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Womens Interest


  1. Why Would A Woman Go? by Ruthie Alekseeva  
    Last year, a politician well known for making controversial statements and involving herself in intense acts of protest was filmed in another contentious circumstance outside a strip club. The politician found herself in this situation after attending a friend?s birthday party at the strip joint. What made it more astounding is that this female politician had once belonged to a political party that claimed it stood for the improved treatment of women. So, why would a female politician, who claims she?s for women?s rights, attend a birthday party at a strip club? This article explores that question.

  2. SOUL DANCE: (excerpt) You Can't Stop Me! by Tonja Taylor  
    For decades, I loved to brag on my dear, disabled-and-diseased-but-courageous, multi-talented mother. When she passed (4 weeks ago today!) at the age of 82, I found myself still bragging on her. That has helped with the healing process.

  3. What is Due You is in the LORD's Hand! by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD showed me years ago to claim that, "what is due me is in the LORD's hand, and my reward is with my God." Hallelujah! King Jesus' blood has given us everything. We choose to believe and receive it!

  4. Women in Seclusion by Ruthie Alekseeva  
    The Wrongs of Indian Womanhood is a book that describes an Indian custom called Zenana. This custom came from Islamic influence and involved situating men?s rooms at the front of the house, usually stylishly decorated, but the dimly lit women?s rooms, the harem, sat at the back. This arrangement was for keeping women in seclusion.

    Some say Zenanas protected women from sexual harassment and assault but the Vedas, the ?holy? scriptures of the Hindu faith, make many statements which imply or state out right that all women have a giant struggle with sensuality and an overwhelming desire to seduce every man they see. So, other historians say rather than protecting women from men, Zenanas really had the aim of protecting men from women.

    This article sets out to prove that Purity Culture spreads the same message about women; that instead of protecting women from men, it seeks to protect men from women; and that Purity Culture's extreme modesty dressing rules can lead women to seclude themselves in a type of modern-day Zenana. This must stop.

  5. Take Care of Yourself First! by Tonja Taylor  
    Although "taking care of Number One" is really a carnal concept, and can be used as an excuse for selfishness and more, you must allow and practice godly self-care, so you can not only serve others, but enjoy your life on earth!

  6. I'm NOT Competing! by Tonja Taylor  
    I realized the enemy was sending subtle darts of pressure about the upcoming Christmas party for my husband''s new job, especially about how I'd look in comparison to the other women there. Then, the loving Holy Spirit reminded me that I'm NOT competing!

  7. Who Are You Representing? by Tonja Taylor  
    As women, we have amazing power in the earth! How are we using it--for the devil, or to the glory of God? King Jesus is returning very soon, and His rewards are with Him!

  8. What is Beautiful? by Tonja Taylor  
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," the world says, but what does the LORD say in His Word?

  9. One Thing to Help Dry Hair by Tonja Taylor  
    Instead of shampooing, wash with a conditioner, then condition with a different conditioner. I discovered this by mistake, but it worked well for me!

  10. A Mother Procures It by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Every good woman wants the best for her children. Are you one of them? Read on.

  11. Cheap Quick Tips for Fresher Hair by Tonja Taylor  
    Our dear Daddy God cares about every details of the lives of us His daughters! He has shown me a couple of cheap, quick ways to freshen my hair, when I don't think I have time to wash it.

  12. Cheap Quick Ways to Fix Mistakes When You Lighten Your Hair by Tonja Taylor  
    I did it once again--overdid the lightening/bleaching thing--and there was a little too much yellow and/or orange tint. So, purple shampoo and conditioner to the rescue!

  13. The Most Attractive Man by Tonja Taylor  
    Yes, of course Jesus our Savior and LORD is THE Most Attractive Man! However, I'm talking about earthly men here. I've learned through the years that what is most important and attractive is not the empty things I focused on when I was young and stupid. :)

  14. Happy High-Powered Housework by Tonja Taylor  
    When a drawer in the fridge was stuck and my husband helped me get is loose, I discovered some sludge and stuff that need to be cleaned. So I put on some upbeat worship music and started rejoicing, worshiping, praying--doing happy high-powered housework!

  15. Soul Dance (excerpt): Grace to Make Hard Decisions by Tonja Taylor  
    the LORD has been faithful to give me Grace through the years, to make hard decisions. When my 80-year-old disabled mom started needing 24/7 care and could not afford it, the LORD gave me Grace to accept the fact that my husband and I needed to combine households to take care for her in the short time she had left on earth.

  16. Happier Housework With God! by Tonja Taylor  
    Housework is always better to me when I'm doing something else at the same time--like praying and praising God! This gets my mind off the routing and "drudgery" of housework, and helps me enter into the Presence of God, where I focus on Him and get glad!

  17. You Know He's Coming So Bake a Cake! by Tonja Taylor  
    We rejoice that, no matter what's going on now, the LORD is with us--and Jesus is coming back soon! When selfishness, fear, and doubt try to take over your thoughts, do something for others--like bake a cake!

  18. A Quick Victory Over Distraction by Tonja Taylor  
    Yes, overall, we (adults, at least) need cell phones, but we don't have to let them dictate our lives!

  19. 7 Truths About Godâs Love by Tesh Njokanma  
    God loves and accepts us irrespective of where we are coming from, how far we have gone in life, or the distance we are yet to cover.

  20. If You're Going to Eat Junk, Eat This First! by Tonja Taylor  
    I've learned through the years that, if I know I am going to eat food I don't normally eat (with lots of sugar, fat, etc.) then I should eat some protein before I leave the house.

  21. Thank the LORD for My Isaiah 41:10 Husband! by Tonja Taylor  
    When I saw myself in the mirror, the Holy Spirit reminded me of Isaiah 41:10, so I texted my husband and told him thanks! Here are tips, including saying "Thanks!" that can help your marriage thrive.

  22. Go Ahead, Modify! by Tonja Taylor  
    New and better things come into being when we modify--alter or change something--even slightly. Life is change, so you can use the wisdom and creativity of God in you to change things, from recipes on!

  23. Just Start! by Tonja Taylor  
    As women, we may often feel we should put off our own dreams and desires "until (whatever) is done," but when we pray and submit all to God, then believe Him to help us, we can take a step and He can do amazing things!

  24. Hair Hack: A Quick Cheap Trick to Color Your Roots by Tonja Taylor  
    When the hair color from the box didn't work, God gave me this witty idea to color my roots!

  25. Did You Know You Are a Trophy for God? by Tonja Taylor  
    As women of God, we've often felt overwhelmed with all that is expected of us--including the fact that most people want us to greet them with a peaceful, joyful smile. We may feel as if we're beat-up underperformers, but the LORD sees us as beautiful trophies to His Glory!

  26. Are You FAT? by Tonja Taylor  
    Are you FAT? I mean the acronyn that a student shared with me, that means something much better than what you may think!

  27. How to Freshen Your Hair Without Washing It by Tonja Taylor  
    You can use dry shampoo or expensive powders, but why? Here are three quick tips, including an economical, natural substance , to help you go longer between washings.

  28. To Be Refreshed, Take a Bath! by Tonja Taylor  
    Physical hot baths can be very therapeutic, but spiritual baths are even better!

  29. If You Must Put Your Loved One in a Nursing Home by Tonja Taylor  
    My mother swore for years that she'd never go into a nursing home. But when two nurses declared it was unsafe for her to stay in her house without 24/7 care, she had to go. Here are tips to help you through this strange and awkward time.

  30. From Trash to Triumph! by Tonja Taylor  
    For years, I filled journals with words of things that had hurt and harmed me. Then I carried them--literally--with me when I moved to new places. The LORD finally showed me to trash them--literally--and that promoted my healing and freedom!


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