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by Eugene Lopatynsky
To understand contemporary marriage and to protect it, we must understand the great subject of RIGHTS and LIBERALISM, creeping in (ha! ENFORCED) everywhere. This liberalism has now become the beating heart of modern matrimony. They say, it beats the daylights right out of matrimony.
Love, A Beautiful Gift
by Antje Hill
Statistics tell us marriage is not easy. Husbands and wife will attest to this. But it is worth the challenge to find someone who loves you no matter what. God has promised to help us in this most difficult task of putting our spouse ahead of self. He loves our dependence on Him.
The Letter She Wrote To Richard Her Husband
by Tesse Wilson
Hurting she makes an appeal to her husband saying please talk to me, let us resolve these issues and mend the breaches in our relationship.
by Eugene Lopatynsky
"If you want peace, prepare for war". Ever hear that? This applies double to marriage. More than half of the nation is divorced and nobody prepared ahead for disaster?
Are You Happy?
by Olawale Ogunsola
Happiness is essential to your living a healthy life. Are you happy?
The Oil For The Engine Of Marriage
by Olawale Ogunsola
As the Oil is important for the lubrication of an engine for it to operate optimally, so is communication to marriage.
Happy Married Life Or Divorce?
by Femi Samuel
Which one seems better: lovely married life or divorce? Take a read on what Junoi writes about the power of loving each other rather than settling for a divorce.
What Breaks Up Couples
by Cate Russell-Cole
Factors which are known to cause potential relationship failure, including fast romances, living together and how conflict is handled.
The Perfect Woman
by Cate Russell-Cole
How to be the Proverbs 31 woman... without keeling over from exhaustion. A look at marital and personal workaholism and being a wife.
To Be Or Not To Be? Regaining Broken Trust
by Cate Russell-Cole
What do you do, once the trust in a relationship has been betrayed?
Fighting Fair: Dealing With Conflict
by Cate Russell-Cole
Some couples seem to fight all the time, others only have an occasional row. Managing differences in opinions and needs with the least stress is the goal, but just how do you actually achieve it?
Wrestling With Relationship Disappointment
by Cate Russell-Cole
As romances and marriages development, our partners fall short of who and what we wanted them to be. This article deals with that problem in a positive and practical manner.
Why So Many Wives? King David and Polygamy
by Cate Russell-Cole
Why was King David allowed to have so many wives and concubines? What are the pros and cons and why did God allow polygamy. A statistical and sociologically based study.
A great marriage is possible even on this earth full of divorces and evil forces. God still works to keep homes together and marriages secured and worth enjoyed!
Choosing a Mate in the Kingdom of Love
by Shari Weigerstorfer
"Someday my prince will come" is not a biblical phrase but the mindset of romantic fiction and Disney fairy tales may keep single women single far longer than the King intends.
Marriage is one of the greatest gift God has given me after my salvation. Marrying my wife is nothingless than a blessing. We both are blessed for life, and we are paying the price to make it work. She is a child of God. She is an angel.
I am doing my best to love her as Christ loves the Church!
3 Things That Don't Work (And One That Does)
by Abby Kelly
I have made enough mistakes that I'm certainly more than a novice about what not to do in a marriage. From that place of humility and candor, let me offer you some hard-won wisdom.
Envision a Happy Marriage
by Kim Bond
This article includes practical advice for enhancing marital relationships, eighteen tips for improved intimacy, and a short recommended prayer.
Letter to my future spouse
by Janet Riley
What letter would you write to a future spouse? If you were trusting God for a partner, and had not met that person yet?
Do You Eat An Immature Fruit?
by Olawale Ogunsola
How often do you love to eat an immature fruit? Do you enjoy eating a fruit that is not ripe?
What Really Happens When A Couple Watch Pornography Together
by Pappa Joseph
Understand the deadly effects on the psyche of the couple who watch a pornographic video together.
When You Wonder If Your Spouse is Saved
by Abby Kelly
Does your heart whimper with the hurt of not knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that your husband, the man you've sworn to grow old with, to share this life with, will share eternal life with you, too?
Let God pick your marriage partner
by Janet Riley
Let the God of the universe, who created you, pick your marriage partner.
Precious Memories
by louis gander
As I sit in my rocker,
here looking at our tree,
the Christmas lights and ornaments
are shining back on me.
Why Marriages Break
by Segun Olumide
12 things that can make or break your marriage. You can avoid divorce. Yes, you can turn a sour marriage to a sweet one through God's word. Read on!
Where "Okay" Is Enough
by Abby Kelly
I just got home last night but early enough to enjoy the lingering evening hours with Patrick. He is exhausted right now too trying to finish up Air Assault School and prepare for eminent deployment, though we still don't have a date.
Lessons on a Man, From the Inside
by Abby Kelly
"I remember before I got married. It was so much different--doing whatever I wanted and I didn't really worry about the future or the consequences of my choices. When a wife and family depend on you, it's terrifying."
by Dorcas Osesie
African dehumanization of the female. Evils of Maltreatment in Marriage
by Dr Surya Kumar Daimari
Two loving hearts meet together at Pink Park. John, the 'Hi Handsome' talks to 'curly haired Pretty with two muted eyes'. Pretty talks less but she is straightforward and does no compromise with the world in loving Jesus and her John no less. Listen to their conversation
Submission of Christian Wives
by Joy Chiasson
Submission is not slavery. It is of your obedience to Christ that you will bring yourself to submission under your own husband when you accept Jesus as your Savior. This is right in the sight of our Lord. What does submission mean for us women?
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