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For Tough Minds Only

by Imma Okochua  
10/25/2008 / Missions

What I am about to say is not for lily-livered and spineless people. It is not for cowards who die many times before their death. It is not for idlers or lazy drones who loathe to take responsibility but specialize in blaming others.

Now, if you judge yourself a real man listen to the headline: "Your own Destiny is Now in Your Hand"

Here we go! For long you have blamed God, man, society, nature, and government for your troubles, fear, failure, hopelessness and confusion. You have dreamt of great things but achieved very little. You look helpless before the forces of economic, society and tradition.

Alone, you have carried your burden of sin, guilt, fear, sorrow, failure and inadequacies. No one, you have found out, understands you or CAN REALLY help you.

But now, if you are a man, hear me. There is a giant in town (this is no joke). A Superman has arrived in the centre of your brutalised and nearly ruined life. You have a life time opportunity to remold and recast your life and determine your future.

This is no idle talk. (What do I gain by fooling you.) This is not a folk lore or April- Fool- day prank. It is for real. It is for real men.

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28)

That is the offer to real men. To the tough minded and for bold men. Dare to lay down your cares, burdens, failures past, present and future at Jesus' feet?

You see, that is not easy at all. All of us are accustomed to think and act in a conditioned manner. Our problem solving orientation is stereotyped. We have learned to doubt and distrust strangers and new remedies. We love to belong to the old order, even if we have die in it.

Real men, on the other hand, brave men, I say, accept new challenges, boldly admit their failure and are always willing to make changes.

Jesus, says, "Come unto me". What is your response to that? Is your back turned on Him? Are you walking away from Him with your heavy burden of life? Are you visiting native doctors, hospitals and "churches"? He says, "Come!" The Master says, "Come!"
Come, with your problems, burden and fears. Not the small ones. Come with the HEAVY LOADS. Whao!! This Man must be Super. Jesus
says to come with your HEAVY (meaning serious) burden.

"And I will give you rest" Again, whao! Can anyone beat that? That is no stunt or advert trick. This is God speaking. He will give you rest if you come.

The burden of sin has killed so many and crushed them unto hell and eternal doom . They are cowards. They are afraid of admitting their burden and embracing the Jesus solution. They stay back and perish.

Tough, bold and wise men are not like that. They respond. They come to Christ acknowledging and confessing their sins. They surrender their burden and troubles to Him. In return, He gives them REST .

No wonder, He says elsewhere that "the Kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent taketh it by force" (Matt. 11: 12)

What would you call a man who is too proud to strip before a doctor to be cured of his disease or too shy to tell his lawyer the truth? Fools. What about a drowning man who would not take the outstretched hand of diver? Fool.

Jesus, the Superman, God in person, is standing before you NOW, calling you to Come; you that labour and are heavily loaded or burdened. He is ready to give you rest.

Your response to this call shows what stuff you are made of. Reject it and prove yourself a coward and a fool. Accept it and be a real man, wise and a winner.

When He has given you rest he will make you "a new creature" (2 Cor 5:17). You can then, with your own hand, rewrite your destiny.

Man, come to Jesus today for your own good. Come, Now, bow your heart down, call upon Jesus. Tell Him, you have come . Tell Him to accept your heavy load and tedious labour. Ask Him for rest. Its all yours NOW .

Did that? Congrats!

Now, to ensure that the old serpent (satan) does not trick you back into bondage and slavery, join a living Bible believing and pentecostal church and enjoy CONSTANT fellowship with them. Make your Bible your closest friend and prayer your daily breath.

If you need further spiritual help write to:

Contact the nearest Bible-believing church to you.

Imma Okochua is a senior legal practitioner based in Lagos, Nigeria. Was born again over 30 years ago. He is a preacher, counsellor and teacher of the Word.

Article Source: WRITERS

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