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Crohn's Disease Gone!
by Pamela Walck
I had Crohn's Disease and colitis for years and felt horrible. The good Lord miraculously healed me. The article describes what happened and how my perspective changed.
by bruno sebrechts
Deliverance ministries should have a balanced view on miracles, for belief in God's miracle-working power doesn't guarantee quick and easy answers to all spiritual needs.
by Olawale Ogunsola
The Lord is the greatest provider. He cares for all His Creatures. He cares for you too.
What Do You Have?
by Olawale Ogunsola
To receive your miracle, you have something to use, no matter your condition.
by Eugene Lopatynsky
There are CHAINS of names, events, phenomena which, with the greatest accuracy, bind all the books of the Bible together, without a single error or exception
Take the chains of NAMES as an example.
by Eugene Lopatynsky
The true Word of God contains GOD'S SIGNATURE IN EVERY VERSE. There is a MATHEMATICAL DESIGN in every verse. If this signature is missing, then the writing is NOT from God.
No technology can duplicate it. No other writing in this whole world has anything like that.
by Apostle Steve Adonai
Christian Healing Ministry Should Be Free for Those in Need
by Max Aplin
There is no evidence that Jesus or the early church ever charged people for healing ministry. Christian healing ministries should be no different today. Various problems are caused by charging people for healing sessions or pressuring ill people for money. At the end of the article I give a few suggestions on how healing ministries operate in the area of finance.
Why Do We Not See More Miracles Today?
by Max Aplin
There are various reasons why we donït see more miracles today. These include unbelief, lack of asking God, lack of awareness that miracles usually involve human agents, tolerating sin, and wrong ideas about qualifications.
Everything is going to be OK
by Francie Snell
How beautiful it was, during that time of depression and separation, to see a love note from God. I look at clouds much differently now, thinking of the message, I believe, God had given us that day.
Uncle Horace Healed in Hospital believed Bible verse
by Ethel Ashe-Frear
A non-believer who swore all the time hears a Bible verse before cancer surgery and believes. The Lord transformed this life.
That Miracle
by David Holdsworth
Why is it taking so long?
"The greater the vision the greater the warfare."
The Importance of Ministering to People Afflicted by Demons - Part 2, Other Considerations
by Max Aplin
During His earthly ministry, Jesus often healed people who were afflicted by demons, and the early church carried on from where He left off. Today there are many who suffer from demonic affliction, and ministering to them should be an important part of the churchïs work.
The Importance of Ministering to People Afflicted by Demons - Part 1, The Biblical Data
by Max Aplin
During His earthly ministry, Jesus often healed people who were afflicted by demons, and the early church carried on from where He left off. Today there are many who suffer from demonic affliction, and ministering to them should be an important part of the churchïs work.
In the Early Church How Often Did Non-Apostles Work Miracles?
by Max Aplin
Some Christians claim that in the early church, when God worked miracles using human agents it was always in connection with apostolic ministry. They say that because there are no apostles today, we should no longer expect Him to use Christians in miracle work. However, the Bible makes it very clear that in the early church many miracles involving a human agent were not connected to apostolic ministry.
God Wants to Use Christians in Miracle Work Today - Part 3, Testimony
by Max Aplin
God is using miracles today to help build His church in number and strength. Christians in all parts of the world should seek to be His instruments in miracle ministry.
God Wants to Use Christians in Miracle Work Today - Part 2, Objections Answered
by Max Aplin
God is using miracles today to help build His church in number and strength. Christians in all parts of the world should seek to be His instruments in miracle ministry.
God Wants to Use Christians in Miracle Work Today - Part 1, The Biblical Data
by Max Aplin
God is using miracles today to help build His church in number and strength. Christians in all parts of the world should seek to be His instruments in miracle ministry.
The Amazing Simplicity of Faith
by Dinora Trujeque
Faith is a simple thing. Yet, many of us think of it as a mysterious, complicated and hard to achieve spiritual level. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the amazing miracle of the lame man proves.
Things to Remember About Spiritual Gifts and Experiences
by Stephen Williamson
Should I believe what just happened to me? Five things to remember.
He Showers Me
by louis gander
Oh, how can I live sincere life
when failed I, this exam?
Oh, how can I live honest life
when it is but a sham?
And how can promise now be kept
with water over dam?
Divine Proof of God part 2
by Michael Gutwein
The end of a fascinating look at the Supernatural plan of God from the foundations of the world!!
It proves, without argument, His Omniscience!
Divine Proof of God part 1
by Michael Gutwein
This article is a bit long but I will assure the reader, if you read, all the way to the end, you will see God in a way that you've never seen Him before!
He predestined every single day of our lives for His purpose and His Glory and this story shows you actual proof!
A Feast of Summer 2
by Richard L. Provencher
God has created many miracles, and they stare us in the face each night. This poem acknowledges the beauty of His blessings.
God Loves Animals
by Greg Robbins
God created animals and he loves his creation. We should too.
Angels from the Hood
by Francie Snell
They were a frightful sight who had appeared out of nowhere, at just the right time, and with the perfect solution to my problem.
Coin in the Fishes Mouth
by Ethel Ashe-Frear
When I returned to the house, I checked my running time. I noticed my watch missing. A frown on my face, and a little confused, "How could that have happened?"
Dashing into the house, slamming the screen door behind me, I nearly collided with Mom standing in the living room. "I seemed to have lost my watch somewhere."
His Miracles
by louis gander
If, on this paper, I could pen
just one of God's creations, then,
it'd prove to all, His mighty hand -
His miracles on sea and land.
But how can I take fish and bird -
express their beauty in mere word?
Or on my paper, what remains
when grasping fragrance from spring rains?
Into my words, do rainbows melt?
Is, on my paper, sunshine felt?
Can words expose a flower's bloom?
Can page bring music to a room?
(see more)
Christ Our Rest Even In Stressful Times
by Joseph LaValley
Do you want to see victory? Then you must learn what it is to rest in Christ, and respond to that completeness to see your victory.
God Can Cause Us To Triumph In Tough Times
by Joseph LaValley
All of us go through tough times. However God can and will cause us to triumph if we respond to His answer in Christ.
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