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The Irrefutable Solution to Irreconcilable Differnces
by Abby Kelly
One of the most common reasons given for broken marriages is, "We just weren't compatible anymore. We had irreconcilable differences." Incompatibilitythere is a Biblical App[lication] for that.
Preparing to Cleave with Gabriella (Part 1)
Preparing to Cleave with Gabriella is a pre-marriage teaching series that helps women especially understand why they are experiencing delay with getting married and how the delay can be terminated.
What I Thought God Wanted
by Abby Kelly
I have prayed and prayed and prayed for my husband to love the Lord with all his heart and to lead our family spiritually. (I've also employed some unsuccessful tactics like pleading and bribing.) Now, 15 years later, I'm tired, I feel like a failure and I want to quit.
17 Things to Help Your Marriage
by Tonja Taylor
Biblical marriage is under attack. We believe these tips will help strengthen yours to the glory of God!
Married Life in Christ
by Teresa Wiltz
Mark 10:6-9~"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.'7 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,8 and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."
Me, My Husband and My In-laws
The relationship with one's in-laws is not one to be taken lightly as it can make or break the marriage union. When Rebecca complained about the daughters of Heth whom Esau had married, Esau took yet another wife. I believe this was done to please his parents.
The Fruit of Fretting
by Abby Kelly
That's one thing I simultaneously admire and hate about my man. He can simply drop his arms, turn around and let the whole argument go. All the while, the heat of anger and bitterness simmers in my chest.
Keep the Monsters Away
by Richard L. Provencher
Regardless of any fears, from whatever source, we must confront them. Wind and circumstance can be overcome through faith and living the way God wants us to, in spite of the monsters nearby.
Good Intentions Don't Count
by Abby Kelly
So what if we could harness this knowledge of our few and temporal mornings and evenings so that we might have this wisdom now for our marriages and other relationships?
Submission- What a dirty little word.
by Jennifer Cardinal
Marriage and what it means to submit
A husband who can still boldly say, "I love my wife!" must have been spiritually mature enough to overlook her weaknesses and loved her anyway, even as Christ loved the Church.
"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;" (Ephesians 5:25).
Five Steps to Cure Chronic Conversations
by Abby Kelly
Every couple has chronic conversations. The ones you see coming a mile away. They build in your chest, but get stuck in your throat. How do you bring up that one issue, the one that comes up over and over?
by Jeannine Brenner
Can the cherished memory of a high school romance be the cause of unfaithfulness? There comes a time when we must let go of the past if our marriage is to bring honor to God and to each other.
Dangerous Indifference
by Abby Kelly
The problem with indifference is that it eliminates the possibility of anything ever being different.
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage?
by Abby Kelly
"The humans are to be encouraged to regard as the basis for marriage a highly-colored and distorted version of something the Enemy really promises as its result." C.S. Lewis
A Heritage of Faithfulness
by Abby Kelly
My marriage vows were no longer enough. I writhed on the basement floor drenched in sweat and tears.
When I am Weak, Strength in Unity
by Jennifer Munoz
Upon receiving news of my husband's layoff the enemy began attacking my mind and faith. The Holy Spirit led me to begin spiritual warfare which was followed by something I could not have predicted would happen. This prayer would change my marriage, and my life.
7 Little Things That Can Make A Big Difference In Your Marriage
by Pastor QT Nyathi
Do not despise the day of small things, the Bible urges us. Indeed small hinges turn big doors. These little tweaks in your home can turn your marriage around.
7 Myths That Can Destroy Your Marriage
by Pastor QT Nyathi
Don't let these popular lies about marriage destroy your home.
Are You Married Or Just Living In The Same House?
by Pastor QT Nyathi
Find out if you are married or just sharing board.
7 Similarities Between Marriage And Ministry
by Pastor QT Nyathi
As long as you are married you are in the ministry. Find out how.
14 More Hot Sex Quotes Just For You
by Pastor QT Nyathi
Mouth-watering titbits to titillate and tantalize your spouse.
Give Me 2 Minutes And I'll Make You A Better Kisser
by Pastor QT Nyathi
Don't just use your mouth to bless the Lord, utilise it to bless your spouse too.
21 Inspirational Marriage Quotes
by Pastor QT Nyathi
Massage your marriage today using these truth capsules.
14 Hot Original Sex Quotes
by Pastor QT Nyathi
Spice things up in your bedroom today using these tasty titbits.
3 Ways To Unzip Your Lips In The Bedroom
by Pastor QT Nyathi
Learn how to break the silence in your bedroom using these three simple steps.
Up Your Bedroom Game Using These 3 Simple Steps
by Pastor QT Nyathi
You can have hot holy sex. Use these three tried and tested game-changers to score big in the bedroom.
The Marriage Goddess
by Alan Allegra
Although some elements of society seek to persuade us that marriage is an archaic, draconian, patristic plan for the subjugation of women, the truth is that a properly functioning biblical marriage is a safe house for man, woman, and child alike--a hothouse for heavenly holiness!
Weaver Ants
by Emily Van rijn
Weaver ants are a perfect of teamwork and unity. They all work together to build a home. How do we compare?
You're a Baby!
by Emily Van rijn
He said this, so he must have meant this. Do you ever make this mistake?
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