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  1. How To Talk To Your Alcoholic Husband About Sexual Intimacy by Angie Lewis  
    Some wives are letting us know they are offended and disgusted by their sloppy drunk husband during sexual intimacy. Many wives do not want to divorce their husbands but rather want to work on healthy detachment instead.

  2. Feminism Attitude and Wifely Submission by Angie Lewis  
    I read an article the other day that talks about Christian feminism. Is this an oxymoron or what? How can a feminist be a Christ follower? How can a feminist submit to her husband?

  3. Why Would Your Christian Spouse Cheat? by Angie Lewis  
    First off let me tell you that you are not alone. Thousands of alleged Christians, who go to church, raise families and seem like good people are cheating on their spouses. What is going on with Christianity in society today?

  4. Are You Unhappy In Your Marriage? by Deborah Morrison  
    You've been married 15, 20, 30 years or more, or maybe less and you are miserable in your marriage.

  5. How A Christian Wife Should Love Her Christian Husband by Angie Lewis  
    A healthy marriage is an intimate relationship. Intimacy has to be created with our husbands through our emotional, physical and spiritual affections. There is too much thinking that "we don't love our husbands anymore" attitude!

  6. Defining Adultery Is Knowing You Are Committing Adultery by Angie Lewis  
    There are three ways adultery can be defined in a marriage. The number one way is when a spouse has sex with another person other than who they are married to. The second way, which most people don't know about, is by remarriage when their first marriage spouse is still living.

  7. The Right Foundation for Successful Marriages And Healthy Families by Ngozi Nwoke  
    Marriage is one of the most beautiful things God made. It is one of the channels where we exercise our God-like nature of love and commitment to responsibilities. Successful marriages and healthy families are not wished to be but they are worked. And building the right foundation is most necessary if you want your marriage and family to stand the test of time.

  8. Inner Healing Touches Wife by BILL HUNT  
    The anointing love of God enters the rocks of marriage and guides the union between husband and wife.

  9. Positive Words Heal Husband by BILL HUNT  
    Will God intervene to save a husband and wife in marriage?

  10. The Best Way To Preserve Your Marriage Don't Cheat! by Angie Lewis  
    Adultery starts in the heart, even before the act of adultery has ever been committed, it is thought about first by the attitude within our spirit. We may think it is ok to lust, desire and covet others, but we have deceived ourselves. This is why Jesus says to not look at a woman or man lustfully or it will cause adultery, or for the unmarried, fornication.
    (Matthew 5:27-28

  11. How To Heal From The Pain Of An Extramarital Affair by Greg Baker  
    Your spouse cheated on you. Nothing you can do will change that. Still, you've decided to stick it out and try to make the marriage work. Only you don't trust him/her anymore, you are incredibly suspicious, and your anxiety of possibly being betrayed again is eating your heart out. You still feel intense pain over the last betrayal, and you can't get past it to do your part in healing the marriage. This article gives some hints and tips to help you.

  12. Marriage Crisis: God Heals the Wife by BILL HUNT  
    "To the married, I give this command (not I but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife" (1 Cor. 7:10-11 NIV).

  13. The Horizon - A Man and a Woman by Brian Passe  
    Men conquer worlds - women civilize the.There is a God given link between a man and a woman. It runs deep within each of their souls.

  14. Marriage Crisis: God Heals the Husband by BILL HUNT  
    A marriage crisis will end in acceptance or rejection. Circumstances and persons will work for or against healing. God proved he is the first partner, and both my wife and I turned to his healing.

  15. 3 Ways to Guarantee Your Husband Won't Cheat on You? by Angie Lewis  
    Many wives don't realize they are doing it, but they often reprimand, belittle and boss their husbands around like he is one of the children. Are you his mother or his wife? He wants to feel close and intimate with his feminine wife, not his mother, or worse, a dictator

  16. Instead of Saying "I Love You", Show Love In Your Actions by Angie Lewis  
    Sadly 75 to 80 percent of women, even though they are married, are, or will be, victims of some kind of abuse, whether it is sexual harassment from work, or being raped, robbed, or murdered. And sometimes it is by people they are acquainted with from where they work. Some wives confuse a husband's protection as being controlling. If in the end what your husband is asking you to do is something good for you then how can that be controlling?

  17. How Should a Christian Husband Submit to His Wife? by Angie Lewis  
    A husband loves his wife, he does not submit to her as being under her headship. That is not how God created the sexes. The hierarchy works like this: A husband submits to Christ's protection and instruction for him because Christ is the head over the man, hence the man is now able to love his wife properly. In marriage the wife submits to her husband's protection...

  18. Have You Cheated on Your Spouse? How to Stay Faithful by Angie Lewis  
    Think about how unfaithfulness begins: it begins with each other sweet talking and giving flattery to making one another feel good being with each other. If married this is called emotional adultery. This ego building usually generates a sexual relationship, which could have been prevented had you prayed about it and put your life in God's hands.

  19. Societal Contributions to Dysfunctional Marriages by Greg Baker  
    No longer can society's contributions to ruined marriages be ignored. Certain supposed progressive philosophies that have dominated societal thinking over the last 100 years has not improved marriages but has rather added to marriage degradation in our society.

  20. The Role of Husband and Wife in a Christ-Centered Marriage by Angie Lewis  
    Women become good examples to Christian young ladies when they allow their husbands to be the overseer of the home and family in respectful submission to his headship position. In submitting to her husband she does not become a doormat. She is not following her husband like a lost puppy dog, but merely submitting her life to his trust by working with him as his helpmeet.

  21. To See Your Face Once More by Lori Godfrey  
    A synopsis telling about the life of a truck driver's wife and the importance of their life together when he is home.

  22. How to Deal With Anger After Husband Commits Adultery by Angie Lewis  
    What many people don't understand is they do not have to become verbally abusive and violent to release anger out of their system and get a point across. In fact anger never resolves issues at all, but makes the situation worse. Scripture talks quite a bit about anger

  23. Should a Christian Wife Always Submit? by Angie Lewis  
    I write a lot about marital submission because I believe in it. I believe that a wife should allow her husband to be the head over her. But submission is always voluntary. If a husband has to make his wife submit than how is that submission?

  24. Reconciliation by S Mariah  
    I think the most sensible way to deal with that, is to pray for God's will to be done, if God did touch our hearts for reconciliation with those who have hurt us, maybe we should take it on board and just do it accordingly as to honor God. When we honor God in such a way, we can be sure of God's blessings pouring over our ways. God will honor those who honor Him.

  25. FILL MY WORLD WITH LIGHT by Paul Curtis  
    From the first break of day
    Till the setting of the sun
    My heart is full to overflowing
    And I know that you are the one

  26. The Long Journey by Lori Godfrey  
    A story about a couple's marriage and the trials that they overcome when they allow love and forgiveness to take over.

  27. In Production by Laura Manley  
    Todd opens a can of worms he's sorry for opening when he sees Angela's response to what he has to say. Life will never be the same as they have known it for the past five years.

  28. How to Not Divorce Your Spouse by Angie Lewis  
    The number one reason couples get divorced is because they can't get alongthe courts call it "irreconcilable differences" but what it really should be called is "selfishness".

  29. Tired or Married? by Jody Day  
    One "small thing" in a bilingual conversation illustrates how little things make a difference in marriage.

  30. How a Wife Can Help Her Husband Take His Headship Position by Angie Lewis  
    When we rebel against our husband's role in marriage it will not only harm our relationship with God but it will harm the sexual and emotional intimacy between husband and wife.


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