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  1. MOM'S BACK-UP PLANS by linzy bruno  
    ".........We're outta toilet paper and I need some now!......."

  2. Save Money: Nix the Landline! by Tonja Taylor  
    We'd had a landline for years, even after getting cell phones. The LORD helped us realize that we could save money by cutting off the landline, since the internet was separate, and not have to put up with annoying spam calls, either!

  3. When Your Loved One is On Hospice by Tonja Taylor  
    There may be some nasty surprises you face, while caring for your loved one on Hospice. From drug-induced hallucinations, to anger and scorn and strife, to forgetfulness and dementia; to lots of strangers coming back and forth, and these things can be challenging to your health. We must continue to release the negatives to Daddy God, our all-knowing Comforter and Guide.

  4. ALERT! WE ARE LOSING OUR CHILDREN by Rachel Jamerson  
    A serious look at the changes in America and how they are affecting our children.

  5. Little by Little by Susan Hanson  
    My great granddaughter turned three a few days ago, and as birthdays tend to do, it caused me to think about how time slips by so quickly.

  6. To Abort or Not to Abort ?" The Dilemma of a New Couple (True Story) by Daniel Dela Dunoo  
    A true story of how a new couple were faced with a delimma - a dilemma to abort or not to abort.

  7. Dedicated to Jesus by Chong Shipei  
    Susan wept. She had tried days to get a baby, but it was to no avail. Every night, she went to bed, with an attempt to get pregnant. Every day, she was disappointed by the fact that pregnancy did not come in spite of her trying hard for it.

  8. Scriptural Blessings to Speak Over Your Loved Ones by Tonja Taylor  
    These Scriptures are powerful blessings to speak over your loved ones, and even yourself!

  9. Happy Birthday--Every Day! by Tonja Taylor  
    Our families are gifts from God, and we should celebrate them every day! Here is a neat strategy the LORD showed me for that.

  10. Simple pleasures by Kay Rittenhouse  
    What have you gained if you lose whats most important?

  11. Tortured Emotionally. by Cheryl saddlemire  
    This is a story about my family.

    This a non fictional article.

  12. I Miss Them by PamFord Davis  
    I miss themâ

    âHonour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee (Exodus 20:12 KJV).â

  13. How to Make Extra Money for the Holidays by Tonja Taylor  
    Here is a quick way that many people can quickly earn extra money for the holidays--and beyond--simply by doing what they do every day!

  14. Purity in Progress by Tonja Taylor  
    Our children are constantly soaking up not only what we say, but how we express ourselves in our nonverbal language (gestures, facial expressions, etc.). No matter what it seems like, when we continue to follow God and do and say the right things--and apologize when we don't--then we will see the fruit in our chi

    Today half of America is divorced. Statistically, 7 or 8 out of 10 applications for divorce are filed by women, not men. God hates divorce. How about the children? How about the resulting Infinite suffering, betrayal, about robbing a spouse? Meantime, the Devil worshippers managed to produce a stupid, degenerate, abominable, diseased, drug and sex addicted youth, ready to take over our countryâs future.

  16. A Father's Day To Remember by Linda Lawrence  
    This is a tender story of conflict between a father and teenage son that can only be resolved with repentance and humility.

  17. The Pruning Years by Samuel Dumas  
    ...While the lifespan in me
    Blends in her beam, then...disbands;
    I reach within my sacred smoke
    For clear words to say...

  18. Intended for Good by L. Osmon  
    Sometimes forgiveness comes in the strangest packages!

  19. Impress Of A Child by Samuel Dumas  
    A murmuring flow of substance,
    An unseen hope given,
    Answer to a pitying cry:

  20. The Mother's Way by Samuel Dumas  
    When you stand in the privilege of teacher,
    And you can taste the suffering
    That silently springs up from down-pursed lips
    In a childâs repentance for ungraceful deeds....

  21. The Morning Stars of Math (excerpt) by Samuel Dumas  
    when I step out, as it were, on the roof of my success building, I take full prize of the kind of nirvana that I had experienced when my first daughter was placed into my arms by the doctor, and thereafter became mine, to hold and to love both her and her gifts forever.

  22. The Search for Morning (annotation) by Samuel Dumas  
    I experienced one of my most deepest acts of encouragement to a youth and her mother the other year when I painted 15 digital paintings for Motherâs DayâI had asked each student to pick out a photo they liked from a magazine. I told them I would paint something for their mother for Motherâs Day. Ms Terry was one of those students....

  23. Half-N-Half by Samuel Dumas  
    My father fed me milk,
    My mother poured me cream;
    My mother's touch was silk,
    My father's eye, a beam....

  24. Post Delivery by Samuel Dumas  
    Years before it was fashionable, whenever I was out walking, I would always take my earbuds out as I approached a mail carrier and say, "Thank you for delivering our mail."

  25. Just Say "NO!" by Tonja Taylor  
    We love our family members. However, loving someone doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they want. Other members of your family may not always understand, but sometimes, you have to just say "NO."

  26. Scriptures to Personalize for Your Child(ren)'s Destiny by Tonja Taylor  
    Here are many Scriptures to speak over your children and how to do it. The Word of God is a treasure box that is never exhausted!

  27. Your Children Are Chosen for a Great Destiny and You Can Help Them With These Scriptures! by Tonja Taylor  
    Here are several Scriptures about Destiny to speak over your children. Every time you accurately speak the Word of God over your loved ones, you are positively influencing the course of their lives!

  28. Creative Ideas to Help Your Child(ren) Know Christ Jesus Better! by Tonja Taylor  
    Here are many ideas I have successfully used to help sow the Word into my child and myself. These will work for you too!

  29. Faith Scriptures to Speak Over Your Child by Tonja Taylor  
    Faith grows; so when you sow?"plant--faith in your heart and those of your children and other loved ones, it can bear much life-giving fruit!

  30. Bless Your Kids With Your Words by Tonja Taylor  
    God has given us the privilege to speak His Word--The Blessing--over our children. Here is a bit of history about it's importance, so you can get started today with a greater understanding of helping shape your child's life for Christ by speaking the living eternal Word of God over them!


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