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  1. Talk to me Jesus by Richard L. Provencher  
    In my later years I am more aware of my mortality and speak often with Jesus. He is a salve for thoughts I have of faults in my life. Reviewing the life of Jesus helps me understand the extent to which He loved each of us and it makes me so glad.

  2. My trip to Puerto Rico by Greg Robbins  
    When I was a young man God called me to go to San Juan, Puerto Rico. As in all my trips, this was a faith trip. I trusted in the Lord to supply all of my needs once I arrived there.

  3. Travel by faith by Greg Robbins  
    The recounting of a trip I once took by faith. I had nothing financially and took the trip anyways trusting in God to supply all of my needs. He did, of course, and this is the story.

  4. Don't Wait to Get Caught by Beth Nyhart  
    We need stories of people who choose God over their temptations on a regular basis. We need to be reminded of what we believe and why we follow Christ. And so, to that end, I'd like to tell you my story.

  5. my writings by   
    My writing is abstract thinking of religious views that are going in today

  6. A YEAR IN VICTORY IN THE LORD by sana edoja  
    An article to give encouragement to those who are discouraged. You do not have to become a victim of your destiny

  7. Nothing Short of a Miracle by Jennifer Mobbs  
    I felt connected with that picture of the starving dog. Lately, I had been feeling like dead man's bones, dry, brittle and broken.

  8. Working Like Magic by Kelechi Ammishaddai  
    A long distance couple shares their new testimonies every week.

  9. Working Like Magic by Kelechi Ammishaddai  
    A long distance couple shares their new testimonies every week.

    I had tears in my eyes and the next minute I was so uplifted I was praising God you know it's a blessing from God when at first your heart is broken and the next you are uplifted.

  11. Coming Forth As Gold by Shari Weigerstorfer  
    As I searched the scriptures, over and over again, I was reminded of how much God is willing to fight for and defend His people... if He was willing to fight for me, I should be willing to trust Him."

  12. Divine Transformation by Annagail Lynes  
    Has your mind ever obsessed over one thought? Even trying to do something else or think something else? Your heart racing? This was my lifeall the time. Find out how all that changed.

  13. When Satan is Mad at You by Sue Darling  
    Every time we get closer to God, Satan is naturally going to fight you every inch of the way.

  14. Daily Testament by Patricia Wilson  
    Each day is a new testament of God's love. Although life is not free from problems, He is always there to help you get through it.

  15. Can I Show Mercy? by Jennifer Mobbs  
    I never really thought about forgiving him and honestly I have never really prayer about it. Could extending mercy finally become the best part of me?

  16. God's Grace & Anxiety by Renee Root  
    I wanted to share with others about how it feels to have an anxiety disorder and that God loves me and accepts me where I am at in my walk with the Lord. I believe this will help many people who are struggling with the anxiety disorder and will help them to know that God gives them love and grace and is patient as they grow in the Lord.

  17. The Answer to Stress is Getting Your Life Right With the Lord by Renee Root  
    This is a testimony of how the Lord is the answer to stress because a relationship with the Lord that is right will help you deal with everything in life. God is the answer.

  18. Standing on the Edge of a Cliff by Jennifer Mobbs  
    Standing on the edge of a cliff looking down, the ground loose beneath my feet, the air heavy, what should I do, what will I do.

  19. Introduction and Testimony by Janet Riley  
    Summary of my Christian walk and the impact of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit on my life.

  20. Glutton by Trace Pezzali  
    God has supernaturally given me self-control over eating chocolate and baked sugary treats. Its been sixteen months since I've eaten either, with no temptation tearing at me. I had to get to the root of my addiction before I could break it. I pray this story is a revelation applicable to others struggling with the same.

  21. Testimony Of a Baptist Minister by Daniel Thrower  
    A Baptist Minister that was slain in the Spirit

  22. The Glory of Story by Alan Allegra  
    As of this writing, I have been out of work for over 2-1/2 years. Major Jean once told me that when I get a job, I will have a big story to tell. Whenever I see her, she says, "That story is getting bigger!" I do plan to give God the glory when that time comes!
    In the meantime, I have stories about how the Lord has provided for my wife and me during these unsettled times.

  23. Child-like Trust by Jada V  
    How is your trust walk with God? Do you have that obedient trust that God desires us to have?

  24. "A Newborn not born to us but given..." by Sarah Dykema  
    I never expected that in my most joyful moment I would experience such pain. A pain I have never felt before. It was someone else's pain, a stranger, who I so rapidly felt love toward. In this moment my joy was overwhelming, it gleamed from my soul. After a season of experiencing the dryness of the wilderness I could see the black cloud in the distance, rain was approaching. God's showering of blessings in my life was nearing.

  25. A Search for Sunshine by Sarah Dykema  
    God is not a place! The testimony of a young man's life changing accident lends comfort to the dark, hopeless, feelings of a teenage girl's reality.

  26. Joy comes in the Morning by ginny smith  
    Out of some bitter experience God has made something beautiful. Our trials are not without purpose or meaning.

  27. The Sixth Floor Waiting Room by Jennifer Mobbs  
    Will I be crushed in spirit because my body is afflicted? No. Am I pressed beyond measure? No. As long as I live I will be delivered over to death for the sake of Jesus, so His Life can be manifested in me, in my mortal body.

  28. Behind Dark Forgotten Doors And Walls. by Stephen Vattimo  
    This article is a first hand account of abuse used as a method to control behavior of student at a private school for emotionally disturbed and mentally handicapped

    Each time I recall and imagine how Jesus hung upon the cross for me, goose bumps spread over me and I feel the chill of His unconditional sacrificial love agape.
    Behold my Saviour, my Lover!

  30. My Testimony by Jack Vorster  
    I was saved by the Grace of God through Jesus Christ. This is my story.


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