bible-believing church to you.

Imma Okochua is a senior legal practitioner based in Lagos, Nigeria. Was born again over 30 years ago. He is a preacher, counsellor and teacher of the Word.

Article Source: WRITERS

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