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Self Help


  1. Choose Freedom of the Mind by Sonja Mattison  
    Though we may restrain ourselves mentally due to our negative thinking, we can change our minds with God?s love because we are free to have mental freedom with our minds. Love and trust God to carry on a peaceful life by being mindful.

  2. Let The Works of God Shine Through You by Sonja Mattison  
    We should never fear death, but the death of our souls, which by Christâs grace, we are saved to see the works of the Lord.

  3. Financial Wisdom: 3 Tips That Work by Tonja Taylor  
    These three tips can help improve your financial condition!

  4. God Will Do the Rest by Sonja Mattison  
    Life can be difficult when we are not going in the direction that we wish to go. But we must learn every day is a time to seize opportunities. Faith in God keeps us moving through life. And, if we are moving, then much possibility is yet to help us thrive beyond just surviving, especially when we call upon the Lord.

  5. How to Strengthen Your Relationships With More Effective Communication by Tonja Taylor  
    Through my husband, the LORD helped me understand that, by tweaking just a few words in certain phrases I spoke, I could communicate with him (and others!) more effectively.

  6. Counselorâs Corner: How to Get Back Up After a Major Setback by stephanie reck  
    One definition of setback is to slow the progress of-to hinder or delay. I wonder what has set you back? Death of a loved one, health concerns, or divorce.

  7. Beauty Beyond Society by Sonja Mattison  
    Change is good, but not always necessary. As individuals, we are beautiful beings due to how God created us. Our unique individuality allows us to embrace who we are without question. We are beautiful.

  8. Counselor's Corner: How Not to Stop When Life Gets Rough by stephanie reck  
    Life can be hard sometimes, and there are those times that life can throw us devastating blows. I know how easy it is to want to quit and pull the covers over my head when life gets rough-I have done this more than I would have liked to.

  9. Counselor's Corner: Why I Established a Morning Routine by stephanie reck  
    Years ago before I established a morning routine, I would set my alarm in the morning allowing myself just enough time to hurriedly down a cup of coffee and get dressed before work. Needless to say, I had no extra time in the morning to exercise, pray, or make daily goals. I had always desired to exercise in the morning, have time to pray, and write down my goals for the day. I also had a dream that I would be able to go running in the mornings but never thought it was possible being I had never run a day in my life.

  10. Counselor's Corner: Get Unstuck By Making Small Daily Changes by stephanie reck  
    Maybe you desire to see a change in your life, but because of fear, anxiety, or trauma, you have remained where you are at. Fear can keep you paralyzed from moving forward. This last year has been challenging to make any additional changes in our lives mainly due to all the unwanted changes that have come with COVID. For some, this last year has caused difficulties getting unstuck from the previous season.

  11. Overcoming - Overlooking the Negatives to Promote the Positives by Tonja Taylor  
    I was excited to help my dear daughter move into her new house--until I discovered that her dad and his wife would be there.

  12. How to Dream by Tonja Taylor  
    "Dream big!" I heard. "It's a new year and a new decade!" It seemed good for others, but would it work for me?

  13. Counselor's Corner: Why Cleaning Out Your Closets is Important by stephanie reck  
    For many years I have stuffed my closets overflowing with gifts from others, numerous house decorations, and odds and ends that I think I may need one day. I havenât cleaned out my closets in years, and I keep putting off cleaning out my closets because I know itâs going to be a great task.

  14. Counselor's Corner: Recharging After the Holidays by stephanie reck  
    The holidays are over but you may still feel tired, worn-out, and sluggish from âholiday stress.â You may have noticed that you were more susceptible to colds and viruses during this time.

  15. Broken Spirit by Sonja Mattison  
    Weakness is a part of our strength with the assistance of Jesusâ love. Even in faith, we are weak, yet strong because through our faith, we receive Jesusâ love, which makes us strong forever, even when we think our spirits are unfixable.

  16. Counselor's Corner: Ways to Get Motivated and Be Productive After Going Through a Difficult Time by stephanie reck  
    If you are going through a difficult situation allow yourself a few days to adjust. It's not practical to think that you can keep going at the same pace when you have had a devastation, crisis, or stressful event happen. Stop. Rest. Readjust. Replenish.

  17. Counselor's Corner: Resiliency is a Key to Overcoming Stress by stephanie reck  
    Being able to bounce back from stress is imperative for your mental, physical and spiritual health. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.

  18. God of the Heavens by Sonja Mattison  
    We all, by the grace of God will be fulfilled in the act of suffering with his heavenly power.

  19. Forgiveness As An Act by Sue Botte  
    Forgiveness in man-made. Forgiveness is an action that needs to be taken.

  20. Counselor's Corner: 14 Ways to Treat Depression and Anxiety by stephanie reck  
    With the onset of COVID-19, many have been dealing with depression and anxiety. Record numbers of alcohol sales have increased as a way to cope with the stress and uncertainty that comes with COVID-19. Those who had pre-existing conditions of depression and anxiety are dealing with increased symptoms.

  21. How Becoming an Early Riser Will Change Your Life For the Better by stephanie reck  
    Before you decide if becoming an early riser is something you want to give a try, you need to have at least one goal you want to accomplish early in the morning. I had two goals that I wanted to achieve before I started my day. The first goal is that I would run in the morning, and my second goal is that I wanted to become a prayer warrior for the Kingdom of God. I knew neither one of these would happen if I slept as late as possible.

  22. A Letter To You by Sonja Mattison  
    In this chaotic time of devasting, tragic, and cosmic events that are happening globally, encouragement is a great need. Due to daily catastrophic occurrences in the media, we may discuss our fear of what will happen next and feel a little anxious. Luckily though, God is the universal God who loves his mysterious world that we often do not comprehend along with his actions. But, because he loves us, he assures us that we never need not worry if we put our complete trust in him. We must remember this at all times.

  23. 28 Profitable Things Christians Can Do During the COVID-19 Sit-At-Home by Ogaga Eruteya  
    Government directives to curb the pandemic are making us stay more indoors now. Find out practical ways to engage yourself as the Covid-19 lockdown wears on.

  24. 5 Hidden Benefits of Failure You Should Know by Ogaga Eruteya  
    In the words of Bill Gates, 'it is fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure'. Find out what failure can teach you in this incisive post.

  25. The Power of Saying Thank You by Tonja Taylor  
    Improve your relationships in business, in your family, and at church by simply expressing your thanks. The power of these two little words is amazing!

  26. 7 Jewels: Being a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R. (Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards) by Tonja Taylor  
    There are 7 main facets of being a true Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R. (Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards). By doing these you will be demonstrating how true Royalty live!

  27. How to Choose the Best Bible For You by Tonja Taylor  
    Here are a few good tips to help you choose the Bible that is right for you.

  28. Practical Steps To Amazingly End The Year In Success by Ngozi Nwoke  
    Is it possible to still end this year in success? Many people may have given up on the year but you shouldn't be part of them. Anything can still happen in the eleventh hour. This article tells you how you can still end the year successfully and with ease.

  29. Values of Virtue by Sonja Mattison  
    Understanding God âs time and events requires patience; therefore, we must learn to manage them so that we can experience a fruitful life. Take the time to be patient and be patient with time.

  30. Pratical Ways to Become More Disciplined by stephanie reck  
    I always wanted to eat healthier, get up early in the morning, become a runner, and write more but I had difficulty starting and staying with these things. What has helped me to accomplish and even achieve some of the goals mentioned above was learning how to discipline myself.


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