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I Believe In Miracles
by Cindie York
With God, all things are possible. God is still in the miracle working business.
Will I Live Again?
by Sarah Thomas
Healing is on your way if you trust in His healing power and surrender your lives completely under His care!
Dumplings for supper
by Unami Magwenzi
Has the Lord ever invited you for supper? Well he invited me tonight!
The Truck
by Robert Kiser
God sometimes answers our prayers not only to help us, but also to show others that he is real and at work in our life.
The Tree
by Robert Kiser
I prayed for a tree to fall over.
Better A Junkie than a Bundy
by Marilyn Schnepp
From a knife at my throat to a gun at my head....YES! I believe in miracles!
Healing by Faith
by A. Diane Kennedy
Last night, my mom went to church with me. This was a pretty big deal because there was a time that she thought that would never happen again. It wasn't all that long ago that mom was praying night and day for me. I have Spinal Stenois, a condition that causes spinal cord to shrink. The cord, which isn't very big, in the first place, literally vanishes. Two years ago, I woke up one morning to discover that I couldn't feel my feet.
What are You Waiting on?
by Debbie Kay
If God wants us to be financially secure, healthy with happy secure and healthy children, why is it that we are still waiting? What exactly are we waiting on?
It's a Miracle
Faith can move mountains.
Just how did Pharaoh's Army drown in the Red Sea?
by Robert Randle
The Cecile B. DeMille epic "The Ten Commandments" starring Charlton Heston as Moses, depicts a stunning portrayal of the final deliverance of the Children of Israel from the wrath of Pharaoh and Egyptian bondage; but is that the way it really happened? The Old Testament book of EXODUS does say that Pharaoh's Army was drowned but does the movie script follow with a degree of certitude, literally and factually what the Scriptures reveal in this ancient record?
The Ryder Truck
by PamFord Davis
God answers even simple prayers.
I Did Not Pray In That Nanosecond
by Sherrie Coronas
The quick sequence of events left no time for this Christian to pray when she was in a car accident that left her car mangled. However, her daily prayes for protection made for a very soft landing.
Almost Crashing
by Marijo Phelps
Near car accident - miracle.
Gentle is the Lord
by Marijo Phelps
baptism in theHoly Spirit to a very scared lady
Ricky Sings a Song He Did Not Know
by Irvin Rozier
A song never heard by Ricky..he flawlessly sings it.
Miracle Makes No Belief
by Fenny West
Thank God when He gives you a miracle but don't make a shrine on the altar of miracles. Grow up! Grow in grace. Grow in faith for daily living! Miracles do not make belief as we have seen from the foregoing. Having miracles always will make our growth stunted and make us spoilt kids. God has something better.
Engraved upon the palms of God's Hands
by Chris Umeweni
Here, the author shares a true life story of how God rescued him from danger. It may free one from fear.
Homosexuality can be changed by the Blood of Jesus Christ!
by S Mariah
And for all those years, I can hardly understand When, and How he changed me, but all my family members, they are the eye-witnesses for they knew about my past, my struggles, and they eye witnessed the changes that is in me, I never thought I will have such a beautiful long hair today, God made it, and cuz I was a tom boy, I hate myself to have a long hair, i only fancy the long hair girl, so I never thought that the Alice today will have such a beautiful hair and most peoples said to me that I look absolutely feminine today, well it's all a miracle from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Premortal Warrior
by Diana Isham
I wrote this to my 2nd son, 3rd child after he finally gained his own personal testimony of our Lord and Savior!
He has since honorably fulfilled a 2 year mission for our Lord, and is now preparing to wed his sweetheart.
BACK THEN... re: a stroke attack essay
by Richard L. Provencher
Having a stroke is devastating. Having Jesus by your side at the time of a stroke-attack, is wonderful. And this recounting of events attests to that situation.
RECOVERY FOR STROKE VICTIMS a prayerful plan essay
by Richard L. Provencher
The Holy Spirit provided some practical advice about self-help exercises for one stroke victim. And I listened. And I did them. Praise the Lord.
YEARS AGO... essay
by Richard L. Provencher
Life is precious. And a miracle respects that desire. Not to be displaced by order, prayers are the first line of defense, when a stroke arrives like lightning.
God's Miracle of Protection
by Nancy Quinn
Close calls on the road reminds this author of the Lord's great love for her and His constant protection.
Let's remember this miracle at Christmas
by Philothea Hisim
The greatest miracle ...
Death Defied
by Angela M. Baker-Bridge
As long as there is life, there is hope! This is a heartfelt prayer from a daughter, and her siblings that gathered from across America and Europe. They joined their hearts to exercise their faith against their father's terminal diagnosis.
Miracles of the 20th Century Part One. The Intervention
by Jeremiah Hodge
For many years I habe been asked to share in writing, some of the amazing conversions and stunning miracles encounterd during my missionary tours and work for our Great God.
I felt it good to use this wonderful Christian site as forum to help others trust in God's mercy and desire to use his power to help mankind. I will do this in series, which I am certain will bless all my Christian brothers and sisters.
God of Miracle
by Ezekiel Gbenga Oladosu
Giving you this testimony, tells me that you are the next person God wants to visit. Hold on to his word that you have had from your dreams or Visions it will surely come to reality. When I had the word and I hook on the word and I saw the reaction of the word. Even though, we are living in a changing world, the word of the Lord never changes. Abraham said that God will provide, this shows how is keeping is faith working for him in a difficult situation
In One Moment
by Ezekiel Gbenga Oladosu
Remember not the things of the past which went with old years, because a new thing the lord say he will do which shall come out at this moment and as a symbol of perfection of the lord in your family
Jesus' Miracles, Signs of Divine Powers?
by Rob Vandeweghe
Is Jesus God? While on Earth Jesus performed many miracles. The miracles are described in the Bible as well as confirmed by non-Biblical sources. Are these miracles evidence of Jesus' divine nature or are there other explanations?
The Woman With An Issue
by Fenny West
Reach out today in faith
Regardless of your issue
Be they many or few
And you too will not be denied.
in spite of your trial
Delay is no denial
It's not over until it's over
It's not over until He says so.
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