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Why Some People Cheat
by Angie Lewis
Adulterers don't really go by any moral guidelines telling them not to cheat. Cheaters simply allow society to shape and mold who they are, rather than allow God to go to work in their lives. When we don't apply our spiritual self to our life, and we come up against temptation, we believe it's ok to cheat just because we are unhappy in our marriage or just because we can.
View Your Spouse in a Very Special Way!
by Kenneth Peterman
It is important to view your spouse not just as a partner, breadwinner, lover, companion or homemaker but also as a ministry!
Is Your Marriage on Shaky Grounds?
by Janice S Ramkissoon
Is your marriage on shaky grounds? Do you feel like the only solution to your marital problem is separation?
Is Flirting and Looking The Same As Cheating?
by Angie Lewis
Don't tell me you have never looked? Don't tell me you have never flirted? We're so busy trying to find out if our spouse is cheating that we haven't taken the time to even look at our own behavior? Perhaps we have rejected our spouse sexually over and over again. Or maybe we have treated them with disrespect and contempt. Or could it be we have cheated ourselves - if we are suspicious of our spouse, maybe it's because we don't trust ourselves.
Biblical Sex
by Bobby Robinson III
"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war upon the soul;" - 1 Peter 2:11. The Apostle Paul used these exact words to open up his message on sex and lust when he spoke to all of Asia Minor.
Until Cleveland
by Julie Arduini
Siblings react to divorce.
by Janice S Ramkissoon
Change is the only certainty in life, yet we still have individuals entering relationships/ marriage, refusing to adapt to change.
Forbidden Fruit
by Heather Sargent
A look at the seductiveness of temptation.
Why Jealousy Hurts So Bad
by Angie Lewis
Jealousy is a very powerful emotion and if left unattended it can literally wreck havoc in our relationships and marriage. Why do we get jealous of our spouse? Why does jealousy hurt so badly? Jealousy hurts because we feel this emotion usually after our spouse has harmed us in some way. But sometimes we feel jealous for no reason whatsoever and this is very harmful to our relationships.
For the Uplifting of Women in Marriage
by Janice S Ramkissoon
When you decided to accept the proposal of marriage you, in effect, are saying to your husband to be: 'I am willing to spend the rest of my life with you, despite your known and unknown flaws.'
Being Assertive Is Good For Marriage
by Angie Lewis
communication. Anytime we express ourselves to our spouse in a good way we are being confident in what we are saying and that is what assertiveness is.
Don't confuse assertive behavior with being bossy, pushy, controlling, demanding, or aggressive because those behaviors will not help you in your communications with your spouse or with any others you are in a relationship with. These behaviors are inappropriate actions and will result in unproductive expression of self.
When we assert ourselves, such as the way we feel, to our spouse, it helps them to understand us better, and that way they can meet our needs in a much better way, which is beneficial for the marriage. Being assertive is useful for marriage, especially during a misunderstanding or argument.
Assertive expression is a good way to communicate if we want to improve the openness and intimacy of our marriage. Most of us married people need and want a spouse who is going to be open and assertive with their feelings, need, and wants. But sometimes we can come across as naggy, bossy, or complaining, so we need to be careful how we assert ourselves. Discernment is the key here.
Exposing The Adultery Pandemic
by Angie Lewis
Adultery is like a virus but much worse. It spreads from person to person like a virus and if a person is not spiritually well, it will entangle them within its insidious hold and cause much spiritual and mental anguish, not to mention, in many cases, physical illness, deterioration, and death.
Are You Prepared For Marriage?
by Angie Lewis
Ok, so you're getting married in a few months, how prepared are you for marriage? There are many factors about marriage you should ask yourself before diving in headfirst. Sit by the edge of the pool with me for a moment and get your feet a little wet first, then, if you're ready to take the plunge then go ahead and dive right in.
My Prayer for you my Husband
by Donya Gilmore
Whatever you desire when you pray believe and you shall receive. This prayer written by a wife to God for her husband, will enlighten women on the power of prayer and God's will for her husband in her life.
Stop Divorce and Recommit Yourselves
by Angie Lewis
Recommitting yourselves to one another in marriage is for couples that are choosing to work on their marriage, resolve issues, and recommit their lives to each other. It is for couples that have grown apart spiritually and or emotionally and intend on encouraging each other through their devotion to one another. And finally, it is for couples who just want to remind their spouse of how much they mean to them, and to keep the bond going strong.
Paradise Lost
by Patricia Charlton
The union of man and women was perfect. Free from struggles that brought heartache and pain, the first marriage flourished until a deceiver planted a seed of doubt within the women. Adam and Eve were perfectly matched. Even with their peaceful surroundings, doubt and deception brought down the perfect marriage. From that moment to this very day, a wide gulf separates the man from the women.
Hidden Agenda
by Patricia Charlton
There was no power lunches, no business suits, or conference calls. It came without all the perks of a Wall Street financial wizard. The hidden agenda and fine print to this highly favored working contract encompassed every area of my new relationship with my husband. Our future happiness depended on my understanding and accepting this responsible position.
Author's Afterword: Salvation By Grace Through Faith May Not Be Lost or Given Back to Jesus
by gonzodave coulon
"Jesus, the ultimate husband, loves His own "body" so very much. How can He ever deny a truly trusting soul after the two have become one?"
by Aaron Griffith
Love is a strange and mysterious thing. This is a short story of a time when I realized something profound about the love my wife and I share, brought forth by a song in the middle of depression.
Unhappy In Marriage But Don't Believe In Divorce?
by Angie Lewis
Let Go For The Need To Control -- Most people want to control their spouse or change them to meet certain standards so they can feel better about themselves. The truth is you cannot change your spouse to be that perfect person for you.
Hawk Moth Valentine
by darlene hight
A valentine story
Is Marriage Beneficial for Radical, Godly Obedience?
Whenever I read about radically Godly men they tend to be single. I used to think to myself, "How could I wander off into the wilderness to obey God if I wasn't single?"
Thinking Big For Your Marriage Is Not Magic
by Angie Lewis
Big thinkers usually have tons of ideas floating around inside their heads. Some big thinkers don't produce anything with their ideas, while others go for it with gusto. Is there really magic involved in thinking big or can anyone do it? People don't possess magic, they posses character and determination.
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
by Angie Lewis
Remarriage to the man or woman you first married is more prevalent than you would think. Wouldn't it be great to be able to have the knowledge beforehand of knowing you will remarry your spouse, so you could skip the divorce part of it, work on the marriage and stay married?
Its Alive!!!!!!!!!!
by Jim Hutson
You think you know what marriage is, simply an agreement between a man and a woman to live together in this world. But it is so much more......a journey beyond our wildest dreams and hopes.......
Choosing To Work On A Bad Marriage
by Angie Lewis
Choosing to work on your marriage takes willingness by both spouses. You either want to work on the marriage, or you don't, it is really that simple. Sometimes you might talk yourself out of staying married and look for reasons "why" you should not work on the marriage.
How Do I Trust My Spouse Again After Adultery
by Angie Lewis
If a spouse is truly sorry for their actions then they shouldn't have any problem being accountable for their actions. That means they will allow their spouse to call them at work, or they will call their spouse before they leave work to drive home, and they will stop going out alone with their buddies. Whatever it is they need to do, they should be willing to do it for their spouse, if they have turned their life around.
I Will Sing of Loraine
by Everest Alexander
"Who are your unsung Heroes?"
I considered the question for a while as many famous people paraded before my mind's eye. I eventually concluded that the only people who have affected me positively and whose lives are so exemplary that I would want to emulate them are my Lord Jesus Christ and my wife, Loraine!
Since we've been singing the sweet melody of our Lord for two millennia I've decided today, I will sing of Loraine!
Biblical Truth And Common Sense About Marriage
by Jim McIver
Genesis 2:7-9 and verses 15-25, God gave Adam responsibility & leadership skills before He gave him a wife. That is the practical side of marriage. Getting married on "I love you" means very little if other important areas of a person's life are out of order. Marriage is a coming together of two responsible people. Responsibilities in practical areas are important.
How Do I Forgive My Spouse After Adultery?
by Angie Lewis
Has your spouse committed adultery and now you don't trust them anymore? Do you feel betrayed and abused by someone you thought loved you? Do you just want to get them back by throwing stones at them every chance you get? Do you find it hard to forgive your spouse? Then this article is for you.
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