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Lesbian minister tried and convicted of performing homosexual weddings in Presbyterian Church USA by Peter Menkin
by Peter Menkin
minister tried for homosexual marriage ceremonies, Presbyterian Church USA
The Heart of Parenting
by Cindee Snider Re
My not-so-secret formula for parenting is listening, first and always to God and then to our precious, priceless children, for at its core, listening is the heart and soul of all true relationship.
Ingredients for Succesful Marriage
by Yakubu Ibrahim
Many people dream of a happy married life. But for most the dream never comes true. For some it begins to crumble on the wedding day, others have theirs last the honeymoon, few succeed. I have suggested here ingredients that are necessary for successful marriages. The tips might be helpful for other forms of relationships.
How To Save A Marriage After An Affair
by Joe Beam
Divorce breaks the hearts of those involved couples, children, parents, friends, church, and the heart of God. One of the greatest underlying events destroying marriages today is adultery. The following is a frank and spiritual message on how to save a marriage after an affair.
How to Help Your Spouse Stop Cheating
by Angie Lewis
People cheat because they lack the spiritual Christ in their life. Unfaithfulness has to do with still living for self instead of for our Creator. Put these principles to work
How to Save Your Marriage if You Think Your Spouse Is Cheating
by Angie Lewis
I am here to tell you that you can heal from the affects of adultery and be a better spouse for it. If you are suspicious of your spouse then your marriage is already in trouble. Why wait to find out if they are actually cheating?
Emotional Adultery: How Husbands and Wives Disrespect Each Other
by Angie Lewis
Eying other women may seem innocent enough, but one day it will go further than just ogling. What is in a man's heart will come out in his actions. "But I tell you anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew 5:27-28) Christ calls it emotional adultery and that's what it is.
by Paul Curtis
I stand alone
Yet among friends
Major Reason Why Christian Marriages Cannot Be Saved
by Angie Lewis
I often remind couples when they are going through problems in their marriage that before they can save their marriage from divorce they need to work on saving themselves. In other words they need personal healing and restoration. In utter disbelief they reply, "But I'm not the who committed adultery!" Or they say, I'm not the one with the alcohol problem; I don't need healing!" I believe it is time to get off the pedestal.
Forgiving and Loving your Christian Spouse after Adultery
by Angie Lewis
Because your spouse committed adultery do you constantly berate him or her and stick their nose into the dog doo-doo over and over again. Do you wonder why you should forgive? Itâs surely difficult to forgive, itâs true. We donât want to be nice; we want the adulterer or the adulteress to feel shame, guilt and remorse for what they have done against the sanctity of the marriage! But some things that we do in life will take effort and determination.
by Paul Curtis
As spring turned to summer
Nary a cloud marked the sky
The Ten Christian Principles Of A Successful Marriage
by Greg Baker
I've counseled and been the pastor of marriages for years. In all that time, I have come to realize what makes a successful marriage. Any marriage, and I mean any marriage, that follows these ten principles will be successful.
Finding Time Alone When You Have Children
by Greg Baker
Children are a wonderful gift in a marriage. They are a God given gift. However, children can distract your marriage and even destroy it.
Keep Some Mystery in Your Marriage
by Greg Baker
Perhaps you've heard the statement that familiarity breeds contempt. There is a lot of truth in it. The more familiar and comfortable you are with something, the less impressed you tend to be with it. People who live near the Grand Canyon no longer have the reaction that someone does who sees it for the first time. A marriage can get this way and it's dangerous. Read this article to learn why you want to keep some mystery in your marriage.
You Want Your Marriage To Stay Alive? Talk.
by Greg Baker
Communication is an art, a skill, a learned behavior. Just because you can speak doesn't mean you can communicate. There are many different ways we communicate. Words are powerful, but body language or even a kiss can communicate as well. It's essential that you learn to communicate.
Rekindling the Flame in Your Marriage
by Greg Baker
At some point, you were very attracted to the person you married. Then something happened and now you are no longer as attracted as you once were. This is often evident when someone tells me, "I just don't love him / her like I once did." If this is you, read on.
The Only Marriage That Can't Be Saved
by Greg Baker
I personally believe that every marriage can be salvaged expect one. Over a decade of counseling and working with marriages has convinced me that no problem is insurmountable or irreconcilable except the one mentioned in this article. Find out what it may be.
The Three 'Magic' Questions To Save Your Marriage
by Greg Baker
For years, as a Pastor and counselor, I've had to figure out how to save someone's marriage. Here is a short formula that I use to find out where the problems may truly lie, and knowing them, I can recommend a plan on what needs to be done to fix the broken relationship. You can follow it for yourself right now.
Would you Choose to Take a Break in a Room with Dynamite and then Light a Match?
by Marijo Phelps
What about having friends of the opposite sex when you are married?
The Main Causes of Divorce - Know How To Aovid Them!
by Greg Baker
I've been counseling marriages for over a decade and I've seen recurring problems that contribute significantly towards divorce. Obviously, there are many things that actually contribute, and no single marriage is ever just like another. There are six factors, however, that seem to be significantly more prominent than others. Learn what I have learned and what you can do to avoid them.
A Mature Marriage is Commitment - Not a Contract
by Greg Baker
Until a marriage becomes more than just an agreement between two people it will never reach the potential that it is capable of. But what does it mean to be committed to a marriage? This article details the right attitude towards marriage.
Why Love Is Not Enough
by Greg Baker
Is it not true that you argue more with people whom you say you love the most? Is it not also true that you've been hurt more by people that claim they love you than by anyone else? If love is enough why then do 50% of marriages end in divorce between two people who once said they loved each other? This article takes a look at this problem.
What Does Marriage Give You That You Can't Otherwise Get?
by Greg Baker
Marriage is only a legal contract, right? So what does marriage give you that other relationships can't? Marriage does, in fact, give you some things that other relationships can't. This article explores some of these things.
How to Get Close and Stay Close
by Greg Baker
What keeps people together through the thick and thin? Why do some people start out strong and wind up splitting or getting a divorce? What can be done to get close to someone and stay close? This article explores what draws people together and what will keep them close.
How to Build Trust
by Greg Baker
Trust is something that must be earned. It isn't something that is given. But how do you earn someone's trust? How do we regain someone's trust after we lost it? This article explores these issues and more.
Expressing Yourself Using the Question Tree Technique
by Greg Baker
Expressing yourself is not always easy. There can be many things that go wrong when you try to express yourself. Misunderstandings are perhaps the most destructive communication mishaps in relationships. So how do you solve it? No method is perfect, especially when you are dealing with someone else's perceptions, feelings, and desires.
Dealing With Unrealistic Expectations In Marriage
by Greg Baker
One of the great relationship destroyers is that of unrealistic expectations. Expecting something out of the relationship that the other is either ignorant of, unwilling to provide, or simply unable to provide. Frustration and anger is the result. This article deals with differing expectations and how to deal with them.
Seven Things Every Married Couple Needs To Learn To Say
by Greg Baker
Communication and expressing yourself is the key to any successful relationship. It is vital that you learn to say things to each other. We aren't mind readers, and hearing something said renews our faith in each other. Here are seven things that you ought to say to your spouse.
What To Do If Your Husband Is Immature
by Greg Baker
Many a woman feels as if her husband hasn't really grown up yet. This article will attempt to point out some of the characteristics of this immaturity and what a woman can do about it.
Why Every Married Couple Ought To Date
by Greg Baker
For some reason, many couples find that much of the intrigue and interest in their relationship dwindled after marriage. One reason may be that the effort of pursuit and being pursued as evidenced by dating is no longer a part of the couples' lives. Dating, at least once a week, will renew the excitement and interest in a marriage. Find out why and how.
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