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  1. Short Prayers for the Nation and the Church by Tonja Taylor  
    As true Believers, we have the God-given honor and responsibility to pray for the USA and the Church. Here are short prayers from Psalm 31 to help accomplish God's purpose in His earth (Psalm 24:1).

  2. With All the Authority We Have by Tonja Taylor  
    Every true Believer in Christ, Who has repented of their sins and received Christ Jesus as Savior and LORD, has been given a seat of Authority. Only the LORD knows the limits of it, but we can take all the Authority we can as we proclaim the Word and intercede for others!

  3. MY GOD, I DON'T CARE by linzy bruno  
    "....And I don't care
    if I'm not the life of the party,
    but please let me to always......"

  4. Pray Isaiah 60 for the USA and its Government! by Tonja Taylor  
    While meditating Isaiah 60 this morning, the LORD opened my eyes to how we can pray it for the USA, the USA church, and the government! The LORD loves to hear us pray His Word, for it gives Him more legal right to intervene in the affairs of men--to get involved in our lives and culture, and set things right! Hallelujah!

  5. Beautiful Prayer I got from Our Lord by Sue Darling  
    God has given me this prayer for me for healing my brokenness and I thought others might want to say it too.

  6. 4 Quick Scriptures to Pray for the USA! by Tonja Taylor  
    I was sitting in the line at the bank drive-through when the LORD led me to Psalm 33--and revealed that we could pray these verses on behalf of the USA and its government!

  7. breathe life into me today by julie clark  
    breathe life in me today
    fill me

  8. One Way to Love Others Better! by Tonja Taylor  
    Love, love, love! God is Love (I John 4:8), and we all need it and want more Love; or, rather, we need to know more how much God really loves us! We can help ourselves and others know God's love more, through prayer.

  9. Pray Psalm 33 to Help Change the USA! by Tonja Taylor  
    While meditating (reading, speaking, thinking about over and over; that's what "meditation" means) Psalm 33 this evening, the LORD opened my eyes to see that we can speak--proclaim--some verses from Psalm 33 over the USA, and affect positive change!

  10. The LORD Will Avenge Us Speedily! by Tonja Taylor  
    When it seems like all is lost, never fear--JESUS the Avenger is here! He never stops working, and is working now to set things right for us His people, and for the USA--which was created so we would be free to share His Word and worship Him!

  11. 16 Prayers for the USA From Proverbs 28! by Tonja Taylor  
    I often read a proverb (according to the day of the month, and more), and when I read Proverbs 28 today, the LORD revealed to me that there were 16 Scriptures I could turn into prayers for the nation!

  12. CODED PRAYERS by Tesh Njokanma  
    God has given us a code the devil canĂ¢t crack; God has given us the gift of praying in the Spirit.

  13. Simple Prayers for Powerful Effects for The USA! by Tonja Taylor  
    I found these prayers in my files. There are a few pages of them, but here I'll just share three. Our humble prayers are heard by our faithful, truly awesome God--Who is moving to heal the USA, so let us pray!

  14. Pray Proverbs 11 for the USA and Its Government! by Tonja Taylor  
    As I read Proverbs 11 this morning, the LORD revealed to me that we can pray several of the Scriptures in that chapter, to help the LORD set things right in the USA and its gAs I read Proverbs 11 this morning, the LORD revealed to me that we can pray several of the Scriptures in that chapter, to help the LORD set things right in the USA and its govenment! ovenment!

  15. Prayer for Princes and Princessess by Tonja Taylor  
    Created in 2013 for the P.O.W.E.R. (Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards) Girl! book series, this prayer can inspire your princes and princesses to focus on God and others.

  16. A Quick Powerful Prayer to Speak Over Your Children! by Tonja Taylor  
    Here is how to take a passage of Scripture and make it personal to pray over yourself and your family!

  17. A Simple But Powerful Prayer for the United States of America! by Tonja Taylor  
    When we pray Scriptural prayers, we know the LORD will work! He is faithful!

  18. EVERYBODY PRAY by linzy bruno  
    "Seek the Lord and His strength;
    Seek His face evermore!" (Psalm 105:4)

  19. CALL FOR PRAYERS For Our Nation's Children by linzy bruno  

    " has taken over common sense and a basic sense of decency, with laws put into place to protect......"

  20. PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION by linzy bruno  
    ".......Work your schedule around God, rather than to try to fit God into your schedule......."

  21. A prayer to shorten the anti-christ reign by Sue Darling  
    I really do believe God is going to answer this prayer if we say it persistently with faith and zeal.

  22. Unload by Tesh Njokanma  
    God is right before you with open arms ready to carry all the cares that burden and frighten you.

  23. Pray Jeremiah 33 for the USA! by Tonja Taylor  
    While reading Jeremiah 33:3 and 11 this morning out loud, the LORD revealed to me to claim this for the United States of America! So I did! You can too, and the more we join together to pray for our country, the more the LORD will hear and act!

  24. A letter to Jesus by Joseph Ogbonna  
    A penitent prayer to our Lord Jesus

    Prayer burden is a strong urge which the Spirit bestows upon us to groan into glory.
    By all means, may we pray prayer!

  26. Exorcism Prayers by Sue Darling  
    Many people think you shouldn't be praying to angels. My experience says you should never worship them, but you can ask anybody in heaven for help and they will.

  27. Prayer to praise God by Sue Darling  
    My marvelous, great God who provides for me and protects me from all my enemies, my gracious loving Father who knows me intimately. You see beauty in me that I don't see.

  28. PRAYERS FOR A TIME SUCH AS THIS: PSALM 90 & 91: by linzy bruno  
    "What an appropriate time we are now in, to use these Psalms to lift our prayers of protection up to the Lord, very much like Moses did during the Israelites captivity in Babylon...."

  29. Scriptures to Pray for Our Brother President Trump by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD laid on my heart this morning to add these Scriptures to those I pray for President Trump. I have prayed these for myself and my family often, and through his faith in the Blood of Christ Jesus our LORD and Savior, President Donald J. Trump is our Brother! I John 5:14-15 states that, when we pray God's will, we know He hears us and we have what we ask. So let's pray!

  30. Are Your Prayers Powerful? by Tonja Taylor  
    Here are tips on how to pray more powerfully--to communicate with Jehovah, the God of Heaven and eart,h Who loves you so much and wants to help you in every part of life!


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