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Just Leave Me Alone
by Casey Overbeek
1/26/2009 / Teen Issues
"What's up my daughter, you look sad?
I wish to be a faithful dad.
Can I encourage you some way-
Something to brighten up your day?"
"Forget it dad, I'm on my own;
Please let me be; leave me alone!
I know sometimes we'll take a walk,
But not today; don't want to talk!"
"All right my sweetheart, I'll comply,
I will not even ask you why.
But will you let me say one thing,
That surely will a blessing bring?"
I've learned this thing some while ago,
That when myself I'm kind of low
I have to turn and look away
And listen to my Jesus say:
"Behold, I stand outside and knock."
Invite me in, your heart unlock
I know what you are going through
Been there myself, but now it's you."
So, sweetheart let me tell you this:
"When Jesus knocks, do not dismiss
The time He wants to be with you,
For He will lead you gently through."
It's one thing to be left alone,
But you're not there, just on your own.
The enemy would entertain
The chance to get some inward gain!
So let the Master come inside;
He'll stay awhile, with you abide.
And you, relax, find some repose
Until this cloud of darkness goes.
With love, from Dad.
Article Source: WRITERS
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