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  1. Are Christian Marriages Less Successful? by Terrence Hatch  
    A recent Barna report confirms that Christians divorce more often than atheists. What it doesn't say is that Christian marriages are also the most successful. Here is the rest of the story.

  2. Successful Marriage by Bonita Brooks  
    Marriage is work everyday. You need to always work on ways to improve yourself.

    "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things"(Phil. 4:8-KJV)

  4. Love Is Forgiveness, Compassion, Submission and Respect by Angie Lewis  
    A healthy marriage is made up of compassion, submission, respect and forgiveness. Did you notice that I didn't even use the word "love"? That's because all of the above constitutes love. When you demonstrate these character traits with others you are essentially turning these words into loving action. Love is being submissive, compassionate, respectful and forgiving.

  5. HOW TO LOVE by Anthony Osei Boateng  
    Love is still misunderstood by many Christians. Many love based on how much love they receive in return. Mt 5:46 (KJV) says "for if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same?"

  6. Does Your Marriage Belong To God by Angie Lewis  
    The attitude of society toward respecting the God-given positions of husband and wife in marriage has caused all kinds of problems within the marriage and family unit. The blatant disrespect for the husband of being the protector, overseer, and main financial provider for the family has been perverted. The blatant disrespect for the wife being the helpmate and support to her husband and his position has become perverted in society.

    Sexually oriented sins entail a special collection of sins which thrive on the sexual drive of the Christian. These sins are special because they thrive on the sexual passion (which is very strong and can get out of control), which God has placed in man to be shared in marriage. Most Christians find it very difficult to overcome sexually oriented sins. These include fornication, adultery, pornography, masturbation and other sexual perversions.

    People wonder why good and loving men and women mostly end up with unloving, unfaithful, cheating and bad men and women. This whole thing has to do with a misunderstanding of love and lust.
    Lust is a strong sexual attraction to another person which is mostly short-lived, whereas love inconveniences itself for the convenience of others. Love lasts longer than lust.

  9. CHOOSING THE RIGHT SPOUSE by Anthony Osei Boateng  
    Many Christians have the notion that it is God who has to force them to marry one person or the other

  10. Is It Possible To Fall Out of Love? by Angie Lewis  
    Being "in love" in this cultural means to "lust for" or to be "heavily desirous of". It is part of the dating process.

  11. How To Treat Your Husband Like A Man by Angie Lewis  
    The feminist movement and the ways of society has created some confused women to treat their husbands with disrespect-its an attitude that is fostered through encouraging women to be all that they can be, without the aid of a man.

  12. Holiday Mountain Misadventures by Marijo Phelps  
    Mountain goat territory hike taught me more about communication with a husband!

  13. Response to Newly Wed Prayer by Marijo Phelps  
    Word from the Lord

  14. Seeing Needs in Marriage by Marijo Phelps  
    A word from the Lord

  15. Holiday Mountain Misadventures by Marijo Phelps  
    Communication in marriage on a mountain hike

  16. Married to a Bossy and Controlling Spouse by Angie Lewis  
    Are you married to a bossy or controlling spouse? Why do some couples control and boss each other around? People who control others with words, threats, fist, lies, and manipulative behavior usually have underlying insecurities within them.

  17. Marriage Isn't For Wimps by Pam Frey  
    Unrealistic expectations in marriage can be very damaging to your relationship with your spouse. If we are not careful, bitterness and resentment can take root, which will not only become a much worse problem in your relationship with your spouse, but will also damage your fellowship with the Lord. We cannot walk in unforgiveness and in close fellowship with the Lord at the same time. Many marriages could be saved if our attitude were one of, how can I serve my spouse and in doing so serve the Lord.

  18. How Dating Prepares Couples For No Commitment In Marriage by Angie Lewis  
    If your wife does not respect you and is always telling you how to behave, and you decide to talk to other women who appreciate you more, is that commitment? No, it is not. If your husband can't hold down a job and spends too much time with his buddies, and you get online and find a man who will listen to you, is that commitment? No, it is not. These things are dating. You have not come out from the dating scene mentality, even though you may be married.

  19. What's Wrong with Courtship by   
    How does 'Courtship' stack up Biblically?

  20. Marriage Advice: How To Get Your Husband To Listen To You by Lorene Troyer  
    What do you do when you attempt to express your feelings to your husband and he proceeds to give you advice? Read on to find out why this happens and what to do about it.

  21. Trusting in God For Our Marriage by Angie Lewis  
    Who are you trusting in when things go wrong in your marriage? Are you trusting in self, or perhaps you go running to family and friends, explaining your side of the story? Some of us go running to therapists, counselors, divorce lawyers, and strangers on the street. But we seldom run to God.

  22. How To Have Happiness and Abundance in Marriage by Angie Lewis  
    Society has taken marriage and turned it upside down. The intention of "loving each other for life" is a nice thought, but if couples aren't really committed to working together and helping each other be all that they can be, then they are probably going to have an unhappy marriage. It's all about priorities, priorities, priorities.

  23. Why Am I Obligated To Stay Married To An Adulterer? by Angie Lewis  
    You are obligated to stay married to an adulterer because marriage is for better or worse. Maybe the "worse" part is when your spouse falls away from God and commits adultery, but you are still married.

  24. About ready for an affair by Gregory Kane  
    Roger felt that he was about ready for an affair. And he knew just how to go about scratching his matrimonial itch. But would he find out in time that infidelity was not the panacea he was looking for?

  25. Just Cleave Already by Julie Arduini  
    A newlywed couple learns how to handle conflict through trial and error.

  26. Why should I minister (or serve) my spouse first? by Kenneth Peterman  
    There are so many people to minister to or serve, but so little time. Can we set up priorities that are wise and biblical? Can we determine whom to serve first and foremost with our time and energy? The principle of ministry stated in this article can help us in this process.

  27. How can I minister to (or encourage) my spouse? by Kenneth Peterman  
    What do you think about when you want to encourage your spouse? I'm sure you come up with some good things but, perhaps, you have never thought about the type of encouragement that God's Word teaches us to practice.

  28. How to secure accurate prayer requests from your spouse. by Kenneth Peterman  
    Have you ever wondered how to secure prayer requests from a spouse - especially if they either are not willing to share or don't really know what to tell you about their needs for prayer? This article suggests two approaches to help ascertain accurate prayer requests from a spouse.

  29. How to Avoid the Cost of a Divorce! by Kenneth Peterman  
    Divorce has a big price tag! Divorce takes its toll in many areas: emotional, physical, effect on children and obviously financial. These pressures can be avoided biblically in this way . . .

  30. The Splinter by Julie Arduini  
    I plan on developing a series of short stories that tackle real marital topics. This story is about conflict, words and healing.


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